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Everything posted by MoistCarpet

  1. MoistCarpet


    dang, wish you posted this literally 5 days ago.
  2. MoistCarpet

    Any amateur radio operators here?

    howdy, off the subject of HAM a little but last year i purchased a set of midland radios after reading a good amount of reviews. my experience with them has been terrible, one of the radios wouldn't take a charge, reads full and dies when you go to transmit. I guess my question is what set of GMRS radios would you guys run if you had to pick up a set today? Midland seems to have saturated the market or bought out the review sites. I'm looking at a setup like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078SXVTWW/ref=sspa_dk_hqp_detail_aax_0?spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSkpLVU5JWkZOSlE2JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDQxNzc0MU9NRDQ4NDM2Q0lRVSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODY1OTQ4M0dZNU1HSEkxR0tXSSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2hxcF9zaGFyZWQmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl&th=1.
  3. MoistCarpet


    Everyone relax, I’m buying it tomorrow morning. Deep breaths
  4. MoistCarpet

    What are we looking at

    For the last time, I’m not bringing my rug doctor over. 😏
  5. MoistCarpet

    Please delete

    Looks like I gotta pick up a new leupold, I tried!
  6. MoistCarpet

    What are we looking at

    Nap time
  7. MoistCarpet

    Vortex Viper HD 10x42 $450 no tax

    Bump, price drop to 400
  8. MoistCarpet

    Please delete

    Let me come buy this glass 🤝
  9. MoistCarpet


  10. small paint scratch on left side, glass in perfect condition. comes with nightforce rings a $190 bonus. Recently upgraded glass and rifle, selling lots of reloading stuff for 7mm and glass. I'm located in Vail south of tucson.
  11. MoistCarpet


    Getting a lot of messages regarding all this, I’ll itemize everything tonight when I’m off work. The top offer is currently looking to purchase my scope as well. 5204035867
  12. MoistCarpet

    Please delete

    Pm sent
  13. MoistCarpet

    razor HDs 12X or 10X

  14. MoistCarpet


  15. MoistCarpet

    Wife’s 2020 buck

    thats awesome
  16. MoistCarpet

    Savage 10 Predator 6.5 creedmoor (Updated)

    Pm sent, 6.5 ya?
  17. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

  18. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    Remington Sendero 7mm with a bedded stock and recoil lug, barrell broke in correctly. Asking $1400.00 OBO. 20 MOA Nightforce skin bedded base, muzzle brake machined flush by Craig's Custom Rifles, LLC Badger Ordnance bolt knob installed by Craig's Harris Bipod Sling IMG_4630.mp4
  19. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    dewit e7d.jfif
  20. MoistCarpet

    7mm Remington sendero $1400 -sold

    yeah, the bolt has cerakoted to match the bolt knob.
  21. MoistCarpet


    available still?
  22. MoistCarpet

    SOLD...Delete Please

    ill take all three for 90