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Everything posted by 257wby

  1. 257wby

    Finishing Touches---BRONZE!

    Jason, you are quite the artist. That looks incredible, nice work Mike
  2. Thats a great looking mount. What did he score? Mike
  3. 257wby

    2008 Mexico Coues Hunt

    Now thats an impressive dear. Cograts to you on acomplishing your dream. Mike
  4. I have a 300 wby that I'm considering getting rid of as I don't shoot it. However I do have a friend who is possibly interested in it . If you're interested, I'll keep you in the loop. Weatherby Vangaurd 300 wby Pentax Whitetail Unlimited 6.5-20x50 Mike
  5. Looks like a great trip, congrats to all. Mke
  6. 257wby

    Bird Dogs.

    :lol: WOW!! Mike
  7. 257wby


    You say you just sneak stuff into the house so she doesn't know, nice one. Just remember guys; its easier to ask forgivness than permission. Mike
  8. 257wby

    Jamaro and crazyaboutcoues Mexico hunt

    Congrats to the whole lot of ya. Lokks like a great hunt. I'll have to remember that little trick of ordering up drop tines. Thats pretty cool Mike
  9. 257wby


    Congrats Troy!! Keep up the good work(as if anyone would call huntin, work)! Mike
  10. 257wby

    Foote Creek Ram

    Well, I have 4 points toward sheep. I hope I can still walk in another 22 years!! Congrats on a great ram. Mike
  11. Just chalk it up to experience. Your day will come. Those are some great photos. Mike
  12. 257wby

    January 08... I'm done!

    Congrats man, that is a monster!! You gotta post a score on that deer. Mike
  13. 257wby

    Monster Archery Buck *UPDATED*

    Congrats to the new member. That is an absolute HOG!! WOW! Mike
  14. 257wby

    Someone has a story

    Now thats funny!!
  15. 257wby

    Li'l Mexico coues

    Congrats Marv, thats a nice buck!! Mike
  16. 257wby

    Someone has a story

    I've waited a whole minute, wheres the story? Mike
  17. 257wby

    Best bow

    What is the best bow for $500? I'm considering a change Mike
  18. 257wby

    Cell Phones and Providers

    I've been with Verizon for a few years now and the only place I've had a problem is around Happy Jack (5b south) up toward Mormon Lake. My dad has at&t, and has the same problem. Mike
  19. 257wby

    AZ Road Kill

    Wow Tony, that cat is huge! I think you just need to upload every picture you have because I haven't seen a bad one yet. Mike
  20. 257wby

    Well, it worked!

    I agree with SBD, just call it character. I think it looks awesome. Mike
  21. 257wby

    2008 Vortex

    Just ordered my catalog. I am looking at getting the spotting scope/ adapter/ camera from Doug. The whole kit is a great price. The Vortex has some really good glass, especially for the money. Mike
  22. 257wby


    Scottyboy, that is an absolutely amazing animal!! Congrats on fulfilling your dream and good luck in Africa. Mike
  23. 257wby

    Elk rack

    just got my elk rack back from Clay in Payson today. It scores 298 1/8, just missed my hopes of 300. Heres some pics.
  24. 257wby

    Adding Turrets to your scope

    That is real good looking stock you got, how much did that set you back? Thinking of replacing my stock on my 257 wby. Mike