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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Western Hunter

    Chris Denham is an old friend of this site, and a coues deer FANATIC! S.
  2. This is the first thing I thought of when I read this proposal. I have no problem with a tag surrender policy, as long as it is available to everyone, and any surrendered tags went to the next guy in line ONLY. Allowing someone to turn it over to a so called "nonprofit" org, while retaining their points, is outrageous, and should be TOTALLY out of the question. All points should be lost. Anything less would be a way for corruption to work it's way in. Such a policy would grossly cheapen everyone else's points, and cheat those next in line. Hunt of a lifetime? Really guys, there lots of worthy organizations who deserve surrendered tags and already get them. . No doubt. Some of us would like to make sure it stays that way. Some of us remember HB2072 that would have allocated a bunch of premium tags to AZSFW ( never mentioned by name in the bill but the only 501C3 that met the criteria outlined therein) to be sold at their discretion. By the way, some other folks thought that bill allocated tags to a "worthy organization", just a difference of opinion about what constitutes "worthy". By the way, as I remember HOAL opposed HB2072! Some of us would just like to see this tightly controlled to prevent big money interests from getting another leg up on the masses. Some of us worry about abuse of any government system by folks who learn to play the system. These are VERY good points! I would urge you to try to make it to the Flagstaff meeting to provide your input personally. Scott and the department really want to hear from as many sportsmen as possible. S.
  3. +1 Yep! Phone call, e-mail, courier pigeon, smoke-signal, whatever. Just so the feedback gets to him! S.
  4. A VERY funny and welcome relief from my daily busy stuff! Thanks for the pre-4th humor!!! S.
  5. Big + 1 on your last two posts, Kent!! Also Lance, I like your idea of current members of conservation/outdoor groups getting the access (as opposed to having to pay extra for it). That is an idea that I did not hear floated when Scott was asking for input and those that were there were brainstorming options. I'm planning on going to Bass Pro on Tuesday and will throw that on the table. 520HUNT, it's good that you sent the letter to the Commissioners. Regarding your expectation of hearing back from them, I wouldn't count on it. Not because they don't care, but likely because they are VERY busy and rely on Branch Chief's like Scott Lavin to work on and handle projects like the website overhaul and such. Hopefully they will get the letters and forward to Scott and/or his team for consideration. I would maybe also recommend e-mailing the comments directly to Scott. Also, you are clearly passionate about this topic. The passionate feedback is EXACTLY what they want, and if you could make it to one of the meetings on the schedule that Flatlander posted it would be good. S.
  6. Agree 100%! This type of scenario (and several others) were hashed through as part of the feedback provided in the meeting last night. There is NO doubt that the tag surrender topic will absolutely need very careful/thoughtful consideration and oversight (if the idea even comes to fruition.....)! There are always people that will try to 'game' the system and the department is aware of that. S.
  7. stanley

    Lees Ferry

    All of your family fishing posts are making me itch to get out there!!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  8. stanley

    Black River with the Boys

    AWESOME!!!! No doubt that your pictures truly depict what life is about!! Also, you should never feel the need to apologize for anything like a flat brim hat IMO. Sad that anyone would judge anyone else (especially someone else's child) based on the style of clothes they wear or how they choose to wear them. To those that do, I say get your own life and worry about your own darn hat! Thanks for sharing with the site. S.
  9. Obviously none of us need SCG to hunt. SCG is not trying to do good for people that don't want any help. It's simply a group of folks who want to be engaged in the process and have their voices heard with regards to rules, regulations and programs of the G&F department. Also, it is definitely not more bureaucracy. It is a way to try to be engaged and try to understand the bureaucracy that already exists within the system. Really it should not be any big deal and should be benign to those who don't want engage in the process. Thanks for the write-up and information from those who were there. As always, it was nice seeing a couple of familiar faces (and meeting a new person or two). S. PS: +1 on the NO priority! That was loud and clear feedback that the department heard.
  10. 6PM at the Mesa office (7200 E. University). S.
  11. stanley

    Africa Hunt

    VERY, VERY awesome!!!!!! The post that keeps on giving! S.
  12. Bump TTT for anyone who might be able to attend this evening's meeting! S.
  13. stanley

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    I agree! Must keep spreading the word, just like with any crooked business! BTW, I posted a comment on the facebook page for Pulse Factor asking if they were aware of Todd's troubles....... S.
  14. stanley

