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About Moondizzle

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  • Birthday May 7

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  1. Moondizzle

    Need your piano tuned?

    Not too often, I am born and raised from Globe so it wouldn’t be too much to keep driving one weekend 😂
  2. Moondizzle

    Scorpion 3 Plus

    Pm sent
  3. Moondizzle

    2 Left hand Leather holsters

    PM sent for the DeSantis.
  4. Moondizzle

    303 British Ammo , Free

    I’ll take it!
  5. Moondizzle

    Holster for sale

    🤙I’ll take the bianchi.
  6. Moondizzle

    ISO timney trigger

    They are located up in north phx if you want a brand new one.
  7. Moondizzle

    Stoeger STR-9C

    2nd dibs if the original sale doesn’t work out.
  8. Moondizzle

    ISO 44 Special Ammo

    Looking for some 44 special ammo.
  9. Moondizzle


    Great 45acp Kahr. Wonderful double action trigger, I only shot it a few times and besides that it sat in the safe. Practically brand new. What 45 ammo I have goes with it. Original box and paperwork. Askin $400 for it. Want to get into a 44 mag revolver. So if you have something and want to take the Kahr on trade I’ll throw the extra cash in.
  10. Moondizzle

    H&K VP9, Excellent, Extras SOLD

    I thinks VP9 means it’s a 9mm🤙🏼
  11. Moondizzle


    Pm sent
  12. Moondizzle

    Rossi brawler 410/45lc -sold

    Sun protection factor?
  13. Moondizzle

    Rossi brawler 410/45lc -sold

    I’ll take 2nds if things don’t work out with “azbow”
  14. Moondizzle

    ISO Kahr CT45 holster

    I’m looking for a leather pancake holster or an IWB holster for the Kahr CT45. Let me know what you have!
  15. Moondizzle

    ISO Helium Tank (High pressure DOT) kind

    Good question, what would the size of a 5ft tall tank be?