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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Coues whitetail snacks!

    Wow! Looks yummy! S.
  2. stanley

    Kaibab Breakfast Guest

    Great pic Doug! How was the grouse hunting? Did Rica have fun? I'll be up there in a few weeks with the kids on the Junior hunt. Will likely throw the shotguns in, just in case. Unfortunately out little vizsla girl passed away a week or so ago, but maybe we can still flush a bird or two in her honor...... Thanks for sharing the pic! S.
  3. stanley

    Archery buff down

    VERY COOL!!!!!! The Kiabab buffalo opportunities are an amazing opportunity for those willing to take a chance and put in the work! Awesome! Thanks for sharing with the site. S. PS: Does anyone know off the top of their head, are Jr. hunters allowed to purchase the buff tag along with their deer tags too? Or only Kiabab general tag holders?
  4. stanley

    Guided Lion Hunt

    I would recommend that you contact the guides/outfitters that are sponsors of this site. Even if they don't do lion hunts, they might have some good referral info for you. S. PS: Check-out Randy E.
  5. stanley

    Archery Lion!

    AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  6. stanley

    Finally broke the 100" mark.

    Awesome, Tracy!!!!! VERY cool story! Thanks for sharing with the site. S.
  7. stanley

    Our first girl!

    Brightly is an AWESOME name! Look at those eyes! What a cutie!!!! Sincere congratulations to you and best wishes for the future! My little girl is a 13 year old firecracker (and deer slayer... ) now and she is giving me plenty of trouble/grief, but I wouldn't trade her for anything..... Hold your breath and enjoy the ride for! S.
  8. stanley

    Jr elk and Jr deer hunts set for same week.

    "We were pissed when we found out that most all the junior deer hunts are scheduled for the same week of the 5B south cow hunt my father and I drew. Little sister finally showed a true interest in going deer hunting this year (wanted to take her up to 12A-W to whack a doe and see some deer). She'll have to wait another year, hopefully maintains an interest." Yea, that's a tough situation. Used to be that we all put-in for the deer and elk hunts at the same time, but the elk/prong-horn draw has been moved earlier so it can be hard to figure. I kind of like it though, as at least we all know what elk/prong-horn tags we might have prior to making a decision on deer. Luckily, there are lots of other deer hunts to choose from, Jr. or not...... Maybe you can keep her interested by bringing her along for your cow hunt with your father though? The cow hunts are always fun, and at least she can have fun with you two there (whether she is pulling the trigger or not.....). Either way, good luck on your cow hunt and good luck keeping your little sister interested in the outdoors/hunting! S. PS: Coach, seems like a good idea to me! Your sons are blessed to have BOTH of the tags!
  9. stanley

    Campin where its a bit cooler? Any ideas?

    If you're in the East valley, the Rim country has lots to offer. Take the Rim road towards Bear Canyon lake. Once you get up the road a bit, pick a 'two track' and follow it. Lots of spots up in that area if you drive around a bit. If you live North or West valley, maybe check-out the Stoneman Lake area or just North of that..... Rocky Park road off of I-17 can lead to some nice spots, but I suppose you'll have to watch-out for the new Coconino camping regulations there so watch-out. I hope you find a good spot! S.
  10. stanley

    SCI Jr. Camp 2011 36A SUCCESS!!

    VERY, VERY, Awesome!!!! So happy for you and your son that you had an awesome hunt! I have joined that camp many times over the years, as an organizer (with the ADA), as a volunteer cook/cleaner/glasser, and as a father with kids hunting. Bobby, Gabe, Steve, etc. always run an awesome camp! Kudos to them for doing that, and kudos to you for spending precious time hunting with your son! Thanks for sharing the pic/story! S.
  11. VERY AWESOME!!!! Congrats to you, Tracy, and DILLON!! So cool! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  12. stanley


    Anyone catch Pigman tonight??? CRAZY pig extermination! I think that some folks might have a problem with that show, but I have absolutely no problem what so ever. Looks like the pigs are basically 'vermin' and destroying lots of farmer's crops. Pretty wild watching Ted Nugent go full-auto from a chopper! S.
  13. stanley

    36A Help

    I've camped and hunted in 36A many times. Sometimes with friends, sometimes with many folks on the Jr. hunts, and sometimes solo. I've never had a problem. (knock on wood.....). There are often a few camps along the Batamote Road if you're looking to camp/sleep in an area where there are others around. In fact, during the Nov Jr. Hunt, the G&F/SCI runs a great youth camp about a mile in from the Arivaca road side..... Some folks also take advantage of the 'pay for camp' facility in the town of Arivaca. Good luck! S.
  14. stanley

    Daughters first buck with a bow!