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Killing a little time watching TV this morning and noticed there was a Sonoran mule deer hunt on the Pursuit Channel. It was a show called Pulse Factor. Well, it turns-out that they were hunting with Todd Rice / Sonoran Outfitters! Of course you all know how these shows are, and this one was no different. They were talking-up Sonoran Outfitters BIG TIME, including the closing statement that all shows say; "So if you're looking for a great hunt, contact Sonoran Outfitters...... bla bla bla.....". I feel sorry for the 1000s of hunters who have now seen that show and may book with Todd, ignorant to the troubles he has caused people. I hope they do a quick Google search on outfitter reviews first! S.
  15. stanley

    Any Fishing recommendations in Maui for honeymoon

    Was just there in late May and discoverd Ono Tacos! Awesome 'street' tacos if you're looking for a fix while there!! S.
  16. stanley

    Unit 9

    i do some, DU lately. im kinda broke right now due to $200 in application fees alone this year. but why dont we stay on track. you dont think that AZGFD should be in charge of organizing that sort of thing? Interesting point regarding who should be in charge of this sort of thing. I think that the AZGFD should be in charge of managing our state's game. Not necessarily 'watering' our game. In the same sentence you took a passive-aggressive poke at G&F for tag fees, but then proposed that they take charge of organizing something (which would cost even more $$$). I think the G&F should be consulted and included to the extent possible, but I also very much appreciate what the various organizations help over & above. My $.02.... S.
  17. Back in the early 80s, the tanks all in that area from Silly Mountain Road (AJ) all the way to Gonzales Pass used to be amazing for dove. The past few times I've ventured there though in recent years, there have been WAY too many people. Seems like the urban sprawl over the past decades has led to many more hunters out in that area. Haven't tried the late dove season though, so maybe that wouldn't be too bad. Good luck with your early planning! S.
  18. I Googled them and the VERY first hit was for a consumer complaints site. That should tell you something..... Sounds like you've already gotten the advice you were seeking here. Probably good that you told the guy you aren't interested! S.
  19. stanley


    Respectfully disagree. Do gooders in their own business. Not in any anyone's public business. If a player doesn't like the rule, then don't play in the league. Simple...... Completely different than government intervention, IMO. S.
  20. stanley


    I thought they had already banned it a couple of years ago? Maybe it's just that they banned the teams from providing it in the dugouts. Are they going further? Either way, this is really not a relevent comparison. MLB is a private institution and can invoke any rules they want. It's their business, not the government's (or your's or mine) what they or what rules they want to lay down within their own institution. No different than a private company banning someone from chewing on the job. S.
  21. muledeerarea33? made a comment in the 'sleeping bag' thread that got me thinking........ Maybe this topic has been covered before, but what is some cool and/or precious things that you have which was passed down to you from a prior generation? My father is 90 years old now and living in an assisted living place in N. Scottsdale. Due to his health, he never gets-out in the hills anymore. As he and mom downsized through the years to a condo then to their current place, I have been the benefactor of some great stuff. I mentioned that I have an awesome sleeping bag that my father bought himself a while back to go on a trip to Alaska. It is a great down sleeping bag, and I think of our trip to Alaska every time I use it! I also have a safe full of guns passed on from him. Many of them are the same guns that I envied greatly when I was a boy growing-up in Kearny! I also have a little miscellaneous gear like a couple of knives and ammo boxes. Finally, he also handed me the keys to his 96 GMC extended cab 4x4 when he gave-up driving three years ago. It was very well cared for and is now my primary hunting rig! (Three kids in or close to college will keep me from buying a 'new' rig for a few years, but that GMC will do me just fine..... ) When my grandfather passed away, we found an old Montauk cane fly fishing rod in his stuff. It is in AMAZING shape and I treasure it! Of course it goes without saying that the most amazing gifts that have been passed-down are the awesome memories and experiences, but the 'stuff' adds to it and reminds me of all the good times. So what great stuff do you have that has been passed down????? S. PS: Can't leave my mom out either! I happened to be going through a divorce 7 years ago when they were downsizing and hence my kitchen is stocked well with her old pots, pans, small Kitchen Aid appliances, knives, etc.... When I use the pancake-turner that she gave me, I can almost still feel the way it felt across my backside!!!!
  22. stanley

    Africa Hunt

    VERY awesome pics and stories!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  23. stanley

    Newest CouesWhitetail.com Member

    Daddy's girl, indeed!!!! Thanks for brightening my day, Nick! S.
  24. stanley

    Healthcare Cost

    $6 is a DEAL for sure! BTW, as you must already know, not only is health care a great deal in India, pretty much anything is fairly cheap (at least from a 'services' perspective.....). I travel to India for work occasionally, and am serisouly spending a few months a year in Kerala when I retire! All the fresh fish, bananas, cocoanuts, and amazing spices you want CHEAP! S.
  25. stanley

    The New AZ Ground Pounders 100 Inch Club

    Wow!!!!! Thanks a bunch for sharing with the site! S.