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About Schmitty

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  1. Schmitty

    Tal-wi-wi lodge new restaurant

  2. Schmitty

    Looking for some 30mm Low scope rings

    Can you please provide a link? Thanks!
  3. Schmitty


  4. Schmitty

    WTS-2018 Ford Transit T350 Van

    $18.5K per his attached pdf.
  5. Schmitty

    Mcmillan Game Warden 2.0 Carbon Fiber Tikka

    Looks like a GW LR.
  6. Schmitty


    2nds please
  7. Schmitty


    Has the brass been reloaded or is it all 1x fired?
  8. Schmitty

    CCI 200 lrp trade for cci 450 or 41

    Can do, but I'm up in Prescott. If you're up this way give me a shout and we can trade...
  9. Schmitty

    Timney Calvin Elite AR15 Trigger

    I have a TT Primary NIB if you have any interest.
  10. Schmitty


    I'll buy the rings if they become available.
  11. Schmitty

    Late Rifle Bull-disappointment to Jubilation

    Great bull. Congrats!
  12. Schmitty

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Eagle's Roost in Thatcher.
  13. Schmitty

    Hodgdon 700X Powder 8lb Jug SOLD

  14. Schmitty

    Adjustable Comb

    You can have Joe Ducos the "stock doctor " cut your stock and add adj. Comb hardware . JEDUCOS@YAHOO.COM Otherwise, a stock pack or tape works just fine. jOn mybkids rifle I just built up the combo with strips of electrical tape and then wrapped the entire buttstock with electrical tape to secure it. Ugly but effective and cheap...
  15. Schmitty

    IMR 800x 8lb sold!

    Prescott. I can deliver to the north valley this week.