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Posts posted by UggRedBilly

  1. I have the late hunt and saw a picture on another forum from last year with a truck in the snow and the guy standing next to it was waist deep! I personally never drove in snow and seeing that kind of scares me. I watch videos and see pictures and I have seen very little or none at all. But does it usually snow heavy up there in late November? I only have a 2WD ford ranger. No lift or anything. Will that be enough to get through the area with ease? Or should I look into 4wd options? Thank you!

  2. 2 hours ago, Swivelhead said:

    The shake is the best part!  I still get them but have learned to talk myself down a few notches.

    That's what I had to do for my deer! Like I will aim and find myself like trying to breath slowly to stop the shaking. I cant imagine what imma be like with one of those Kiabab bucks!

  3. 18 hours ago, Swivelhead said:

    .243 Win will be fine for your hunt.  I'd suggest acquiring a quality rangefinder, there are great units available for less than $500.  Cross canyon shots may look like 200 - 300 yards but are often misjudged and are 500 - 600 yards.  A range finder will tell the story.  Also, don't soley rely on balistic programs/charts to prepare for longer shots, prove your rifles ballistic tendencies.  If you have not practiced at 300 yards, don't shoot at game @ 300 yards. 

    Gotcha! I have a Nikon range finder. Imma test it at the shooting range tomorrow and see if its accurate at like 200-300 yards! My goal is to be comfortable at 300 but I get so excited when i see any deer i start shaking so 300 is an absolute limit for me!

  4. 28 minutes ago, naturebob said:

    Mine says tag # 45. I put in in late Kaibab 1st choice with only 2 points. I couldn't get that lucky ,Could I?  2nd choice was 20 b so thats what i been thinking I drew.  but there are 75 tags on Kaibab, so I am keeping up my hopes till I see for sure Results................Pray for Me everyone! LOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.........BOB!

    I just got tag 62 out of 75 for 12AW late season. It was the only one I put in for! Only had 3 points too! You may be lucky too man!

    • Like 2
    • Wow! 1

  5. 45 minutes ago, Delw said:

    Dont make excuses for these fools. you are fine with a .243. shoot i'd use my 22-250 or 220 swift if I got drawn. oh wait I have and had.

    listening to these fools will have you second guessing yourself when you take the shot. so DONT buy into there typical I would use this or that.

    just make sure you can hit what you aim at the distances you feel comfortable and your good to go.

    think of it this way you make a bad shot with a 300 winmag your still going to be tracking same goes for any caliber.

    Gotcha! Imma go sight in my new scope this Friday at Rio Salado! Just got it mounted today!

    • Like 1

  6. 45 minutes ago, Yuma Outdoorsman said:

    I’ve shot 7 deer and all were shot with a .243 100 grain bullet. Shots ranged from 50 yards to 300 yards. It carries light when walking and covering ground also. 

    Wow that's awesome! I am getting my scope installed now because I failed my first time! Lol! But I am gonna go shooting at the range this week! I am more of an archery guy so I really gotta practice!

  7. 3 hours ago, lancetkenyon said:

    If you are west side, and want a hand, let me know.  I have all the proper tools, and would have no problem helping you out.  Home today through next Monday!  Nice having a week off work.

    I live far east! I'll keep it in mind though! Thank you!

  8. 1 hour ago, Delw said:

    Stick with your .243 and get 90 grain Nosler ballistic tips. youll be good out to 500 yard and then some if you can shoot.

    you already have the gun you know how it shoots so stick with it. besides why waste money unless of coarse you want to..

    if your on the west side I have a thousand+ or so rounds of loaded ammo you can try out. I probably got some heavier weights also as I have tons of .243 stuff cause its Primarily what I shoot besides my 300.

    other wise pick up a box of the noslers go to range and shoot it, try a box of other brands as well and see what groups best for your gun.

    Sounds good! Thank you! I bought a new scope for it and I am learning how to mount it tomorrow! I got 85 grain Winchester copper rounds to try and if I dont like them those will be my next choice!

  9. 2 hours ago, lancetkenyon said:

    Copper works fine if you keep to the distances where you retain the proper velocity on target as required.  I prefer coppers to be moving 2000fps on target to open better.  

    If your .243 is a 1:10" twist, you will need to shoot lighter bullets to stabilize them.  I know you are 19, do you reload yet?  If not, the Barnes LRX are a good way to go.  If you do reload, the Hammer Hunters seem to really work well, and are very accurate.

    Just know this.  Shot opportunities up on the Kaibab can be longer than expected.  I would be prepared, and that means lots of practice, for shots out to 500+ for the best chances at big bucks.  Sure, you could have a 50 yard shot, but sure is nice to be confident and accurate out at longer ranges.  Don't take shots you are not comfortable with.

    I do not do reloads yet! But one day I will! I will be preparing for longer shots but I am only confident to 200 now and maybe 300 when I go on this hunt. 300 is my goal!

    • Like 1

  10. 4 minutes ago, Vowell said:

    You will get better expansions with lead but the solid copper can and will get better penetration. Lead from my experience can separate into lots of small pieces where the copper tends to stay together and also stay together in bigger pieces if it comes apart. The problem is will the solid copper Projectile expand? It all depends on speed, what it hits, an bullet selection. Lots of members on here can give you some more good advice, I’ve seen the solid copper Barnes bullets expand and preform well. 
    They want less lead on the Kiabab to help with the recovery of the condors. As a conservationist I would refer to use lead free but it’s a personal choice. 

