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Everything posted by aztrophytakers

  1. aztrophytakers

    The tale of the Big G2 buck

    Neo, Look at the pedicles very closely. They should be the same size if they are from the same year. You should be able to tell as opposed to the others antlers you have from this buck. Very sweet deer by the way.
  2. aztrophytakers

    First archery coues

    Freakin great deer!!
  3. aztrophytakers


    Freakin awesome buck man!!!!!!
  4. aztrophytakers

    ATV Restrictions On The Way

    I must say it's about time they did something about the quads. They have been way out of control for way to long. I own and use a quad daily when I'm hunting , but only to save my truck and gas bill and I don't offroad it. The AZ Game and Fish has showed us their lack of ability to manage our deer herds for a evenly mixed age class of animals , so maybe by limiting access and closing areas will we grow a greater number of mature bucks. But like Tony said the new laws are are worthless unless they are enforced , which will be extremely diffucult. All in All I think there are more pros than cons to come from this.........AZTT
  5. aztrophytakers

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    Call me crazy but I came up with 105"
  6. aztrophytakers

    The tale of the Big G2 buck

    Thats an awesome buck and awesome horn that you found. Just wondering what it scored. Looks to be around 45 inches. Am I anywheres close? Again , great find and nice buck.
  7. aztrophytakers

    AZGFD Hunt Recommendations

    Very well said wetmule. There is a huge base of both res and non-res TROPHY hunters. As tag numbers continue to creep up more and more every year it makes me very sad to see once great trophy areas continue to go down hill in the name of hunter opportunity. The deer in AZ have been the meal ticket of the AZGFD for so long that some areas would be incapable of ever returning to what they once where , even if they did start a proper manangement strategy. Anyone that says the AZGFD manages for the best interest of the deer herd is sorely mistaken. I know of several units south of the canyon that have all yielded trophy quality mule deer in years past. Today you would need unlimited scouting days and a huge amount of luck to even locate a 6-7 year old buck. Which does not make them a trophy. And another thing , the AZGFD continues to increase tags in the last trophy areas az has to offer , 13a and 13b. They age the harvested bucks every year with teeth. Even if the tooth study produces a result of 5-7 year old bucks making up the majority of the harvest does not mean there is room for more tags. Just because a buck reaches maturity by no means is he automatically a "trophy buck". With all the technology that has come to be in the last ten years to aid the trophy hunter , trophy buck harvest is at an all time high in these units. As the last trophy units that AZ has ,why the heck can"t the AZGFD just leave well enough alone. I will quote someone elses taglinein saying "AZGFD is the downfall of arizona hunting". There is alot of truth in this statement. As wetmule stated there needs to be a balance between opportunity and quality. Let them keep increasing tag numbers and all the hunters in favor of "more opportunity"now will start bitchin about seeing no deer and lots more hunters. I am done with my rant and thanks for listening.
  8. aztrophytakers

    big shed 56 1/8

    Found this awesome typical shed 2 days ago. It last years and scores a hair over 56 inches.