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Posts posted by UggRedBilly

  1. 8 minutes ago, huntlines said:

    No hit this morning, my porthole has been up to date since the start. Glad to hear some had they portholes updated this weekend. Thought for sure it would have been Monday. Now with nothing this morning I’m thinking it may not happen till Friday.

    I think Friday too. They have to get it before the leftover apps open. I'm still hopeful they'll have it done sometime earlier!

  2. 2 minutes ago, DUG said:

    Anybody remember when you applied by paper then had to wait for your white postcard or pink postcard to come in the mail to let you know if you were drawn or not? There was no intraweb forums to complain on about the wait for the mailman or if you got drawn or not.

    I was never old enough for that. But when I used to put in with paper all I did was either wait for a tag in the mail or that refund check

  3. Just now, bigorange said:

    Yep. Not looking until I know people are getting charged. 

    I dont think it even shows the results today. Just a card charge. But usually it takes a week to find out what hunt number and tag number you have right?

    • Like 1

  4. Just now, AZBIG10 said:

    I recall one year they hit right around lunch time. No?

    During the deer draw last year I was hit at 1 PM then my dad and brother were hit at 5 PM. So maybe we will be lucky to get it earlier

    • Like 2

  5. 1 hour ago, DBArcher said:

    Just to reiterate this. Be comfortable and confident with your arrow setup. You absolutely do not have to shoot 60 plus yards or stretch skill or the equipment. Honestly if it were me with your setup, I would probably try and setup an arrow like an Easton axis. As far as you spine goes it all depends on your arrow length.if you are shooting a 25” or around there arrow I would put a 50 grain insert in the front of a 340 spine. I would then go ahead and throw as sharp a broadhead on the front. The above mention magnus stingers are great and that’s what my wife shoots from a similar setup. Limit shot distance to under 40 yards or so and I would have no problem shooting bigger animals with your setup. Your confidence will be key.

    I’ll say it one more time, place that arrow where it needs to be and you will not regret it.

    Sounds great! I'll have to go pick some inserts up then! I'll definitely get those broadhead too! People were telling me to get them before my elk hunt and they were outta stock everytime I checked for the last few weeks before hunting!

  6. 10 minutes ago, yotebuster said:

    Paper tuning is invaluable info.  Is there a good pro shop near you?  (Not Sportsmans warehouse).  I used to be an archery tech at one and if someone came in that was new to it, we would try to help as much as we could.  Try to buy what you need from them as well, that’s how they make a living, but most guys that work in those shops truly love archery and will help you out.  

    There is a shop called bear moutain nearby my place! I will head there and check them out!

    • Like 1

  7. That makes a ton of sense. I am not sure what exactly shoots best for my bow yet. I will go out this next week and buy some more sets of arrows heads and inserts. What should I look for when I want "better results"

    I know grouping is an obvious one. But should I be looking for how deep they enter the target? Speed? What would be a good thing to really focus on when narrowing down what works for me

  8. 45 minutes ago, PRDATR said:

    Consider this. Oxygen % at Sea Level is 20.1%. At 2000' above Sea Level it is 19.4% and at 10,000' it is 14.3%. Best to try to acclimate yourself once you are up there that high for a day or so before exerting yourself and then have a plan for evacuation if you feel hypoxia coming on.

    That is what I was worried about most. What I may do this year is try a couple days of camping without hunting near where I wanna go or I might try hiking up near the katchina peaks because they get pretty high as well! 

    ASU has a vacume chamber over near William's field and they had me go in there once and it was not fun. If was for flight school. Crazy stuff

    • Like 1

  9. 2 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

    I hunted otc elk in 1998 and it sucked. But by then I already knew about AZ elk hunting so I was destined to be disappointed 

    Yeah there is a huge difference and I bet OTC only got worse with all the pressure since. The only elk expirience I had was when I went in Nov. But I mean even seeing an elk or hearing I would honestly be happy with if I were to even go!

  10. 2 hours ago, 1uofacat said:


    I've hunted OTC CO elk, primarily in the Mission Mtn. and Engineer Peak (Cascade Creek) area.  It's rugged country, so you better know what you're getting into.  Also, the elevation is extreme, so you'd better be in good shape.  I was living in Flagstaff at the time and ran a lot, so the elevation wasn't much of an issue, but you may want to consider help, not only during the hunt for safety reasons, but if/when you get something down, unless you're very very fortunate, it could be a "mountain" of work to get it out properly.

