Not wanting to be one of those guys who asks for info and splits. Here's the report from my 12ae muzzleloader hunt. Started out hot and dry. I scouted for 5 days and saw tons of does and small bucks. Opening day jumped a giant buck, but couldn't get a shot. On the 3rd day of the season we got tons of snow up high. Went down low that day, but didn't see much. Continued to hunt up high the rest of the hunt. Continued to see quite a few deer (and bucks) each day. On day 5 saw another big buck, but again couldn't get a clear shot (too many does). On day 6 saw fewer deer (18-20 total). Right before dark had a group of does sneak out of a draw above me with one buck trailing them. Looked good from the side (mistake) so when he cleared the small pines, I gave him one. Hit him high in the shoulder, but had to chase him a couple more drainages before I could finish him. He wasn't the big buck I was hoping for, but I still had an amazing hunt. The Kaibab is definitely a cool place.
Sorry. Can't figure out how to flip the pic.