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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    36C Tag Early November

    Like a lot of folks on this site, I have hunted 36A,B,C many times. I have never had safety/theft issues. As a risk mitigator, I usually camp where others are camped. If you're planning on hunting/camping in the Elkhorn area, you should have no problem with your trailer/camp during the day. There are plenty of other folks who camp in that area, and also the 'illegal' activity is really not too much of a factor during the day iin that area (IMO). If you're not hunting the hilld/flats, good that you're in shape!!! Those mountains are STEEP!!! Good luck on the hunt! S. PS: Welcome to the site!
  2. stanley

    My Sons 2011 junior hunt mount

    Great looking mount, and BIG congrats to your son on a great deer! S.
  3. stanley

    Here we go again!

    Huh?? What does selling-out of merchandise have to do with this topic, and why should the G&F (or us) be concerned with that??? They are going to sell out of the hot items and have a surplus of the cold items no matter what date the results are out. S.
  4. stanley

    Here we go again!

    +1!!!! Anyone remember the old days (pink or white)? This complaining happens every year..... S.
  5. stanley

    Hunting with the aid of a Vehicle

    Huh?? When was the last time that a Wildlife Manager / Game Warden deported anyone or had anything to do with forest thinning??? Not sure how this statement has anything at all to do with this topic..... Hi-jacked thread? Maybe you should post this under a seperate thread in the Political forum?? S.
  6. stanley

    Yellowfin Tuna Fishing - Hawaii

    Wow...... It's threads like this that make me VERY bitter about the curse of sea/motion sickness that I have. I absolutely LOVE to fish, and I LOVE to eat fish! Unfortunately, for me I have come to the conclusion that I cannot take part in this type of fun due to the life-long curse! I've tried three times and all have ended in misery! Dramamine, Bonine, patches behind the ears, nothing has worked so I end-up slumped over the rail for the vast majority of the time. (One was a 1 1/2 day trip south out of San Diego for Albacore....... 30 hours of heaving misery! ) I sincerely envey you!!! Good show! S.
  7. stanley

    Yuma man crushed by cactus - ouch!

    Wow! When in high school, a friend of mine crashed into a LARGE cholla while racing down a two track in a 'sand rail' in the flat desert country east of Apache Junction. He was litterally buried in cholla. His father and I had to use a garden rake to help extract him from the pile of cholla..... For some reason this story reminds me of that scene...... Clearly, this poor guy in Yuma was very seriously injured. I hope he is OK..... S.
  8. stanley

    The Gun Claw

    I purchased The Gun Claw through this site a couple of years ago. I thought it would be a good way to help my kids shoot a little bit longer distances, but at the end of the day we really didn't end up using it much. We are not really 'long distance' shooters, and hence I don't think we were the right folks to get the most out of it. (Seems like shooting sticks and/or just resting the rifle over the top of the tripod works well enough at the distances we shoot....) That being said; WHO WANTS IT??? I would rather it go to someone who will really use it as opposed to me seeing it in the bottom of my box of hunting/shooting goodies everytime I open it. I'll send it free to anyone who thinks they could put it to good use. Please only ask if you REALLY think you would use it, otherwise it will just end-up at the bottom of someone else's gear box...... Also, if you happen to use a Manfrotto floating head on your tripod, I've got a quick release head-plate which is currently attached that I'll send also (I have spares for my Swaros, etc...). PM or reply (or call me 602-690-2423). S.
  9. stanley

    The Gun Claw

    Good idea, elkaholic. I should have thought of that first...... Will keep in mind for any useful items in the future, for sure! I've exchanged PMs with SHREK though, and I think it will go to a good home and be put to good use! S.
  10. stanley

    The Gun Claw

    WOW! That was quick! Got your PM. Done deal! Sounds like your little guy can put it to use. Will be in touch via PM..... S.
  11. stanley

    Online draw system fails AGAIN!

    Virtually every response so far has been on target, IMO. I procrastinated too (Seems I always do.....). Had a hard time finalizing plans with my out of state friends who are putting-in with me. What ever the reason for the procrastination, I experienced the same problems last night, and wasn't a bit surprised....... High network traffic to the site is going to clog it up. Not much G&F can do about it. Because of what happened last night, I set my alarm for 4AM this morning. Woke-up, brewed some coffee and submitted my kids junior applications and my application for deer with no problem. Good luck to all! S.
  12. stanley

    Not Again!

    Wow...... Good luck TJ! S.
  13. stanley

    Questions about deer draw/deadline

    Hello Airbusdriver! I'm no expert, but I'll try to answer your questions (in red below). Good luck! S.
  14. stanley

    1 less deer killer

    Awesome! Love the old 30-30s! I took mine on my muley hunt last fall. Left the .7MM at home. Never got within shooting distance of anything I wanted to kill, but I enjoyed having it in my hands again. The gun I 'grew-up' huning with..... S.
  15. stanley

    Best show on TV!

