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Posts posted by UggRedBilly

  1. So what exactly do you guys think will happen with game cameras? I really wanna get into it soon and I'll buy a permit for each if I gotta! But do you think there will just be a complete ban? Season? I was watching how my guide did them and it looks really fun just to see what all comes across

  2. 5 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    If i remeber correctly the cost is kind of pro rated based on age.  If you leave az you still have to pay out of state cost for the tag but the huge benefit is if you move out of AZ you are not limeted to the 10% cap that other out of staters have.  So even though you pay full cost for the tag you have the much better odds of drawing tags then the out of state guys do. 

    That is perfect! Hunting here is priceless!

  3. Hi all! So while I was hunting deer one of the other hunters other at camp suggested I buy a lifetime license through AZ. How can I obtain one? Also if I were to purchase one and move to another state in the future would I still be able to have that lifetime license to put in yearly? If so would it be still considered resident or nonresident? Thank you!

  4. 8 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    I vaguely remeber you posting that.  That is awesome man. Im very happy for you. That is a phenomenal buck and its awesome to see a youngster get hooked into the sport of hunting. Huge congrats man! 

    Thanks man! I'll be heading out in January for OTC I know of a huge buck that made it through this year that I got my eye on pretty good!

    • Like 1

  5. Just now, CatfishKev said:

    Holy crap dude!

    First off that is an amazing buck! Huge congrats on your deer. Secondly, huge congrats on just being alive and im glad the people got caught.  Glad you are ok. 

    Did you pay for a guide or did josiah just offer to help? 

    I joined the program called zeroguide fees before I put into the draw and it is a early membership where you pay 175$ a year and once you get drawn for the late seasons or strip tags you will get a fully outfitted hunt! I was lucky because it was my first year! And even luckier to have Josiah! Join it if you are putting in dude! 175$ for a 5500$ fully outfitted hunt! Fantastic deal dude! They do other states plus elk, antelope, and sheep too!

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  6. Hey folks! Before I go into detail of my adventure. I just wanna give a few shout outs to everyone who helped and landed a hand to me! 

    Thank you Josiah for helping me on this trip! You're an amazing guide and I hope to see you again soon and hunt with you again at some point!

    Thank you Damon for leaning as much as offering me your quad! I am sorry I couldnt text you that I didnt need to use it! I lost your number because my phone broke

    Dave, thank you for some scouting advice back in july! I meant to follow you up on some more pointers but same issue happened with Damon!

    Last but not least another Dave I met in Peoria! Thank you for allowing me to buy the ammo I desperately needed! It saved my behind!

    Thank you all!


    My elk trip was good. Only there for 2 days and saw only 3 elk. 1 bull and 2 cows. Got within 30 of the bull but by the time I saw him he was already running

    But here we are with my deer hunt story!

    11-19-20 I had left a little late but got to my unit around 430 PM drove down the FR22 to camp and I lost phone service. Google directed me to another outfitters camp and we didnt even know till hours later! So I eventually made it to my actual camp right down the road! Almost got myself a nice steal from that first camp lol!

    11-20-20 OPENING DAY

    I met my guide Josiah who was amazing! We left camp at 530 and got out to glassing before shooting light. Saw deer EVERYWHERE and even my biggest buck I had ever seen and he told me it wasnt a shooter. I was mind boggled! But I trusted him! Heard a shot hit a deer near us right at light. Saw 60 deer that morning passed 8 bucks too! Then passed another 2 that evening with seeing another 40 does

    11-21-20 DAY 2 

    We had set a trail cam on a water hole and saw a 210 plus buck on it! So we wanted to sit water that morning. We get there and passed a cool drop-tine buck but the other side had 2 points but still really cool! And saw about 30 does in 3 hours! We decided to stay sitting on the ground with little water, a few small snacks, and no blind or anything all day! So much action. Saw like 10 or 11 bucks that day! And countless does about 100-120 more! Heard some deer fighting that night too! Really fun!

    11-22-20 DAY 3 TAG FILLED

    My guide Josiah was teaching me a lot about hunting, life, God, everything in general! He was an awesome dude! We prayed before every hunt and it made me think and reflect on new things on a new level. And that's a great thing. We decided to leave camp before 5 AM and get there set up with a blind and chair and food before 6 AM. We were prepared for another whole day at the water whole this time! We said prayer at 6:50 AM opened the blind and 2 minutes later I see movement to the left and a doe comes down to water and then a buck. It was so dark all you could see what a silhouette of the deer and some horn. I put my cross hairs on every buck and wait for Josiah to say shoot or dont shoot. And he said shoot...that....buck. I didnt hesitate, I trusted him like family! So I shot immediately! Hit him really good with the .243 bout 100 yard shot! He went around the small hill behind the water with his doe. Then 2 minutes later that doe was hoofing it back the other way! So we left the blind to check and this was our result. After we got pictures we did the gutless method and all the guides helped me at camp because I never quartered a deer before so they taught me! It was a ton of fun! 

    11-23-20 HEADING HOME

    Well our guide left early because he had to take care of somethings at home! So me and my girlfriend left that next morning! We packed up tied the skull to my ice chest to show it off to all the cars on the way home. As we headed back into Flag we got into a hit and run. Almost was fatal buck I luckily swerved enough to only get my back quarter of my truck dented. We came out okay. The driver took off into a forest road and some nice folks chased them back out but then that same car hit another on the highway right next to mine! So they had no choice but to pull over! They were just scared! They were younger than me and I'm 19. So we called the police and they helped us all out! Nobody was injured thankfully! But God was protecting all of us in that incident! For all the cars going 65 I would say damage was pretty minimal! But here is pics of all the highlights of our adventure!








    • Like 27
    • Great Buck! 4
    • Wow! 3

  7. 53 minutes ago, knothead said:

    Yes, I know how many points it takes get in the 20% pass but I have never had to wait this long before.  I have had 2 late tags and 4 early since 2000 and still yet to put a tag on a 12aw deer.  The older I get, the less I want to wait.  I think my luck may be running out.

    The early hunt take 7 or 8 points guaranteed draw but hey you never know. If you're getting impatient do archery next year. Takes 3-4 points for guaranteed draw! If you have a hunters ed point plus loyalty then you can get that tag every other year at worst!
