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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Home Burglarized: Hunting Gear Stolen

    Ugh..... Sucks! I just bought this off of this site --> http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/67607-complete-archery-outfit-for-sale/ Complete PSE package, gently used. I'm going to clean it up a bit and give it to my oldest son for Birthday/Christmas this December. That being said, you can definitely borrow it for your archery elk hunt if you would like. Would be better than it sitting unused in my closet until December! Contact me at 602-399-4769 if you are interested! S.
  2. stanley

    Is AZGFD giving out our personal information?

    Then they'll know I have an archery bull tag and a rifle deer tag this year.
  3. stanley

    Is AZGFD giving out our personal information?

    Yup! Outfitters (and maybe other business's) buy the mailing lists. S.
  4. stanley

    Grizzly charge

    Yikes! Those guys actually seemed pretty chill, considering the circumstances! I believe that would have been screaming like a little girl! S.
  5. stanley

    Anyone been watching the Olympics?

    Yea, I suppose you're right. There are certainly some media articles out there on these topics, although it seems like most of the coverage is not on the mainstream outlets. (CBS, FOX, ABC, CNN, NBC, etc... They seem to be focusing on Trumph & Hilary! lol) Seems like there is always going to be negative coverage about virtually anything in this world. Easy to find if you look for it. Most of that comes across as white noise to me. Just various media outlets pushing their respective agendas, and I really don't care about it. Green pool water? They said it was not harmful but couldn't explain what was causing it.... Honestly, I find that pretty funny! That being said, my 17 year old daughter suckered me into a foot massage and women's gymnastics tonight. I don't care who you are.... It's hard not loving what Simone Biles and Aly Raisman did! Add Simone Manuel's AND Michael Phelp's gold medals tonight, and it was pretty cool. Phelps is an animal! lol No smearing or anything. Just good old fashion Olympic fun, with the American National Anthem played several times while proud Americans stood at the top of the podium! Good stuff, IMO. S.
  6. stanley

    Anyone been watching the Olympics?

    I enjoy watching them on & off. Some of the events don't interest me at all, but I find myself becoming a fan of certain sports for a couple of weeks every four years.... I have enjoyed watch Phelps. Not too into the gymnastics, but must admit I sometimes get hooked on that too! lol Looking forward to some of the track & field. BTW, who's getting smeared by the networks? I hadn't noticed too much of that..... Haven't been watching too much though, so maybe I'm missing the smearing. Oh, and yes! The medal count ROCKS!!! S. ​
  7. stanley

    Complete archery outfit for sale

    Nice meeting you yesterday, Dave! I agree with the guys on here; A supurb deal, and I appreciated it coming available at the right time for me! As mentioned, this will make an outstanding 'starter kit' for my oldest son, who has just recently shown an interest in archery shooting/hunting. Now I just have to try to keep it hidden and keep my mouth shut until his birthday and Christmas in December! lol Good luck on those hunts this fall! S.
  8. stanley

    New Hunting Pack

    LOVE Eberlestock!! I have both the Just One and a X1. Just One for 2-3 day packs, and the X1 is great for day hunts. Just picked-up a second X1 from a member used here on cw.com for my son to use. (Thanks camofreak! ) S.
  9. stanley

    Solo elk hunting

    I will be hunting solo for a portion of my archery elk hunt this year as well, as my usual hunting buds got drawn for a different unit (I lucked out and got a Unit 1 tag... ). A good buddy from Utah is coming down for some of the hunt, but not all of it. That being said, I have hunted solo before and actually enjoy is. Love hunting with my kids and/or good friends, but also really enjoy the solitude of being alone at times. The area I am in has kind of spotty cell service. I'll have my phone with me at all times, but I don't think it will necessarily work all the time. Hadn't really considered a sat phone, but I suppose that is an option if you are out of range of cell service, for extra security. The way I kind of look at it is that 30 years ago nobody had cell service, and guys still hunted solo some of the time.... For the meat; I'm not too concerned, as I've got plenty of experience in breaking down animals & getting the meat hung in trees to cool prior to pack-out. As long as it is hung in the shade with skin OFF and wrapped a good game bag or pillow cases to keep the flies off, 24-36hrs should not be a problem at all. That should be plenty of time to get it all packed-out, even solo. Enjoy the solitude and have fun!!! Four more weeks!! S.
  10. stanley

    Camp Cook Box

    Dutch Ovens and cast iron are the way to go, IMO! I've got some 'fancy' Calphalon (both traditional and stainless) for the home kitchen, but I have taken to using the cast iron more and more at home, not just while camping! You likely already know this, but if you are a little new, be SURE to follow the standard instructions/rules for handling of all of your cast iron. NO DISH SOAP EVER!! Break it in right and keep it 'seasoned' well, and you will be loving it!! S.
  11. stanley