    Excellent!!!! Very cool! S.
  15. stanley

    Swarovski 15 x 56

    "Is everybody unloading their 15's for the 12's? Just curious it seams like a lot of people are selling their 15's recently." Funny you should mention that. I was chatting at dinner with some folks from this board a couple of months ago, and one of the folks had just bought the 12Xs...... The speculation was exactly the sentiment that you just expressed. Seems anyone who has looked through the 12Xs is RAVING about them! Maybe the bottom is dropping out of the bottom of the 15X market??? On the other hand, I really like my 15Xs, and don't plan on selling them anytime soon. At the same time, I might be putting a little extra aside to acquire a set of 12Xs eventually! S.
  16. stanley

    Bear climbs up tree stand

    That was EXACTLY what I needed to watch towards the end of a rotten/stressful day at work!!! Awesome entertainment! I love how the guy confronts the bear casually, and the bear's response! Too funny! Thanks for posting. S.
  17. stanley

    Duplicate Tags

    Yep, my two youngest kids got Kiabab Junior permits this year. I got a call from G&F last Friday on it. Very nice guy explained that there was an error and that we should destroy the duplicate. Sure enough, the next day in the mail we got the duplicates...... Destroyed as asked. S.
  18. stanley

    Swarovski 15 x 56

    +1!!! Hunting season is coming, and if anyone ever wanted 15x56s, this looks like a good deal! S.
  19. stanley

    WTB, Wall Tent, Cabelas Alaknak

    I have an Alaknak, and love it. If you live relatively close to a Cabelas, I would recommed you check it out in person. They usually have 'returns' in their bargain basement, and you might be able to find a real good deal there! Sometimes just missing stakes, etc.... Good luck! S.
  20. stanley

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    Cranking-up a generator back at camp!! I get that some foiks are into the '5th-Wheel' experience, but I usually prefer the sound of crickets and a crackling fire..... S. (OK, truth be told, I've accepted an invitation to sleep in a nice comfy 5th-Wheel a time or two, but I'd just as soon sleep on my cot under the stars! )
  21. stanley

    36A Question?

    I think that's a VERY tough question to answer. I don't think that the G&F has done a fly-over specifially counting mature bucks by mountain range, and as far as asking hunters; you'll likely just get opinions based on personal bias.... I'm thinking that there will be mature bucks in all three mountain ranges. Lots of deer in that unit! Good luck on your hunt! S.
  22. I saw that episode, Jay! I didn't even know there were buffalo in Mexico!!! Awesome for you to get him on the buffs!! S.
  23. stanley

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    What an AMAZING bull! Big and beautiful!! As a heads-up to those who may have noticed, I have deleted a few of the posts/comments that were leaning towards negative sentiment regarding some of the folks involved in this hunt. The purpose of this thread is only so folks can know that the Governor's tag was filled and to allow all of us a chance to get a look at the magnificent animal. Please keep the comments positive, or don't comment at all on this thread. Those that know Amanda well also understand the sincere spirit of this site, and hopefully will appreciate this thread for what it is. If you have opinions to share on Governor's tags, raffle tags, etc, please utilize a different thread (preferably in the Political forum) to voice those opinions. Thanks, Stan PS: Yes, big congrats to Eric Hively and all who took part! Eric was nice enough to donate a day of guiding help for my oldest son on a Jr. Javelina hunt a few years ago. We were fortunate to get some time in the field with him, and my son ended-up killing a pig. He is a great guy with an extreme passion for his family and hunting IMO. Kudos to him!
  24. stanley

    Dear Hunter letter

  25. VERY awesome!!!!!!! I went to college in SLC, and used to hit the Green a couple of times per year. Makes me homesick for those days! Thanks for sharing! S.