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Everything posted by Bdog

  1. Bdog

    Zeiss 15x60 help

    Hi I have a pair of Zeiss 15 X 60 Made is West Germany in the 80s. Does anyone know an adaptor to get these on a tripod? Also any info on the binos would be awesome. Serial number 24094 Bino 2.pdf Bino 1.pdf
  2. Bdog

    January Malay Elk Rifle Hunt Advice

    Poor hunt Malay Gap January-----100 either sex tribal tags the week before the hunt---tough hunt physically---- saw hundreds of cows and spikes----very few branched antlered bulls--bring a ton of gas, chains, winch, spot in touch----might be your only connection out--cost $4500 for tag----might a $1000 tag---then before the hunt the tribe changed the game saying if you kill a bull over 400 they get 10k--just in case a big bull walks over from one of their trophy units---then 100 tribal tag hunt a week after the non-member hunt---You might kill a big bull--- its possible but for the money its overprized--September saw some very good bulls in the Malay--think they came over from the trophy units ---must less competition than the trophy units-----most big bulls left after the rut-----so the tribe up the cost of September archery to $7500---if you are going to hunt this unit hire (Hoss) Julius Hostetler--he is a straight shooter and will scout the unit hard before the hunt--giving you the best chance to succeed---buyer beware---