    Camp Cook Box

    Two Coleman stoves (have not made the jump to Camp Chef yet... ), three lanterns, three dutch ovens of various sizes, two large cast iron skillets, a small 'omlette' cast iron skillet, two pots, 1 gallon stainless steel coffee pot/perk, cooking utensils, wash tub, paper products (easier to eat on and burn in the fire as opposed to doing those dishes....), lighters, extra lantern mantels, etc... I keep it all in two of those old Rubbermaid black boxes with the gray lids. Had those boxes for 20 years now, and they are still holding-up well. I really enjoy hiking/back-packing on occasion, but I also LOVE 'car camping'!!! S.
  12. stanley

    "How did I live without it?" Hunting Gear

    Shooting sticks!!! I learned 'old school', sitting on my butt with the rifle resting on one knee. Shooting sticks were HUGE in helping all three of my children shoot at a young age! S.
  13. stanley

    Love Rinella

    Yup, he's a pretty cool dude. BTW, if you don't have TV, I think you can watch his shows online @ thesportsmanchannel.com. (At least I thought that's what he said at the end of his last show....). Check it out! S.
  14. stanley

    Unit 1 Archery

    I was fortunate enough to draw a Unit 1 archery bull tag this year. The last time I had an archery elk tag for unit 1 was a cow tag about 11 years ago. (My elk hunting in the past 10 years or so has been focused in the 6A & 6B units. Jr. hunts, mainly......) That being said, I've been enjoying some weekend time this summer renewing my love for the White Mountains! It's changed a bit since I last spent much time there; Like the Big Lake road being paved the whole way..... and of course the effects of the Wallow fire. I'm narrowing my target areas down to a couple, and was hoping to bounce a couple of questions off of someone who has spent some time in the unit and/or maybe chat with a local or two. Let me know if you would be willing to chat with me. The usual disclaimer of course is that I am NOT looking for honey holes! Please send me a PM if you are willing to talk or email off-line. Thanks in advance, and good luck to all!! S.
  15. stanley

    Early Archery Bull

    In a strange way, I wish there was more time before the opener! Is that messed-up, or what? Pressure to scout and shoot more is looming large for me right now...... Feeling like I need more time! Will be back up in Unit 1 scouting again this weekend! Loving it! S.
  16. stanley

    Couple of new hunters

    VERY awesome!!! .22s, young kids, rabbits..... Good stuff! S.
  17. stanley

    Heat's 2016 Kaibab Cow Bison Hunt

    SO AWESOME!!!!! Way to go, Nick!!!! Congrats, and thanks for sharing the amazing story with the site!! S.
  18. Thanks for the reminder, Tom! I just went in and picked-up one of the few remaining tickets! Can't be there all day, but I will definitely swing by.... S.
  19. Brings back great memories!! All of my kids did the Y.O.U. Hunter Safety course (Two of them at the Happy Jack location.....). You guys will have a great time! Woody, Duane, Bill, and the entire Y.O.U. crew do an outstanding job, IMO!! Have fun!! S. Here are a few pics from 7 years ago when my little sweetie went through it! Can't believe she is 17 years old now!! Greta during the shooting proficiency portion. Nice form! Checking targets! Class time on the porch.
  20. stanley

    Got A Hit!!

    Yup! How the next waiting period begins for some of us who don't know which unit yet.....
  21. stanley

    Little bear

    I thought it was going to be a picture of Andy.... S.
  22. stanley

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    Get involved in some of the local hunting organizations (RMEF, AEF, AZ Deer Association, etc...). Participate in the camps/activities that those organizations have...... Hunting camps, trash clean-up projects, water projects, fences, youth camps, banquets, etc. That could be a good way to meet some like-minded folks. Happy hunting! S.
  23. stanley

    Plantar fasciitis insoles

    With a name like that, I would take his advice!!!! (Sorry.... Couldn't resist.) I know it's not a laughing matter. Good luck! S.
  24. stanley

    Unit 1 Archery

    Thanks for the replies and encouragement, all! Even the entertainment tips..... (Though I have tried to stay out of the bars for the past couple of years..... Topless or otherwise. ) Also BIG thanks for the several of folks who have sent me notes off-line! Got some good general info, and confirmed some assumptions. Goes without saying that this is without question the greatest hunting site going!!! Heading-up again next weekend for three days of camping/fishing/scouting! Loving life!!! S.
  25. stanley

    Unit 1 Archery

    Nice!! I have the early archery bull hunt. S.