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Everything posted by Nitemann

  1. Nitemann


  2. Nitemann

    Encore Buttstock

    T/C Encore syntheic buttstock. $30
  3. Nitemann

    This is the one your looking for.

    Sent ya PM with some questions. Rick
  4. Nitemann

    Custom 22BR

    I'll take it. Rick
  5. Nitemann

    Custom 22BR

    Sent ya a PM. Rick
  6. Nitemann

    Remington XP-100 in 7-08 for sale

    That's a negitive.... This is how it looks now. Thanks again Mark!
  7. Nitemann


    sold, thanks
  8. Nitemann


    PM replied to. Rick
  9. Nitemann

    how many points do you have?

    20 points for me. Seems like quite a few people with a lot of points.
  10. Nitemann

    Powder F/S or trade

    If thats $20 for both and your in the PHX area i'll take them. Rick
  11. Nitemann

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    Trailer This ones on backpage.
  12. Nitemann

    Nikon Monarch 5.5x16 For Sale

    Is this the newer side focus?
  13. Nitemann


    I'll take it if still available. Sending PM. Rick
  14. Nitemann

    Who didn't draw?

    Nada yet. 19 pts lope, 8 pts elk. Rick
  15. Nitemann

    A couple of packs and a gun...

    Sent ya PM.
  16. If you change your mind and do decide to seperate i'm very interested in the scope. Or if there's somebody wanting just the rifle maybe we can work something out. Rick
  17. Nitemann

    SOLD Please Delete

  18. Nitemann

    SOLD Thanks

    I'll send you some closer pics when I get home from work. Located in central Mesa. Rick
  19. Nitemann

    SOLD Thanks

    David it's a 1-10 twist. I loaded 10 rds with 70gr Nosler B-tips and Varget to sight it in before doing load developement. I didn't save the targets but they were right at 3/4" if I remeber correctly. I built a heavy barrel savage in 6mmBR and never got back to the encore. Rick
  20. Nitemann

    SOLD Thanks

    added encore barrel. Rick
  21. Nitemann

    SOLD Thanks

    Pic sent.
  22. Nitemann

    Remington XP-100 in 7-08 for sale

    Sent ya a PM. Rick
  23. Nitemann

    Remington XP 100

    If you put it up for sale I would be interested. Rick