    Wow 750 is a lot! I wanna try and get up there if possible. Would be tough with such a short length. But still gonna aim to get it high as possible. Imma visit a shop within the next week! Like bear archery.

    Also yeah I'm worried about the elevation a ton. I would wanna hunt around 10000 ft and never been up that before and I have asthma. So that may be even worse. Would that canned oxygen help with anything? Or even worth it? I have been in pretty good shape lately when it comes to hiking but that elevation makes it just 3 times harder too. I will also be looking into some people who pack the animals put for us too. I heard of a few groups who do that for some hunters for a fair price. They do it by horse

  11. I also have another question that is kinda related. Have you guys done any OTC CO elk?

    I wont ask for any units or spots. I've narrowed it down to about 15 choices. But what I wanted to ask was what kinda hunts do you prefer? Super high pressure with more elk around? Or mid to low with small amounts of elk?

  12. If you want a nice 4 wheeler look for a used honda rancher. Tons of fun! Big but still fun and great for hunting or just rec riding/trail riding.


    Artic cat was pretty cool too. I had a 2007 DVX 250. It was nice. Or if you're on a tighter budget find a polaris trail boss. They are very similar to Honda rancher but cheaper. But you get what you pay for remeber that! (Bad Carb issues for me) always had to play with the choke even after I rebuilt it myself then had a shop just get a new one. 

  13. 2 hours ago, PowellSixO said:

    I will be the bad guy I guess, and go against the grain. I think a heavier arrow is important. Obviously any arrow with a sharp tip can kill an elk. But after lost elk of my own, I’d say preparing for the less favorable shots/hits is important. We want everything to be perfect, but as we all know it never is. One thing I learned the hard way, is that it is very very hard to track a bull down without a blood trail. So the bigger the hole, and the more holes you have in an elk the better. Rather than rant and rave, I’ll cut to point. A good broadhead, on a heavy arrow. A good broadhead that will cut, and not break is important. A heavy arrow will help pass the broadhead through the elk. If you encounter bone, you want the arrow to keep penetrating. If you don’t encounter bone, the arrow will make two holes instead of one, because it will likely come out the other side. There is a reason people advocate for heavier arrow setups for elk. They’re big critters, with big bones, that have an extremely strong will to survive. Now I think you can go too heavy. I don’t think you need a 1000 grain arrow setup. I tend to think the 500 grain arrow setup is a good happy medium between light and fast, and heavy and slow. Just my two cents.

    Yeah. I figure due to mainly my draw length I was very limited on speed and one day someone told me if you cant shoot fast shoot heavy. But that was 1 week before my hunt so I didnt wanna change everything I worked on last minute. But now I have till september till CO OTC elk

    • Like 1

  14. 10 hours ago, NOTAGS said:

    True words......I had an arrow bounce off an elk shoulder and drop to the ground at 20 yd.s , shooting 72 lbs.s and KE of 65 lbs ish.  Anyone close by would have seen a grown man cry...




    Geez that just sounds like a roller coaster of emotions! That's crazy!

  15. 37 minutes ago, HuntHarder said:

    Don't overthink it.... many, many elk died before all this FOC, 500 grain arrow talk became cool.  Dont hit the shoulder and you are golden.  Hit the shoulder, you better be close and have some serious KE.  

    Sounds great! Thank you!

  16. Hey guys! If you all remember I was running an arrow setup that weighed 369 grains! I was told it was bare minimum for elk before my hunt in november. So I dont wanna keep using that setup in the years to come. I am drawing 65 pounds with ease now too (Max Poundage). I know I clearly need to get a heavier head to I will be switching to a 125 grain broadhead now. I also only have a 24 inch draw which takes away a lot of weight and speed. So what should I look into for a new arrow set up? 

    I usually end up getting the cheaper arrows at Spotsmens with a 340 spine for 40$. Would a wrap help a lot? Do they come off to easily? Is there a specific type of arrow for shorter draw lengths out there? Thank you!

  17. 44 minutes ago, CouesFanatic said:

    Yes because this ban or season idea is for using cameras for hunting. It doesn't ban using cameras. The Game and Fish cannot ban cameras on Forest Service Land. The Forest Service or BLM has to ban it on the land they control. The Game and Fish has no authority to ban using cameras outside of hunting purposes.

    If the Game and Fish bans cameras year round there will still be legal cameras up. If they create a season there will still be legal cameras up outside of that season. Your idea of everyone taking cameras down is just not possible unless you get the Forest Service and BLM on board. 

    Thank you. That makes a lot of sense
