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Everything posted by MoistCarpet

  1. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    Vail, cienega high school.
  2. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    factory superformance 162 grains it eats up, and hand loaded burgers 168 grain. the superformance folded a white tail in half at 430 yards.
  3. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    a little over 9lbs.
  4. Looking to buy or borrow a super small coues euro mount or full mount for a project. nubs or spike at the biggest. pm me if you have anything.
  5. looking to buy a super small euro mount for a project, PM me if you have any super small coues heads.
  6. MoistCarpet


    if anyone has a ridiculously small euro mount im looking to buy.
  7. MoistCarpet


    I have a white 2017 tacoma off road. With 60k miles for 30k
  8. SLIK Pro CF-833 Carbon Fiber Tripod Black (615-922) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JNMKW5W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rfM5EbH6RCXTV this tall boy seems like the way to go.
  9. I’m looking for a tank of a tripod that isn’t outlandishly over priced and can take a beating. this lane seems sort of intentionally convoluted, any information is welcome.
  10. Yeah I have a shorter one now and having something I can stand behind is ideal. Does anyone have experience with BOG tripods?
  11. The manfrotto 055 seems nice too 😯
  12. MoistCarpet

    WTB swaro spotter HD

    I have a Australian Shepard that can restore your pet stains in no time. OBO
  13. MoistCarpet

    WTB swaro spotter HD

    Bish me too
  14. MoistCarpet

    Christensen Arms MPR 300prc

    I’ve got 3k on it
  15. MoistCarpet

    Razor 11-33x50

    Wish i had the money, nice glass.