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Posts posted by UggRedBilly

  1. 1 hour ago, lancetkenyon said:

    4 years?  Really?  Unless you had other BPs built up, good luck.  Honestly, a late tag is usually a 12+ year wait.  You hear about people pulling one around 7 BPs, but not often.  Then there are those lucky suckers that draw with 1-4 BPs, but those are rare at best.  I have NEVER had a late tag, with up to 10 BPs.  But, I am determined that a late 12A tag WILL be my next deer tag.  I had 8BPs this year and really had no expectations of drawing.  Which I didn't. 

    According to toprut it took 14 points 4 years ago for the 20% bonus pass and 16 for this year. But if you look on the G&F website it says that 10 hunters with 3 points got the later tag. That is 10 out of the 75 taken! Pretty crazy you never know man!

  2. 2 hours ago, 105Coues said:

    Accuracy is key! Sounds like you practice a lot and that is awesome! A marginal hit is never a good time. Knowing your effective range and using a cut on contact broadhead which is new or resharpened before shooting is equally important. Expandable broadheads are generally not as sharp and use too much energy entering the animal. I used slick tricks on my bulls and shot through my 373 6x7. I shot a spike bull with the same and hit ribs and the arrow breached the other side but did not exit completely. 430 grn  arrow at 278 FPS. 53 yds and 38 yds. 

    Now I am sure someone has shot a book bull at 183 yds with an expandable and things went perfect but for every one of those there are thousands of bad experiences on elk and smaller critters. 

    I am sure there are a lot more experienced peeps on elk than I am but this is Just my .02. 

    Good luck my brother! If you can, go to 3D shoots and/or join a local club. The shoots are phenomenal practice and guys and gals at a club will help you big Time!

    Sounds good dude! Thank you!

  3. I havent done that with a skull. It can be hard with all the rough edges. But I do it with shoes for my friends like those fancy Nike's! I use spary paint and mix it in a bucket of water with a clear coat added on top! It's really neat and cool!

  4. 1 hour ago, singleshot said:

    Don't let not being able to get that premium ammo ruin your hunt. My .243 loves 85 grain bullets but it will shoot 100 grain Remington core lokts into 1.5 inch groups and its a $300 rifle. If worst comes to worst get closer and use whatever you can find. Go hunting man you will be fine.

    Yeah! I'm usually using the cheapest ammo! But this .243 is the only one I was able to get my hands on from G&F and I now have my rifle dialed in for that!

  5. Hey folks! So I have been getting some practice in with shooting and now with about 2 weeks until my hunt and i orded some new ammo a week ago, but this morning I had an E-mail stating that it would take 6 weeks. Does anybody have left over .243 similar to this ammo pictured? I'll buy double market price if I gotta. Even partial boxes help a ton! Lead free would be preferred too! Thank you!


  6. 3 minutes ago, azhunter55555 said:

    I shot this coues buck in August. My sons and a few friends think I'm a little crazy hunting coues deer with my recurve. I enjoy all types of hunting but hunting with traditional gear has become a passion of mine. This is my biggest coues to date and to do it with my recurve is a dream come true. I was able to spend time with two of my best friends on this hunt and that made it even more special. I'm already dreaming and making plans for next year. 


    That's awesome dude! Love to see it!

    • Like 2

  7. 2 hours ago, jdown said:

    If you are pushing 300ft/sec with 369grains with only a 24" draw, that seems really impressive to me. I would have said more like 270ish but these bows do amazing things these days.

    In terms of kinetic energy at 300ft/sec and 369gr you are at 73ft pounds then and plenty to push a fixed blade through out to 50 to even 60 no problem in my opinion.  If that 300 comes down to 270 let's say, that drops your Ki to 60ftlbs and I would say 40-50 is a long enough shot then. 


    Thank you! I'm starting to get my patterns tighter and starting to shoot better with the new setup

  8. 36 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    Not a bad idea at all, i try to give some bow in my arm to compensate.  But buck / elk fever is a real thing and after like 20 years of archery hunting im still a victim of it.  What can i say, the adrenaline still gets the best of me. I dont know how some guys keep their composure at that moment.  Its one of the reasons i switched to the IQ bowsight. It adds one more thing to my mental checklist to try and force myself to slow down and think my shot through. When you got a buck looking you in the eye its reeaall easy to forget and make a stupid mistake.   

    Me too. I missed 2 deer this year and I switched to the same sight for 5 pins. Makes me double check a lot more!

    • Like 1

  9. Just now, CatfishKev said:

    Sounds like where its supposed to be. Just remember that when hunting and its cold and your wearing warm gear it will hit your arm. I learned the hard way on this. When ready to take a shot i pop my bow holding arm out of my jacket quick.  

    Sounds good! Would it be smart to practice with it on if possible?

  10. 33 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    Yeah that sounds right, just checking.  When you are at full draw is your arm holding the bow pretty straight?  You dont wanna have that arm completely maxed out other wise the string will smack your forearm and thats not good. And if wearing winter gear makes it even worse and will mess up your shot. 

    I do have to keep it a little bent and itll still smack my arm so I wear an arm guard to protect or I'll bruise or burn my skin from the friction of the string

  11. 1 hour ago, GreyGhost85 said:

    Just use a strong, sharp, fixed blade broadhead. I would honestly look at a 2-blade with a long taper if i was you. If you centerpunched a rib at 45-50 yards with a short, fat broadhead, you could be in trouble. Magnus makes some tried and true 2-blades that you won’t have to take out a loan to afford. 

    Sounds great! Thank you!

  12. 4 minutes ago, GreyGhost85 said:

    If you have time, definitely go for a new string. 125gn head and steel or brass inserts will bring up your weight quite a bit i would guess but with your light total weight, you are shooting arrows that are not spined very heavily and all that weight out on the end could make your arrow flight less than desirable. It is probably too late in the game to totally change your arrow set up. 369 is LIGHT for elk. I did kill a bull with 385gn arrows at around 70 yards but I was also shooting nearly 340fps. 

    Yeah the guy at sportsmens said I was shooting at about 300-310 fps. So would a 45 or 50 yard shot be effective and ethical for an elk?

  13. 7 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    If you have the $ take it to a bow shop for a new string. Tell the guys you are trying to maximize your effective range and see what they suggest.  

    Maybe double check your draw length while you are there and see if you have any room to add an inch to your set up.  

    I'll see about that draw length. I just got the string in February or March and it has little to no frays and it kept inside and waxed daily due to every day shooting so would I be okay enough to wait until after the elk season and hope to get it before january for OTC deer?

  14. Hi guys I know I brought this topic up in a other post but I made some adjustments and found some new things out about my setup! 

    So i just brought my weight up to 65 pounds. I am maxed out on my bow now. The string is suoer stretched out due to 3000 arrows being shot since last january. My draw weight is 24 inches with a total arrow weight of 369 grains. Any new tips on maybe bringing the weight up? Kill range and broadhead options? Thank you!

  15. 5 minutes ago, knothead said:

    This wasn't just the north Kaibab it was pretty much the entire northern half of state that got hammered from that storm.  The storm occurred during late rifle elk hunt and many hunters were stranded for days.  Like already said, many of the hunters from unit 8 all the way across to Heber/overguard had to leave their camps and trailers until the snow melt in the spring to get everything out.  It was all over the news.  Boy, we sure could use some snow like that again.

    Wow that is crazy! You think itll happen this year? It is supposed to snow up north this Monday already. What if it does again in the end of November
