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Everything posted by Nitemann

  1. Nitemann

    Draw odds

    Bull or cow might help as well.
  2. Nitemann


  3. Nitemann


  4. Nitemann

    6mm/.243 hornady z-max lower price on ftf

    Bullet weight might help.
  5. Nitemann


    Lets try $225
  6. Nitemann


    SOLD, Thanks
  7. Nitemann


    Forgot to mention possible trades for other Contender barrels (rifle or pistol) or lower power Leupold rifle scopes (1-4, 2-7, fixed 4X, 2,5X). You can also PM me an offer if you wish..
  8. Nitemann


    Lowered to $275. Somebody needs a new rifle for Christmas.
  9. Nitemann

    SOLD Remington XB-100

    Round count and location?
  10. Nitemann

    Where are all the Kaibab Bucks ?

    Friends late bab buck.
  11. Nitemann

    Cabelas 160 liter Commercial grade food dehydrator

    Trade for how many dollars??
  12. Nitemann

    WTT for H1000 and/or ELD-X Bullets

    Bear mountain has h1000 if you want to buy some.
  13. Nitemann

    Savage Model 12 .223

    24 or 26 inch barrel? Round count and twist?
  14. Nitemann

    RCBS Pro power trimmer

    Clint, Looks like the u shaped flat plates that take specific cases, 06,223, 300wm, etc (same numbers as your rcbs shell holders for cases) so each holder can be used for multiple cases with the same size.. Go ahead and buy it and i'll let you know how it works.
  15. Nitemann

    9mm ammo for sale

    Almost makes me want to buy a 9mm. Are they all 50rd boxes?
  16. Nitemann

    Queensland Heeler Pups

    Great pups and it was extremely hard choosing just one but I think we made the right choice. Good luck on your hunt and thanks again. Rick
  17. Nitemann

    Queensland Heeler Pups

    Sent you a PM. Rick
  18. Nitemann

    Updated 12/2/19 -- A Few Good Kaibab Bucks

    There in his camp that is on the west side. Could be from the east side but a pretty good distance to travel back and forth each day.
  19. I would be interested in just the HS Precision stock if you want to sale separately.
  20. Nitemann

    REM 700 300RUM for sale

    Who's nuzzle brake and who installed it? Pic?
  21. Nitemann

    12 East Help

    All the does you saw are where the water is or they would be gone. Keep checking on them and the bucks will be coming along looking for a girl friend.
  22. Nitemann

    Savage 260 rem ackley improved

    Do you happen to have the dies?
  23. Nitemann

    WTB 5.5" Ruger Redhawk 44

    What caliber you looking for? The Redhawk is made in several these days.