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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Each and every veteran is a true hero, IMO!! Dad did his part by flying 33 missions over Europe as a navigator in a B-17 bomber, including D-Day. He saw plenty of action and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, among other medals. What a man..... So proud of him and ALL other veterans!!! Sincere thanks for your service! S. One last drag before another mission...... Not his normal seat! Working his maps..... Doing his job! The bombadier doing HIS job! The view out of his window. B-17s flying in formation, off to drop their payloads! His Distiguished Flying Cross (box) and his dog tags. Notice the little cross he had tied to his dog tags....... A true man of faith. (I got these as momentos when he passed away....)
  2. stanley

    Happy Veterans Day to all of the HEROS!!!

    Deep, touching story IA Born! My father was certainly impacted by his war experience, but not in the way that many have been. I remember when I was a kid and he was sharing a war story once, I mentioned to him that I couldn't imagine being up in that plane with 88MM shells bursting and flack shredding the plane. I asked him why on earth he would volunteer to be in a bomber, and his answer was something like "because I didn't want to be on the ground......". I didn't understand what he meant then, but over the years have come to figure it out. While he saw plenty of action and had some close calls (engines on fire, etc....), he was never placed in a situation where he was up close and personal with the enemy. Different experience all together. Peace! S. PS: Great pics! Treasured memories!!!
  3. stanley

    SCI Jr. Deer Camp 2014

    My son and I will be rolling in late Thursday night (or possibly before light on Friday morning, depending on timing.....). Looking forward! S.
  4. stanley

    Isreal's Buck

    Outstanding!!! Very cool! S.
  5. stanley

    Free Range Aoudad Hunt

    Awesome Phil!!!!! VERY cool! (Also VERY cool of Scott to help like that! He is a good dude.....) S.
  6. stanley

    2 Boys, 2 Deer

    VERY COOL!!!! Such amazing memories right there! Nothing like it...... Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  7. stanley


    Outstanding!!!! VERY awesome! Congrats to Tessa, and kudos to you for sharing the great outdoors and hunting experience with her! Nothing beats hunting with your kids!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  8. stanley

    Noah's First Big Game Kill

    YES!!! THAT is exactly what life is about, IM!!! No greater joy than hunting with your kids! That last picture is truly priceless!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  9. stanley

    Who has the best steak in town?

    Saw that...... A true institution closing. Sad, yet happy for him and his family's great business success! A great story! Think I need to go get a steak this weekend! S.
  10. stanley

    Opening day success, first coues for my two boys.

    OUTSTANDING!!!! Absolutely LOVE that pic of your two boys with their bucks! That represents a priceless memory forever!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  11. stanley

    AI at Lowes - is it the beginning of the end???

    I'm not surprised to see this at all, and I'm not sure how any idea of a conspiracy theory really even comes into play. Maybe it will slowly impact the entry level work force in the retail sector, but over time the entry level work force will simply migrate to different roles (maybe assemling robot parts... ). Self serve check-out has been the norm at supermarkets for several years now. Smart phones and apps are used for all kinds of services that we used to rely on humans for. It's technology, it's coming, and there is nothing we can do about it. Evolve or get left behind, I suppose... S.
  12. stanley

    Orlando's First Deer!!!!

    AWESOME!!!!!! So happy for the young man! BIG kudos for you guys getting him out there! Nothing beats hunting with kids!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  13. stanley

    Draysen's First Hunt

    AWESOME!!! Very glad that you guys had a great time and that your boy was able to get one! Nothing beats hunting with your children! NOTHING! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  14. stanley

    Border Stories

    Umm..... Did I say that I'm "just gonna stop and say hey bud you should get out.....". I didn't say that and I don't think I would say that. I also don't think that I would unload my whole clip of my sidearm in the general direction that someone was running though. Just seemed a little crazy to me that you would unload your sidearm at someone who was running (unless he was running towards you, which you didn't say.....). I was obviously not there so I of course can't really say. I was only going off of what you wrote, which sounded a little unsafe and strange. Not sure what you being 20 has to do with it, but OK. I'm sincerely glad that you and your family are OK. Either way, sorry if you took offense to the face that I posted. S.
  15. stanley

    Border Stories

    "that's when I unloaded my whole clip of my sidearm in the general direction......"
  16. stanley

    Lost an AZ Legend

    Sincere condolences for your loss. Regards, S.
  17. stanley

    youth hunt of a lifetime!

