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Everything posted by BeardWonder62

  1. BeardWonder62

    Aero m5 20” 308,viper scope prices lowered

    Is the scope first focal point?
  2. BeardWonder62


    Hey guys I finally picked up some Ramshot Hunter powder. Just wondering if anyone had good experience with this powder. I shoot 300wsm with 190 Berger VLD 66.5 Vihtavuori 560.
  3. BeardWonder62

    Anti Hunters

    Anti Hunters are on the move again. Trying to ban use of hounds for hunting here in AZ. https://congressionalsportsmen.org/news/petition-seeking-to-ban-hunting-with-hounds-filed-in-arizona/#:~:text=On Monday%2C November 25th,can result in harm to
  4. BeardWonder62

    Question about Howa 1500

    I have a question about Howa 1500 rifle. I’m thinking about just buying the chassis. Never shot a Howa before just curious if anyone had a problem with them.
  5. BeardWonder62

    300 WSM ADG brass (new)

    Where at in the valley?
  6. BeardWonder62

    Stone glacier packs

    I’m in Chandler. Shoot me a txt where you would like to meet up.
  7. BeardWonder62

    Stone glacier packs

    I can pick up next Thursday? Where are you located
  8. BeardWonder62

    Stone glacier packs

    Just for 5900 bag itself?
  9. BeardWonder62

    Stone glacier packs

  10. BeardWonder62

    Stone glacier sky 5900

    Still available?
  11. BeardWonder62

    Stone glacier packs

    Would you sell just the 5900 bag?
  12. BeardWonder62

    Hilleberg Akto One man Tent.

  13. BeardWonder62

    Timeless Taxidermy

    Go pokes
  14. BeardWonder62

    Mathews TRX 38-G2 SOLD

    Willing to separate anything?
  15. BeardWonder62

    Llama Rental

    Just curious if anyone is renting out llama?
  16. BeardWonder62

    Vortex Viper scope

  17. BeardWonder62

    WTB .300 wsm ammo

    Scheels and Bruno’s have them. 200gr I believe. If you need some reloaded send me message we can talk more about it.
  18. BeardWonder62


    How much just for the bag?
  19. BeardWonder62

    Glock 22 Gen 4 for sale

    I have a Glock22 Gen 4 for sale. I got it from another member on here from trade. I personally never shot it nothing is wrong with just don’t use it. Asking 350. No shipping it cash only. Located Chandler.
  20. BeardWonder62

    Glock 22 Gen 4 for sale

  21. Large rifle still available?
  22. BeardWonder62

    Maven Rifle Scope

    Has anyone used maven rifle scope before? Looking to buy one.
  23. BeardWonder62


    Still available?
  24. BeardWonder62

    Reloading table and Bino Harness

    I have a reloading table and vortex bino harness for sale. The harness as never been used I have all the straps. The table as few screw holes from use. But still in good condition.
  25. BeardWonder62

    Reloading table and Bino Harness

    I’m in Chandler near scheels