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Posts posted by UggRedBilly

  1. 2 hours ago, CouesFanatic said:

    I'd suggest early archery cow. You get to experience the rut some but also get to cut your teeth on elk hunting. Late bull for a beginner sounds like no fun, unless you really know what you are doing. 

    Gotcha! I always wanted to try an early cow hunt up near forest lakes! I ALWAYS find lots of elk there and to just hear the bugles is so cool too! Is there any other units that are worth looking at? Like would unit 8 be an option? Does unit 9 have an early cow?

  2. Hey guys so I just needed help on what to choose on a type of hunt for a begginer. I would like to be on archery because I just enjoy it more than rifle! But what should I do? Early cow? Save points for a trophy bull unit? Or should I do another late bull and sit water if it's another dry year? Thank you!

  3. 41 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    And azgfd is worried about cams disturbing animals around water....sad.

    Yeah. It used to be a huge tank. Like 50 yds Then the last few days it was like a 10 foot puddle. Now it's just a mud pit with tire tracks. Had a small 2 foot puddle and I hoped it would still be enough to have something come in! But no luck for today. I am just going to wait till after next weeks rain and maybe get one after that, right before the season closes

  4. I was in 37B the last 3 days! It was awesome! 3 does at a tank. Then the next day I had a buck that was spooked by something, run from behind me in my blind. I had about a 30 yard running shot if I wanted to take it, but I wasnt confident i would make the shot so I passed! We stopped at about 80 yards away and was huffing and snorting in all directions for a few minutes then walked away. A few hours later in the afternoon I walked back to where he had stopped and saw scratching marks in the ground and he had peed on a few piles of poop too. 

    This morning I go back there and to my suprise my water hole had turned into a mud bog for some people during the night. Looks like a few got stuck too!

  5. 8 hours ago, duckhunter175 said:

    @UggRedBilly  How did the hunt go??

    I was there for 3 days. Had to cut it short to go on my deer hunt! Saw a bull but by the time I saw him it was already hoofing it. Just a rag horn but still something. Then we got within 80 yards of 2 cows and they had been spooked from us walking too loudly. Was a whole lotta fun! Found a nice shed that scored 64" and saw a whole lotta deer too! I should've sat water knowing how dry it was but I didn't have the patience for that. Overall it was a ton of fun! I am going to put in for elk again. Maybe not a late hunt this time! Maybe an early cow or I might save points for unit 9 early archery! I think that one will be a blast!

    • Like 1
    • Wow! 1

  6. 1 hour ago, CouesFanatic said:

    I wouldn't mind all the archery deer hunts going to a draw. Its headed that way. Every year there's a couple more that are draw only. We need less tags in this state. Quality is down a lot lately. 

    What if there was an antler minimum? Like no spikes killed? Maybe even forkies? Would that even help population at all?

    • Like 1

  7. 23 hours ago, bhuntin said:

    awesome buck and story! congrats. Glad your ok and hopefully everyone else was, even the at fault driver. life lesson for him. A simple accident turned into a felony in a split second. he will regret that one.


    Everyone was fine thankfully. Just a little dinged up a trip to the chiropractor or two will fix my back up! We will be going to court to explain what happened on our end soon! I felt bad for them because they were younger than me by far and I'm only 19. They havent even gotten their lives started

    • Like 1

  8. 4 hours ago, Azmuledeer said:

    I believe a lot of this issue has come from general hunters going into an area and having confrontation with (guides assuming they own an animal because they have it on camera) so people start complaining enough to get the commission to open comment periods from the public let’s see where it goes 

    I personally don’t own any cameras and don’t believe you should be able to profit from their use.

    Yeah I agree. I never seen any guides do that BUT I do believe you and believe it happens. It's a bad thing to do for the sport

  9. 30 minutes ago, Azmuledeer said:


    Nope. Just deer and elk usually maybe OTC Javelina. But the spot I go to does not allow cams at all. It really just depends on how they could enforce it. If cams are on water during a popular season then it's easy to tell it is probably for hunting. But what about a month like febuary. Not much going on when it comes to hunting. It's just really hard to enforce. Also just a waste of man time. These people go out and earn a bachelor's degree and for what? To throw away cameras?

  10. 1 hour ago, NOTAGS said:

    Here’s a dumb question if you will.  If I put a trail camera out on water in the forest in July , I am not hunting. Possibly littering by the USNFS rules, but I would not be engaged in hunting at that point .   Why TF should GF have anything to do with it UNTIL hunting season?  Are they going to  be enforcing Forest Service rules now? If so start writing people up for driving on closed roads, having fires during fire closures, littering etc.

    thats like them citing me for having Powerbait in my tackle box at Lee’s Ferry,   Possession of the item is not a crime, but how or when you use it is. Last I looked, trail cameras are legal to own in America .

    This is best comment I've seen on this entire subject! THANK YOU

  11. 2 hours ago, 654321 said:

    I suggest you get go fund money for the retainment of a lawyer.  Then run your cameras for FUN, now when you are helping a kid and he harvests his deer and the WM asks did you use trail cams to aid in the taking of this animal answer no.  It now falls on the burden of the state.  If the state can prove you had a trail camera and they prove that trail camera had that particular deer on it then you might be in trouble, on the other hand what if you never had a single picture of that particular deer?  What if your trail cameras last picture of that deer was from 3 months ago and you can prove that you harvested that deer 2 miles from that location?  I'm sure a good lawyer could probably make a good case that the trail camera didn't aid in the take of that deer.  Let me ask you this? Did you have any trail cam pictures of that deer you recently helped Uggredbilly take?   

    No. It was the first time we had seen that deer. The only photos that cam caught of that deer was us dragging him around
