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Everything posted by AzPacknHorns

  1. AzPacknHorns

    December Coues

    Congrats on some great bucks!!!
  2. AzPacknHorns

    2011 Coues hunt, which unit?

    36's for sure!!
  3. AzPacknHorns

    Swarovski SLC 15x56WB Used Only Once

    My dad is very interested please give me a call (928) 853-3098
  4. AzPacknHorns

    My late November buck

    congrats brotha thats a beautiful buck and im sorry to hear about your Grandmother im sure she is proud of you.....
  5. AzPacknHorns


    The Grizz Tricks 100 grn fly great out of my Monster at 330fps....I was a little skeptical about shooting a 4 blade fixed head but man was i supprised, and i dont think there is a sharper broad head out there!
  6. AzPacknHorns

    24a november hunt 3 for 3! All tagged out

    Congrats to you and Anissa those are both great bucks!!! I like the way you always get the kids involved thats what its all about brotha!!!
  7. AzPacknHorns

    bowtech destroyer 350

    Shot them all and ended up with the Monster 7 and love it
  8. AzPacknHorns

    Couple of velvet bucks

    Congratsto the both of you guys...beautiful bucks!!!
  9. AzPacknHorns

    which bow companys best

    Mathews Baby!!!!
  10. AzPacknHorns

    WTB Swarovski 10x42 EL

    I have personally seen and shot this rifle, it is a great gun to carry in the field and would make a perfect deer rifle!!!
  11. AzPacknHorns

    First Bull of 2010 Down For Team Mullins

    Congrats on a beautiful animal!!!
  12. AzPacknHorns

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Same as last year....early Nov in 33!!!
  13. AzPacknHorns

    Inverter Broadhead test #2 Cinder Block

    where the flight tests....i want to try these broadheads, theres no doubt they are very durable but i want to see how they fly and group at longer distances.
  14. AzPacknHorns

    LR Leupold scope SOLD!

    bump for a sweet scope
  15. AzPacknHorns

    Mormon Lake 3-d Shoot June 11-13

    I thought that I heard that fun shooters could shoot Friday as well up there??? Not possitive. We will have a large camp up there...from the 1st-5th for sure..... going to be a great time!!! Better dress warm...it was snowing and raining on us yesterday at Mornmon Lake... WhiteMountains ought to be as bad or worse! As Feedback on the Mormon Lake shoot..... Did anyone else not like how they layed out the courses up there??? There was some very good shots and challenges... targets were great, but what ever happened to 4 individual loops on trails vs. shooting your way up the road on one course and then back down the same road on a second course??? Makes for a long day seeing the same country..... and felt like cattle at times.... We felt the same way about the course layout.....kinda boring...
  16. AzPacknHorns

    Inverter Broadhead test #2 Cinder Block

    I live up in Flagstaff and thats a long drive to tucson to buy some broad heads is there any other place to buy some of your heads?
  17. AzPacknHorns

    Early B-Day present....

    Well i told my self if i drew a bull tag this year i really wanted to get a new bow. We drew 5b north bull tags so i headed down to the archery shop to shoot all the different bows made. I have always been a Mathews man but i wanted to give all of them a chance. I shot the hoyt i shot the bowtech and ended up with a Monster 7. All i can say is the Monster is a sweet shooting speed bow. At 70 lbs 29" draw with a gold tip 75/95 weighing at 400 grns im getting 320 fps. I could get more out of it but i think for hunting that is a perfect set up. Who else is shooting a Monster and what are your thoughts so far?
  18. AzPacknHorns

    Clints Well Archery Shoot

    Me and the family will be there camping on rd 141 or 147 cant remember which it is....but i have to say something i wont be bringing any of that hoyt crap but the "MONSTER" will be ready!!!!
  19. AzPacknHorns

    Happy Bday to three members!

    Thanks to all for the birthday wishes!!!
  20. AzPacknHorns

    Bull Basin

    They also have a nice shop up in Flagstaff.....Come back home!!! lol
  21. AzPacknHorns

    FS: My hunting truck

    You said you were upgrading so i assume your buying a FORD!?......
  22. AzPacknHorns


    I just recently went out and shot the z7 but went with the monster 7 instead the z7 is a smoother draw in my opinion but the monster 7 is about 15 fps faster and thats what i was looking for but like everyone else said YOU really need to go out and shoot them yourself and choose the one YOU like the best.
  23. AzPacknHorns

    Early B-Day present....

    No i didnt do the testing blind folded but i did give every bow an honest 15 to 20 shots and the monster was the smoothest fastest bow in my opinion. All bow manufactures are producing really good bows these days but it has to feel just right to the shooter and to me the monster fit the bill.
  24. AzPacknHorns


    Congrats Casey you got some fine looking animals there!