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About jbone

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  1. jbone

    13A Advice

    You want to get away from people and do some hiking go down Whitmore to Paws Pocket and have it all to yourself. Hunt from Emma south, never know what you might find in there.
  2. jbone

    7 PRCW build

    I have been shooting one for while, it's a great round and very efficient. I'm shooting 175 ELDX at 2980fps with 55 grains of powder in a 24" barrel, recoil is light and works awesome in a short action. They do make dies for the 7-6.5PRC (Bought mine from Short Action Customs over a year ago, sizing die is from them also just throw a 6.5PRC piece of brass in and you have a .284 or buy factory brass (ADG sells it $80/50 pieces) Killed 2 elk, 2 bucks and an Audad with it so far. Shoots less than 1/2 minute. Really an easy round to load for nothing different than loading any other cartridge (or buy factory brass) and great ballistics, barrel life and you get a short action! Mines sits at 8.5 pounds with scope and bipod.
  3. jbone

    7 PRCW build

    I have been shooting one for while, it's a great round and very efficient. I'm shooting 175 ELDX at 2980fps with 55 grains of powder in a 24" barrel, recoil is light and works awesome in a short action. They do make dies for the 7-6.5PRC (Bought mine from Short Action Customs over a year ago, sizing die is from them also just throw a 6.5PRC piece of brass in and you have a .284 or buy factory brass (ADG sells it $80/50 pieces) Killed 2 elk, 2 bucks and an Audad with it so far. Shoots less than 1/2 minute. Really an easy round to load for nothing different than loading any other cartridge (or buy factory brass) and great ballistics, barrel life and you get a short action!
  4. jbone

    WTB .300 Weatherby Mag Brass

    I have about 500-1000 I'll be looking to clear out. Let me know
  5. jbone


    Awesome ram and great job on the hunt, congrats again!
  6. jbone


    Looks like 7 year old 161 4/8" posted on the Game and Fish harvest report. Shows a 6 year old, 2- 7 year old rams and a 9 year old harvested last year.
  7. jbone


    29th year applying for that hunt, fingers crossed for this year. Disappointed to see it go to 4 tags last year. Great Ram and video, Congrats
  8. jbone


    I'll sell you one, if you want to buy and not rent? 10x10, 10x12 or 12x14
  9. Go have fun, don't worry about cameras on your truck or camp or anti hunters trashing stuff. I spend 45-55 days a year on the strip, never seen or heard of any of that. We leave our camps alone, unlocked, 100 gallons plus of gas/water and never have had anything happen in fact never ran into anyone up there that wouldn't stop and help if stuck, broke down, lost or drive you back to your truck or town. Most 13A is not that remote and you can be to a paved road/gas in an hour. Bring some extra fuel, water and a spare. The archery hunt was awesome, reminds me of how it used to be in pre camera days. We killed an amazing buck and only saw one other hunter drive by our camp. The rifle hunt will be good but don't expect giant bucks everywhere, antler growth is well below average and age class because of cameras is even worse. Give it 2-3 years and expect that place to be off the charts again. Next year should be great with 2 wet summers in a row, if we get a decent winter it'll be the tag to have. Best thing to happen for the Strip is the elimination of cameras, expect a fun hunt, tags reduced, hunters will be more spread out than the last 15 years, there are a couple true giants in 13A this year so best of luck. If you hit that true 190" mark as a DIY guy this year you did amazing. Good Luck
  10. jbone

    Frame Pack with bag

    Sent you a message.
  11. I would suggest 13B first 13A second, both rifle. If you didn't have another hunt in August then I would say 13B archery second choice. 13A should be great this year, the feed is unreal on the strip right now, just got back yesterday. The Kaibab is always good for feed just not normally as good as this year, the deer on the Kaibab don't get hit with the drought like they do on the strip. Also if the Game and Fish stays consistent with the changes made to the Kaibab it is only going to get better, almost 300 tags cut this year between junior hunts and general hunts. This will help with the age class increasing along with a population boom over the next several years, you will always have some 3 year old 200'"deer but there is a big difference in a 7-8 year old deer and a 3-4 year old. That's the difference on the strip is age class, most mature strip bucks break 40" on mass and it's rare to break 35 on the Kaibab. Don't get me wrong the both 12A west and 12B are awesome but unless you are done with the system stick with 13B and 13A, when you are done draw the Kaibab, its only going to get better over the next few years and this moisture will carry over to next year. If we just finish this year in the normal range for moisture next year will be off the charts for the health of these animals. That being said there are some unreal bucks in 12A west right now and some will end up in 12B west and some will be in 12A west. I think 12A west gives you a bit more ground and a little bit less of a rat race than 12B west. Good Luck,
  12. jbone


    Shotguns are sold.
  13. jbone


    .300 Accumark Sold
  14. jbone


    .357 and the 35 Remington are sold
  15. jbone


    Headed there on Thursday, but looks like the shotguns are soles. I’ll let you know