    I agree, it's a pretty good show. I like his excitement/passion as he's doing his thing on public land. I also like that he gets old friends/acquaintances involved, which is what I think a lot of us try to do when we plan our trips. S. PS: Another guy I like to watch is Fred Eichler. I know that he is not 'OYOA' (He uses outfitters..... and is an outfitter himself...), but I really like his crazy attitude and passion! He can be a little wacky, but so are my friends and I on occasion. Saw him stick a little muley with an arrow and he was as excited as anyone would be over any sized trophy.
  16. stanley

    Bear defense

    I agree, Snapshot. I'm absolutely NO expert, but it seems to me that if she would have simply stood-up earlier in the encounter and waved her arms and yelled, that the bear likely would have moved-off. Didn't seem agressive at all, mainly curious. That being said, it is interesting footage..... S.
  17. stanley

    1 less deer killer

    AWESOME! Cool that you did it with a 30-30, too! Would like to see a pic of your rifle. I have an 1894 model that I LOVE! S.
  18. stanley

    2006 Mulie

    Great buck! Thanks for sharing! S. PS: Looks like you packed it out 'old school'.....
  19. stanley

    Thoughts about what makes a "trophy" animal

    Thanks TJ, Chef, and Amanda....... All of us have shared a camp fire or two, and you KNOW where my passion is! S. PS: Shot craps on elk talks for all of us this year. Will keep my fingers crossed on deer tags for the kids though.... PSS: Sorry to highjack the thread, Raghorn! Trophys come in all shapes & sizes, IMO......
  20. stanley

    Thoughts about what makes a "trophy" animal

    Trophy is DEFINITELY in the eye of the beholder, IMO..... Here is an amazing trophy for Greta!! (and me too.....) S. Full slide-show of the hunt: http://s379.photobucket.com/albums/oo234/stanleyaz/Kiabab%20Junior%20Deer%20Hunt%20October%202010/?albumview=slideshow
  21. stanley

    Bluegill Bananza

    Nice, TJ!!!!! Awesome write-up and pics! Glad you had such a good & delicious time! S.
  22. stanley

    What do you all think

    LOL!!! +1 Reminds me of an old Cash song..... My opinion is that you should name the kid what ever you want to name him/her. My wife (ex-wife, actually....) and I figured-out early in the process that we didn't want to share any 'prospective' names with anyone prior to making the final decision. Reason was; when you share the prospective names you get all kinds of opinions that might make you biased towards or away from what you, in your heart, think is the best name for the little fella. Pick a name and go with it! Doesn't matter what any of us hacks thinks! S.
  23. stanley

    Hog Shoot

    VERY cool pictures!!!!! Must have been very awesome to be there! Thanks for sharing! S.
  24. stanley

    Jr elk and Jr deer hunts set for same week.

    The guidelines state that, where possible, there shouldn't be a junior deer hunt and a junior elk hunt going in the same unit at the same time. That's why the 3AC junior elk hunt used to be a week later than the other junior elk hunts. Now that the junior deer hunt has been moved to November, the junior elk hunt is the same date as the other junior elk hunts (except for the elk hunts in 22 and 23). To the general question of why they junior elk and deer hunts tend to take place at the same time: First, the guidelines state that they should try to schedule the hunts at the same time as a school break. These hunts often fall during fall break/Columbus Day (although this year fall break is the week before the hunt). Second, they've got to fit junior hunts in when there aren't any general hunts for any other species going on in the unit. If you set aside certain weeks and decide that all junior hunts should take place at that time, it makes it easier to fit all of the general hunts within the schedules provided in the guidelines. It's all about uniformity...where possible. Finally, and this isn't in the guidelines, but I've always assumed (as stated above) that the thinking is that when a kid draws a junior elk tag, scheduling the junior hunt on the same week may open up opportunities for another kid to get a junior deer tag. I think that ugly hit on a couple of key points....... 1) They try to schedule (as best they can) when some kids might be out on break. 2) They also have to schedule several hunts throughout the fall, and it's just not that easy to fit them all in to a calendar that is perfect for all. Also, oz31p; I agree with you regarding the combo javelina/deer! A couple of years ago my son had a junior deer tag. We picked-up a javelina tag OTC for him, and it was a lot of fun. Kind of like a 'Southern AZ Safari'!!! S.
  25. stanley

    Bobcat with a bow

    LOL!!! +1!! AWESOME, Buckskin!!!!! S.