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Posts posted by UggRedBilly

  1. 3 minutes ago, Delw said:

    so if they put a season on Cameras, does that mean your a poacher if you use them out of season ?

    I imagine then yes. Like if they implement a season itd probably be that you can only run them from Feb 1st through July 31st or something like that! If there is a camera out for anything then I guess itd be their legal right to seize that camera? I imagine we will see a clear cut law coming out soon!

  2. 1 minute ago, 5guyshunting said:


    They do use seasons to make determinations. You say they don't.


    Dude its sarcasm. I cleared it up and you're still acting like it's not. You think I dont listen to regs and the azgfd about why they do what they do?! Yeah sure. Because I was born yesturday. I just found out today that there was a draw too! Did you ever hear about that?


  3. 3 minutes ago, 5guyshunting said:

    Sorry Spankey, Im not anti camera, but your words are not sarcasm. You need to get a clue or go to school.It's not like they use seasons todetermine when game should be takenIt's not like they use seasons todetermine when game should be taken

    But it is...how should it be typed then? English professor?

  4. 16 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    Many Animals use the same water sources year round so that’s accurate.

    also adding the mystery of what’s out there. It’s not hard to get bull pics in 9 during the summer. Any idiot with a camera could do that 

    It depends on animal needs. Clearly this year they didnt range far from their normal watering holes. But in others they do. It depends the early season for elk has a mate as number 1 priority. Water at 2. Food at 3 and probably shelter at 4. But in the late seasons it changes from Shelter to food or water then a mate which usually never happens. Its depends on the animals needs. So that is invalid too. It can be changed year by year and is variable

  5. Just now, trphyhntr said:

    So what we got so far is some cams is ok but not sure how many. And some unit “surveillance” is ok but not the whole unit

    you starting to see why they need to be banned right? 

    Well the thing with a season is that by the time the hunt comes around the deer are clearly behaving differently. From the 1 month span between August and september the elk behavior changes from the rut. So they'll be in different spots. So you dont have really any true clue on where the animals are from the time the camera season ends to when your hunt would begin. Unless of course you are doing the early OTC

  6. 5 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    Cameras are not fair chase and should be banned entirely. Seems that the most upset dudes are these guides that totally rely on cameras.  

    Yeah I agree with the part of the fact people rely on just cameras. Which is why you ban them for the season and dont use them for hunting. But you can use them in the off season for a hobby to watch antler growth

  7. 8 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    What is unit wide surveillance defined as, like you can only hunt with one other guy in one spot? 

    The issue is there is outfitters who purchases a ton of cameras and put them out at every water source or hotspot during a hunt then send camera checkers out to see what's going on. You get an entire unitz worth of scouting done within 24 hours pretty much. Not fair at all! 

    Also AGAIN I said MOST the issues lie north of the big ditch. Did I say that or did I not? Key word MOST. Maybe you can see that better in all caps. Get some glasses you clearly cant read that well

  8. 1 minute ago, trphyhntr said:

    Why are you accusing people on here of stealing cams 

    Because is happens all the time. You on Facebook? Or any social media? People I follow always have photos of cams being stolen. Cant imagine that being just libs. They dont like being out in remote areas. Itll chip their nails

  9. 8 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    I’m trying to get the gist of your point. Which i think is a lot of cams is a problem but a few isn’t. So at what point then do they become a problem, 2 cams on a water hole? 3, 4, what’s the number that they become a problem. 

    idk why you brought up javelina, like that all there is outside of kaibab or something. there’s large trophy deer south of the ditch also 

    Personally I dont have an issue with cams at all. But from what I can tell from others, the main issue is when there is surveillance across the entire unit almost at all water sources just for 1 group of hunters or a few outfitters. That obviously isn't fair chase! I think that the adverage joe with a few cams isnt the issue at all. It clearly is those outfitters who try and cover the whole unit with cams. I am also aware there is trophy opportunities in every unit. I seen some nice ones near phoenix! But by the time the season comes around those deer can be in a completely different spot. Which is why it is good. I think the cameras can benefit more than hurt if they are used as a season. Like monitoring antler growth, sometimes predator rates in areas! But I believe a season is the best way to fix that abuse of cameras. I would be lying if I said they weren't abused and I'd be lying if I said I dont understand why you guys were against it

  10. 2 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

    I legit have no idea what you’re talking about or what your point is. Are you under the impression that cameras are only used on the strip? Because that’s not the case 

    I'm saying most the problems are caused uo there. A huge majority of them. I've been to a whole lotta units and never seen issues other than up in those premium units for elk or deer. Scouting in unit 10 was a mess too. Also no I am saying people are stealing cameras. It's just sarcasm. A lot of what I am saying is. Even the seasons comment I first mentioned. I mean a season is nice from February through july. Because not as much of the popular bug game is hunted. I think the only exception is turkey javi and bear right? But I would really love a season because cameras are really cool! Like just for pics of animals. I just got one of a moutain lion dude! Really cool! I'll share them soon if you're curious. I dont wanna use them as a hunting tool. I used it for my bab deer this year to locate animals. But I'm not sure the locating part is really for me. I enjoy more of e scouting and putting boots on the ground! But the images and just being able to see them is just really really neat to me. That's why the mean a lot to me

  11. 7 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:


    Well if an abundance of cameras being out during deer and elk seasons isnt the issue what is? Because all I saw was you guys bashing outfitters who had all these cameras for these deer and elk units during season  all these stories on how they block off areas and there is fighting over water holes. Take away cams during season and it's a mystery and gamble for everyone. By the time most these seasons come around the deer and elk will have moved from their summer range anyways. But what's the issue? Is your favorite squirrel hunting spot being taken over by outfitters and their darn cameras? Did you loose your chance on the HUUGGEEE 250 pound javi? Yeah I highly doubt it. A season is a great compromise and easily enforceable. You see the camera take it. That simple. A lotta folks already take them anyways! I bet some of you are pros!

    • Confused 1

  12. 1 minute ago, 5guyshunting said:

    I do think there are seasons or dates for game to be hunted. If not, your saying you can hunt any thing whenever you want.   News to me.

    Well the issues lie with the premium elk units and any unit north of the big ditch. It's not an issue as much in most others. I dont think people are posting cameras in the "premium" javelina unit with the prime genetics. That isnt the issue. Most of it lies within elk, deer and maybe bighorn in a few cases
