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Everything posted by AZHunter95

  1. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    I saw some H110 for sale. Maybe I will give it a rip. Im not super concerned with performance at this point just wanting to screw around but its good to know it can perform. CFE BLK is going to last forever as well.
  2. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    What is your barrel twist on that?
  3. AZHunter95

    Forster / Bonanza Reloading Press

    Are you interested in selling the inline stand separate?
  4. AZHunter95

    Swarovski 12x50 EL - SOLD

    Blank warranty card?
  5. AZHunter95

    Suggestion for 6A Archery

    Tons and tons of hunting pressure, but I agree, anywhere you look you will find them. Good luck with hunt.
  6. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    Shooting the subsonic suppressed rounds is pretty dang fun though.
  7. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    LOL, I hear ya. I think Bruno's had some 190 g. Not sure which bullet you're referring to but maybe worth a call.
  8. AZHunter95


    Willing to travel yet?
  9. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    you still shoot them suppressed though? Yeah, i haven't put anything down yet. I just built it for fun as of now and figured id mess around with different data.
  10. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    Shot with a suppressor as well.
  11. AZHunter95

    Which bullet?

    Personally, I am an ELD-X guy with H4350. My .300 likes that combo a lot. Lapua brass and LRPM's.
  12. CLR on stainless for me. Also, slip2000 Carbon Killer has worked well for me.
  13. AZHunter95

    Wife needs a new bow

    Plus 1 for the Avail. My lady shoots an Avail and loves it.
  14. AZHunter95

    Leftover tags

    I haven't seen them in the portal yet.
  15. AZHunter95

    NM muzzleloader coues

    Plus 1 for the load. Great buck!
  16. AZHunter95

    Desert toad shed!

    Wow, bad butt shed!
  17. AZHunter95

    FS: Two Silencerco ASR Muzzle Brakes--SOLD!

    Let me know if sale falls through.
  18. Haha, this gave me a good laugh.
  19. AZHunter95

    SC Gobbler in the Snow – LONG VERSION

    We need another full story!
  20. AZHunter95

    SC Gobbler in the Snow – LONG VERSION

    Lets go! Good luck brother!
  21. AZHunter95

    Fed 210 LRP’s 2K $60ea

    I will take them if sale falls through. ftf cash.
  22. AZHunter95


    PM sent.
  23. AZHunter95


    Is this still available?
  24. Hi everyone, I found some and am meeting Sunday. Thanks to everyone who reached out. Very much appreciated.
  25. I know I know, me and everyone else wants them. Just getting into reloading so maybe someone can find it in their heart to help a rookie out. Looking for Large Rifle Magnum Primers. I don’t need a ton, I also have some CCI 400 Small Rifle Primers I can trade or just pay cash. Let me know what ya got. Thanks!