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Everything posted by AZHunter95

  1. AZHunter95

    WTB CCI SRP and or SPP

    ^^I texted Bruno yesterday and he said they had small pistol primers.
  2. Anyone have a good .300BLK supersonic load they'd like to share? I found a decent subsonic load with SMK 220 g bullets and CFE black. Now looking to mess around with supersonic. I saw Brunos has some Berrys bullets that are lighter grain and could be used for a super load?? Just looking for some target fun not chasing anything specific.
  3. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    Thank you!!
  4. AZHunter95

    WTS - PSE Stinger-X Bow Package **PRICE DROP AGAIN**

    someone wants this thing!
  5. AZHunter95

    .300 BLK Supersonic Load

    Yeah if you don’t mind digging it up that would be killer. I know suppressors are so opinionated from each guy but look into Rex Silentium, that’s what I run on mine and it has done super well. Doesn’t cost an arm and a leg either.
  6. AZHunter95

    Green Chili Shank Recipe?

    Anyone have a good green chili venison shank recipe?
  7. AZHunter95

    Forster / Bonanza Reloading Press

    Sent you a PM.
  8. AZHunter95

    Green Chili Shank Recipe?

    That tortilla looks I real too………
  9. AZHunter95

    Green Chili Shank Recipe?

    Oh.my.lord. You gotta get me that recipe please!
  10. AZHunter95

    Green Chili Shank Recipe?

    I haven’t tried Javi yet; maybe I need to.
  11. AZHunter95

    Green Chili Shank Recipe?

    I tried a can of premade green chili sauce in another recipe and it was not good at all. I’ll have to give this one a shot. I’ve found a few other online but want one someone swears by. Thanks!
  12. I’ll hit you up if I don’t find any until then. Thanks.
  13. AZHunter95

    Good Guy Seller List

    Please add Couesdeer. He responded to a WTB post when he didn't have to and helped me get started with reloading. Great guy and very helpful.
  14. AZHunter95

    300 win mag ADG brass (used)

    PM sent.
  15. You ever head to the valley?
  16. AZHunter95

    Smith and Wesson M&P Shield 45 acp

    I have one of these little guys and I love it. GLWS. good deal imo.