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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    One Month (updated with pics)

    You've gotten some good advice! Little girls are AWESOME! My girl is 15 now, curvey and sassy but she'll always be Daddy's Little Girl!! Good luck and enjoy life!!!!!! S.
  2. stanley

    Rain for the next 3 days

    +1! I'm a VERY novice bow hunter with very little experience. I was fortunate enough to have an archery cow tag in unit 1 several years ago and had one of the most amazing afternoons of hunting in my life during a steady down pour. I was in lots of elk and they were very active. The rain did not keep them down one bit! It did, however keep my scent/noise down. Was fun and I ended-up shooting a nice yearling cow elk (my first and only with a bow). Good luck stalking in the rain! S.
  3. stanley


    Wow! Amazing footage! S.
  4. stanley

    more political correctness?

    Thanks for jumping-in to provide that information/clarification! Nice to get the info directly from the source! S.
  5. stanley

    Utah LE Bull...

    Limited Entry (Draw unit. As opposed to an OTC unit.....). Nice bull, Ike! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  6. stanley

    Archery Deer

    Awesome pics! Looks like a great time! Thanks for sharing with the site. S.
  7. stanley

    My unit 9 bull **New pictures and story added**

    AWESOME!!!!! S.
  8. stanley

    When you don't have a Leopard foot, make one

    The artist at work! Amazing! S.
  9. stanley

    we lost a good one today.

    Sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers! S.
  10. stanley

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    VERY AWESOME!!!!! Thanks much for sharing the entire saga with the site!!! S.
  11. stanley

    Glad I didn't take my bow...

    Classic...... Been there once. Was on an archery deer hunt down South and decided to go for a drive to chase some quail for a couple of hours in the early afternoon. My friend said 'better take your bow....', but I declined. Sure enough, came face to face (25 yards) from a rutting 4x4 that wouldn't budge because of his does..... S. PS: He was nowhere near the caliber of buck that you came across!!!! Wow!
  12. stanley

    Hunter Ed Question

    Great that your kids are getting to hunt this year! That Kiabab Jr. hunt is AWESOME! If you want him to study up, I would concentrate on the basics that he learned in the class (T.A.B. + 1, etc....). Then I would just encourage him to listen to the instructors carefully during the field day, relax, and enjoy! Seems to me like the field day has not changed that much over the years. Good, basic, hands-on instruction. He'll be fine! S.
  13. stanley

    Lost my hero this week!

    Three weeks ago we lost our dear mother to a sudden heart attack while my 90 year old father was in surgery for a broken hip. After the surgery, my father had a tough time with the recovery and two days ago he finally surrendered and has joined my mother. He was a war hero, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, hunter, scholar, gentleman, and my HERO! He and my mom were married for 64 years, and I'm honored and lucky to be a part of their amazing life legacy! Kudos to you dad, for fighting the good fight all through life! This post is absolutely NOT about sympathy, but a way for me to honor and celebrate my father's great life! He'll be with me this fall...... Peace everyone! S. Taking a drag off of a cigarette prior to climbing into his B-17 for a combat mission over Europe in WWII. He flew 33 missions, including over the Normandy coast on D-day! 20 year old 2nd Lt. - Navigator. He and I on a two week trip to Alaska almost 20 years ago. (NO, we did not kill that bear.) We were guests at a hunting lodge on the Alaska Penninsula that a friend of ours had access to. We fished and saw sites and were able to see some of the bears that the guides/skinners brought in.
  14. stanley

    Braedon's First Archery Buck

    AWESOME! Love Utah! (I'll be up there for the general rifle hunt in a few weeks......) Congrats to your son on his first archery buck! S.
  15. stanley


    We did great in our usual spot! LOTS of birds! Sorry you didn't get into them, elkaholic! Don't give up! They're out there! S.
  16. stanley

    Who's ready for dove

    LOVE opening day of dove season! Just finished the traditional bacon and eggs breakfast after a nice opening morning with my kids and friends. Plenty of doves where we were! Good thing I brought us lots of shells!! Typical hit ratios! Hope everyone was safe and had fun! S.
  17. VERY awesome!! Thanks a bunch for continuing to share with the site!! S.
  18. stanley


    You weren't blocked (It would be much more obvious to you if you were blocked..... ) Not sure why it isn't until someone replies that it shows under 'view new content', but um, the fact that you can view and post replies/topics pretty much means you have not been blocked. S.
  19. stanley

    First Archery Kill!!!

    AWESOME!!!! Congrats and thanks for sharing the story with the site! Maybe consider donating your Dec tag to HOAL???? S.
  20. stanley

    Newest Addition to the Clan

    Life is beautiful! Sincere congrats! S.
  21. stanley

    Prayers for Stanley

    Thank you for the thoughts and words, all. Our attention now goes to my father, who is 90 years old and just just had hip surgery this week (Shockingly, mom passed unexpectedly of a heart attack while dad was on the operating table Thursday....). Dad is my Superman and mom was my Wonder Woman!! Good friends (here or otherwise), faith, and the amazing family that I'm blessed with will carry my loved ones and I through this! Peace! S.
  22. stanley

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    VERY, VERY, AWESOME!!! Love it! Thanks a bunch for sharing that with the site! S.
  23. stanley

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    This is exactly what I do. I have a folder that I keep all of my licences (both Utah and AZ) and tags in, for myself and kids. Also keep copies of kid's proof of Hunter Ed! This is one of the few areas in my life that I stay VERY organized on!! S.
  24. stanley

    Way off topic

    Wow! Could be like finding a needle in a haystack! Maybe check this out: http://www.koreanartistproject.com/eng_main.art?method=main Maybe they have a message board or blog you could post to? Good luck! S.
  25. stanley

    Unit 23 December Coues

    No, I have never been in unit 23 stanley. This will be a new experience for me and due to my sister in law's Nov. Utah deloris triangle deer tag, and my grandsons Dec. Utah deloris triangle bull elk tag, I won't get to scout before coming to hunt. Fortunately I do have one friend made on this site that is going to help me what he can, setting out a few trail cameras and looking around a little, I think mostly in the southern portion of the unit. That's awesome that you're getting some good scouting help here! It's a great site with lots of good folks! Unit 23 in December should be awesome! Good luck! S. PS: Sounds like you've got some great hunts lined-up there in Utah! I'll be up there for the general deer hunt in October (Nine Mile area)!