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About Calebwalter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday January 29

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  1. Calebwalter

    ISO AR9 (AR PCC) Trigger

    Finishing up a 9mm AR build and the last piece is a trigger. Figured I’d ask here first before buying online. East valley thanks
  2. Calebwalter

    Successful HAM hunt

    Once you go suppressed you never go back lol. Especially subsonic 30blk
  3. Calebwalter

    Successful HAM hunt

    We also used an AR pistol on our ham hunt. Suppressed 300blk off of a tripod!
  4. Calebwalter


    Pm sent
  5. Calebwalter


    Mils or moa?
  6. Calebwalter

    Savage rascal or cricket?

    I bought my daughter the Savage Rascal Target Model for her 8th birthday and she loves it. When I zero’d it at the range before giving it to her all the guys were talking about how good the trigger and action felt for a $280 youth rifle. Comes with a cheap bipod and a cheap 4x scope. Shooting federal gold medal target it shoots sub moa at 50 yards
  7. Calebwalter

    Need a good boot repair recomendation.

    Do you recall what he charged? I have a pair of Bullrun Chelsea’s with worn out soles. They’re ugly as sin but fit like a glove.
  8. Calebwalter

    Reloading bench ideas

    Ok dude, we get it haha. You win! that’s an awesome reloading area. Looks like a nice man cave too
  9. Calebwalter

    Tikka T1X .22 LR for sale

    I bought my T1X when they first came out. Love it. Bought a t3x for hunting and now I have a nice trainer rifle. Super accurate with federal gold medal target.
  10. Calebwalter

    Reloading bench ideas

    I ended up finding a bar height dinning room table on Facebook marketplace. It’s not a big table but it’s almost the same size as my workbench in the garage. It wasn’t as “heavy duty” as the seller said but the price was good and it’s not ugly. I’ll post some pictures when I can remember. also loaded my first batch of ammo and went to Usery to do some testing. First group shot like .25”!
  11. Calebwalter

    Newbie neck tension confusion

    This is kind of what I was thinking. Maybe pushing that .294 neck through the .287 bushings was causing the neck to deform somewhat.
  12. Calebwalter

    Newbie neck tension confusion

    I tried that last night and it seems like the .286 bushing resizes them correctly.
  13. Calebwalter

    Newbie neck tension confusion

    Outside diameters are: new factory: .290 once fired: .294 resized using .287 bushing: .283 resized using .286 bushing: .286 where I get confused is I measured the .287 bushing and it appears to be .287. Idk if my calipers aren’t as accurate as I need them to be or if the bushing isn’t the correct size.