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About Diamondbackaz

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/15/1963

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  1. Diamondbackaz

    AZGFD banning yote contest!!!

    Look likes it's almost a done deal https://www.azgfd.com/game-and-fish-commission-approves-final-rulemaking-prohibiting-organized-predator-killing-contests/
  2. Diamondbackaz

    what rifle for me 14 year daughter ?

    Model 7 in 243
  3. Diamondbackaz

    Free Freezer

  4. Diamondbackaz

    WTB German Shorthair

    I have had three from Jeff: http://www.gundogbreeders.com/breeders-arizona/crooked-river-kennel.html
  5. Diamondbackaz

    WTB .410 Shotgun

    Why a 410? The ammo is three to four times more expensive than 20 gauge. I was going to buy one for my daughter, but then looked at the price of ammo. Got a 20 instead and ammo is cheap at Walmart.
  6. Diamondbackaz

    15x56 HD vs. non-HD

    If someone is selling them for a lot less, it could be a gray market dealer. Beware!
  7. Vague is right, If I were to ask 100 people to define "technology", I would get 100 different answers.
  8. Diamondbackaz

    Browning BAR 243 short trac

    Sent you a PM
  9. Diamondbackaz

    Browning BAR 243 short trac

    Interested in any trades
  10. See what they sell for on ebay and craigslist.
  11. Diamondbackaz


    Well the truth is now out. I couldn't figure how Ritzheimer was going to fill his pocket his pocket until now. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/jon-ritzheimer-gofundme-10-million
  12. Diamondbackaz


    This is the image that going across social media by the libs. The third picture really is something else. http://www.occupydemocrats.com/right-wing-extremists-terrorize-a-mosque-with-assault-rifles-during-prayer-time-photosvideos/
  13. Diamondbackaz


    I ended up reading and watching many news reports and videos. The two Texas gunmen did worship at this place. It didn't indicate if it was one time, or if they were regulars. There is no question that this Jon Ritzheimer guy put on this cartoon contest was to try to provoke a violent reaction by the worshipers, and the mosque supporters. Also he wanted to attract attention to himself. He comes across as a buffoon and a hater. He's getting the attention on the news programs and with death threats The mosque and its members did not go out and confront them The mosque and its members had its share of death threats Non of the Muslim's interviewed came across as radical. Everyone agrees it is free speech Phoenix police were there to keep the peace. A restaurant and a school had to close for safety. Okay, what was accomplished? From a public relations standpoint, who shined?
  14. Diamondbackaz


    Nope, Jewish
  15. Diamondbackaz


    I fully understand. What my issue is that I don't find it appropriate to go after a mosque in Phoenix over the lunatics in Syria or Iraq. And Willie, I have not had one American Muslim try to cram their religion down my throat. The only people that have done that with me arecarrying bibles. I think YA should probably go back reread the topic, and whole thread. Chew it up fine enough to digest. And acknowledge that no one is even talking about Syria, or Iraq. Pretty sure it was about a freedom of speech issue. But as long as YA bought it up I'm all for turning the cesspool into moon scape. Than we could get a ten or twenty year brake from the BS. but like roaches they would still return. Take care, Willie I read the topic and the first 8 posts. Did you read my post? My issue isn't freedom of speech, but how it is used. I am a full supporter of freedom of speech. But I find it inappropriate to protest a mosque in Phoenix for things that are happening on the other side of the world. Yes it is legal, but is it appropriate?? I am totally offended when someone burns the american flag. But It is totally legal to burn the american flag, but is it appropriate?? Is it appropriate to burn a bible, or piss on a statue of Jesus. I say not.