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Everything posted by Nitemann

  1. Nitemann

    WTB, 300 BO Reloading Dies

    Looking for a set of 300 Black Out reloading dies before ordering new. Redding, RCBS or Hornady.
  2. Nitemann

    found some thanks all

    If you need any help send me a PM.
  3. Nitemann

    found some thanks all

    It shouldn't be short for the tc. 30-30 brass is the standard for forming 7-30 waters. 7-30 w brass will be hard to come by and expensive. They both have the same trim to length of 2.030.
  4. Nitemann

    found some thanks all

    You can form it easily from 30-30 brass if you have dies.
  5. Nitemann

    No longer needed.

    Going a different direction.
  6. Nitemann


  7. Nitemann


  8. Nitemann


    Now $150.00. Final drop before posting elsewhere.
  9. Nitemann


    Lets try $160.00
  10. Nitemann


    Up for the Saturday crowd.
  11. Nitemann


    I would be interested in the scope if you were to separate.
  12. Nitemann


    Found what I was looking for.
  13. Nitemann

    Misc. Rifle ammo

    What caliber is the Weahterby (can't read it)? Price on the 300 WSM?
  14. Nitemann


    QUOTE: Can't help with the dies, but just curious what the gun is? I'm a big .218 bee fan. Thinking of ordering a Contender rifle barrel. Might just do the standard 218 bee since I have all that stuff but also kicking around a 219 Donaldson Wasp..
  15. Nitemann

    SOLD- 45-70 single shot rifle

    I'll take it if still available.
  16. Nitemann

    SOLD- 45-70 bullets

    Do you mean 405 gr? Remington only made in 300gr and 405gr.
  17. Nitemann

    6.5mm-06 dies ISO

    I have a set I would loan you to load up some for him.
  18. Nitemann

    45 Colt/45 LC reloading components $150

    I may be wrong but those dies do not appear to be Redding?
  19. Nitemann

    Found one.

    Found one. Thanks
  20. Nitemann

    Found one.

    If you know of a used contender in rifle or pistol configuration at a gun store and would pass along the location by PM that would be great as well.
  21. Nitemann

    Brass, powder, primers

    I'll take both/all the pistol primers if there available when you come to the valley.
  22. Nitemann


    I would be very interested in the 700 200gr bullets if you seperate.
  23. Nitemann


  24. Nitemann


    joohnnybgood I sent you a PM. Thanks
  25. Scroll down. He posted pics earlier. 50 cal. SS