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Foundry Man

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About Foundry Man

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/08/1975

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  • Location
    Mesa, Arizona

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  1. Foundry Man

    Looknig for e-collar

    Just moved to Mesa, and my Yellow Lab is having trouble "adjusting". We have a automatic sprinkler system, and he has ruined 3 heads already, not to mention tearing up everything else. Does anyone have an old e-collar they don't use anymore? I need to break him off of this stuff. I just moved, and am short on cash and need somthing realativly in-expensive. Let me know what you got.
  2. Foundry Man

    Zeiss Spotter

    Here is a photo of my set-up. here are some photos that my scope and camera took (5 mega-pixel camera!) Good Times!! Good Times!!....But, somtimes responsibility trumps good times!
  3. Foundry Man

    Zeiss Spotter

    Silver Body, Angled.
  4. Foundry Man

    Zeiss Spotter

    Well, this sucks, but I just moved to AZ, and I racked up some pretty high moving expenses. I am in need of some cash. I have a Zeiss 65 Diascope, it has the variable eye peice. With it, is the Zeiss Digi-scope adapter. I have takes some amazing pictures with this rig. Also, a hard case and a Velbon Tri-pod. The pod needs a new head, but the legs are rock solid. This set-up is my baby, but I gotta let her go. I want to get as close to a $1000.00 as I can. I don't even need to say how much I paid for this rig. Sooner the better...... A very sad Jason Lewis .
  5. Foundry Man

    Anyone in my hood?

    Just wondering if there are going to be any coueswhitetailers in my neighborhood? My family and I are moving to the Signal Butte/Guadalupe area. Just curious. Later...Jason
  6. I am up in Portland, Oregon right now. Yesterday, we went out to the coast. I was glassing around, and we spotted a group of Roosevelt Elk out on the beach! It was crazy to see elk out in the ocean! Anyway, thought I'd tell y'all bout it. Pretty cool. Jason
  7. Foundry Man

    Moving back to AZ!!!

    I feel pretty happy about stuff. Yeah, there are lots of homes available right now. My kids are pretty exited. It will be a fun new chapter in our lives.
  8. Well, looks like I am moving back to Arizona! I will be working for a Mesa funeral home. I am looking for a house in North Queen Creek/South Gilbert to rent for 6 months or so, then we will buy a home. I am going to really focus on getting my sculptures going. Anyway, It will be good to be back in the promised land again! Maybe we will see some of you coueswhitetailers over there!! Later, Jason
  9. Foundry Man


    Maybe it has to do with some average moisture over the past couple years.
  10. Foundry Man

    Decent Coues Shed

    I know, Badger is lucky. Being a Lab, he really has no "bite" in him. I need to start carrying a sidearm.
  11. Foundry Man

    Decent Coues Shed

    Well, I FINALLY got a chance to get out looking for sheds the other day. I took my yellow Lab, Badger, and we went to my favorite coues shed spot in the Burros. Found this nice shed. It was a fun morning. Badger almost got him and I killed by a herd of pigs with babies. It was scary! The started chasing him, and he came strait for me! No rocks within reach. Bad. Anyway, we made it out alive, and have a new shed for the collection. Later, Jason. This is Badger As it lay, not a hard find. Decent buck. I guessing 95" or so, if he has a decent spread. Gotta love coues sheds!
  12. Foundry Man


    Jason, How about a bronze sculpture for your bow? Jason
  13. Foundry Man

    1st Archery DEER

    Sweet Bro!! I am happy for you. Makes it all the more awsome that Merrill was with you. Pretty buck too. Way to go!!! Now, we need to get out and smoke some coyotes!!!! Jason
  14. Foundry Man


    Houston, holy cow! Nice Job! How are things in Payson? Hope all is well with your family! Well, congrats on a great buck!>>Jason
  15. Foundry Man

    2008 Coues Hunt

    That is a husky looking deer! Good job. I like the shape of that deer's antlers! Cool.>>Jason -p.s.- are you still enjoying your bronze?