    I might use a heavier bullet for the punch. Something like 95 grain. And yes I really wanna use nonlead due to the condors up there!

    • Like 2

  11. 25 minutes ago, AZ Wildcat said:

    I would never discourage someone from buying a new rifle, and a bigger caliber wouldn’t hurt.  But .243s have killed a lot of deer and a fair number of elk at closer ranges.  I wouldn’t hesitate to use it for that hunt if you shoot it well. 

    Gotcha! Thank you! I got tons of time for practice!

    • Like 1

  12. Okay so I have used a .234 with standard lead bullets for mule deer before and they were put down quickly at shots from 200 yards

    However I see that shots out in the kiabab and the deer are much bigger caliber than down here in the valley. I have only shot fork and horns. Will a .243 work with shots up to 250 or 300 yards work? I also want to use the "non-lead" bullets due to the concerns up north with lead. Any bullet preference for .243? Or should I save 500ish and buy a new gun and scope? Thank you!

    • Like 1

  13. 7 minutes ago, lancetkenyon said:

    Only a parent or grandparent can donate their tag to a minor child.  Not a sibling.

    I am on the opposite side of the fence on this.  I say hunt the elk, turn in the 12AW tag.

    Because maybe I will get lucky and get it when you turn it back in!

    😂😂😂good one

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2

  14. Just now, yotebuster said:

    The auction tags on the paunsuguant sell for $40k+ in Utah.  That tag is late October rifle as well.  I would argue the late kaibab hunt is as good as that is anyday.   I’m not sure putting a price tag on those hunts and I hope AZ stays away from that type of system, but it does show you what kind of a quality opportunity you have and what it’s worth to some people.  I’m glad you got the tag instead of someone forking over big cash for it but just make sure you give it the attention it deserves.  And put some pics and a story up when it’s all over. 

    Of course! I wanna try to film it. I got a few gopros!

  15. 1 hour ago, yotebuster said:

    Take priority on the deer tag.  The draw odds on that elk tag are like 40% with just loyalty and hunter Ed points and nearly guaranteed every other year or every third year.   I would hunt the weekends only for the elk tag and put all my eggs in the late kaibab deer tag basket.  You can kill raghorns on a lot of hunts nearly every year, but a chance at a 190+ muley only comes around a few times in your whole life so make the most of it. 
    I would also focus my scouting on the deer hunt.  That late archery elk tag will be tough to scout for anyhow.  It’ll be tough for just about anything to be honest.  Pretend you don’t have it or if you’re that worried about the points, turn it back so someone else can hunt it.  Using your ten day’s off you can hunt essentially the whole season of the late kaibab.  If they auctioned that tag off like they do in UT that would be a $40,000 deer tag.  Your late 10 archery hunt wouldn’t bring much in comparison.  

    40,000?! Dang! Yeah I'll have to give my friend and family a talk and see what we can do. I knew it took a long long time but wow that is insane!

  16. 37 minutes ago, Delw said:

    Then your just being dumb.

    WhyTF would you tell someone to quit his job if they dont get to hunt (he has he has up to 10 days).. I'll tell you why cause its no skin off your back like others. like others spouting off about it.

    you have no clue what the kid does for work, you dont know his situation or anything about him. other than he is a 19 year old kid and has 2 good tags.

    I come off of quarentine from work on Wednessay so as soon as I get there I will tell them my situation. I am hoping to get 10 days off. 4 for elk and 6 for deer. Or maybe 5 and 5?

  17. 1 hour ago, Delw said:

    Dont listen to these clowns as far as quitting your job, turning in a tag. there just dumb and old.

    you can do both especially at your age your only 19.

    you have every weekend till the hunt starts to start scouting. leave friday after work come back sunday evening. both you and your brother go to ease the drive time wether he drives or just keeps you awake. Ive done many 12a west hunts in a weekend like every weekend during the archery hunts back i the day when It was OTC. did a few 13 hunts as well but thats pushing it. even at 20-25 did it in a 1972 dodge colt and a 1969 rs ss Camaro a few years as well as a 85 s-10 all 2 wheel drives. the dodge colt I could get back way past indian hollow and pretty much anywhere including the top of snake gultch. the camaro just on the 3 main roads that go south from jacobs lake and a few side roads.

    you can pretty much set up camp anywhere in all those units. you dont need a designated spot.

    work may give you 10days that makes 16 days counting weekends

    if you scout and use your time wisely well before the hunt you will know the area well, know where your going to camp etc etc.  unit 10 you can scout easy in a few weekends as its a short drive.

    go up have a good time and congrats on your draws.


    Sounds good! Thank you!

  18. 4 minutes ago, Big Browns said:

    Get a new job or have a serious conversation with your supervisor.  If your a valued employee you can most likely work something out.  If not, hopefully you purchased point guard 

    Gotcha! I have been working at my area for 3 years. I hope they let me

  19. 17 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    Awe man dude. That definitely complicates things.  If it's the early hunt go elk hunting with the family.  If it's the late hunt go elk hunting with your family and then go on an awesome deer hunt.  But before you leave put some applications in for a new job. 

    I think I will do that then. It was the late 12AW hunt. Got it with 3 points lol

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