    VERY, VERY AWESOME!!!! Nothing like hunting with your kids, TIMES THREE!!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  18. stanley


    Over the past couple of seasons I've taken to packing my old 30-30 again. For some reason, I feel like I want to shoot my next deer with it (muley or whitetail..... Carried it in Utah this past weekend on the general rifle hunt, but never got close enough to a buck for a shot.). I'll be on a coues hunt in 36C late next month, and I'll once again be trying to get close with my 30-30. Like akaspecials mentions, if an archery hunter can stalk within bow range then why can't a rifle hunter stalk to 30-30 range? Go for it! S.
  19. stanley

    Jr. Elk Hunt

    My son Nicholas, was drawn for the 6A Jr. Elk hunt this year. He just turned 17 last month, so this was his final 'Jr.' elk tag, and we had a GREAT time together! Due to misc. reasons, none of my usual hunting buddies or older son could come along (Ken and his son were going to come-up Friday after work to help, but that ended-up not being necessary..... ). So it was just the two of us! We took it easy this time and stayed at my sister's house in Flagstaff as opposed to gearing-up to camp. Woke-up early yesterday and drove down to the Lake Mary / Mormon Mountain area. First light found us about 1.5 miles in to the Pine Grove Quiet area. There were some bulls bugling here and there, so that was a bonus as Nick had never really been on an elk hunt where the bulls were active. Fun stuff!!! Well at about 7AM we heard two shots about 1/4 mile away down in a little canyon. I told Nick we should just chill out because you never know what direction the spooked elk might run. Sure enough about 30 seconds later I start seeing elk moving through the pines across the flat terrain about 400 yards away. There were 30-40 of them, bulls and cows moving nervously trotting, running, stopping, like they do when kind of confused and not sure where they want to go. We positioned ourselves for a little better view and sure enough they kept moving and started to make there way a little closer. At about 275 yards, one of the cows finally stopped clear of the others by herself in a nice opening and gave Nick a clear shot. He was using his grandpa's Remington 7MM. and with one perfectly placed shot she dropped on the spot! Ended-up 1.9 miles (GPS) from the truck, so we spent the next 6 hours hiking the meat out. Thank God for a strong 17 year old boy and Eberlestock packs! Leaving next Thursday for 6 days of deer hunting in Utah with some old friends. Some fresh elk back strap chops will be an awesome addition to our menu! Happy hunting all!!!! S. Amazing morning with great clear & cool weather! Resting after we hiked back to pick-up the remaining meat prior to loading-up. We made the decision to bring all four quarters out in one load (two packs) apposed to doing the four mile round trip a 3rd time. Yikes, I'm feeling OLD this morning!
  20. stanley

    Shelby's Buck of a Lifetime

    Wow Lance! You know what a freak I am for kids hunting!!! SO awesome for the young lady! Thanks for sharing the pic! S.
  21. stanley

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Holy heck!!!! Yea man! From kids to grandfathers, and every age in between!!!! VERY awesome and cool, Phil! Thanks a bunch for posting! S.
  22. stanley

    Mission Accomplished: 6A Youth Hunt

    Very awesome!!!! Love the write-up and pics! You NAILED it regarding hunting with your kids!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  23. stanley

    Chef checks one off his bucket list!!

    Great video and pics, Hector! So glad that you and your dad had an amazing hunt together! Hard work and awesome shooting led to great fortune shining on you! We reap what we sew in life, and you deserved this good grace! Karma!!! Best regards friend! S.
  24. stanley

    Noah's First Cow Elk

    VERY AWESOME!!! Good for Noah! My son Nicholas and I were in the Pine Grove Quiet area as well. He was fortunate enough to kill one on Friday morning. Two mile pack-out for us too, but of course it was well worth it (I love hunting in the 'quiet' areas.....)! Glad you guys had a good hunt! S.
  25. stanley

    Daughter's First Deer (Long Read)

    YES!!!! Awesome for you and your daughter! All three of my kids (daughter included.....) killed their first deer on that Jr. Hunt! NOTHING beats hunting with your kids!!!! Great pics and write-up! So awesome! Also, thanks for sharing with the site! S.