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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Sundowner Guide Service

    Tail looks kind of like a whitie to me.... Nice deer!
  2. stanley

    venison ham

    Looks amazing!!! How is the taste? Comparable to anything? Corned beef?
  3. stanley

    Archery buffalo Updated with video

    Holy WOW, Robert!!! Very, very awesome!!! So cool! S.
  4. stanley

    Colorado 4th season buck

    VERY awesome!!! Congrats on a great hunt! S.
  5. stanley

    What is the farthest you have tracked an animal?

    My son made a poor shot on an elk on a Jr. hunt in New Mexico several years ago. (Amanda was actually on that hunt helping us..... Was super fun!) Anyway, in that instance he hit it forward in the chest/brisket. The elk was sick enough that it wanted to keep lying down, but was not bleeding enough to die quickly. We played cat/mouse with the bull for about 4 hours in heavy timber before my son finally got a chance at a finish-up shot! I remember my father's words many years ago; "You do NOT want to be trailing a wounded elk! They are VERY tough animals!" Those words kept ringing in my ears while we were trying to finish off the bull.... My father said that back in the 70s while hunting in unit 1, a buddy of his shot and wounded a bull close to Vernon on the NW side of Green's Peak. They finally ended-up killing the bull over on the flats close to Springerville two days later. Not sure how far that is to track an animal, but it was a long way! S.
  6. stanley

    My son's first buck

    Love it!!!!! Very awesome! S.
  7. stanley


    Oneshot's post on the 'desert treats' got me thinking...... Are Hackberry's edible? When quail and deer hunting this year, I noticed LOTS of them this year in the washes that I normally hunt. (Lots of quail, too! ) I actually smashed a couple of the orange/ripe berries in my fingers and tasted them. They seemed super sweet. Has anyone ever eaten them? S.
  8. stanley

    Cold weather gloves?

    Back in the old days when I was a kid (70s), my dad turned me on to Morris Feel Gloves. Basic outstanding wool glove. Have always really liked them.... Haven't bought a pair in years though. Hopefully they are still making them! S.
  9. stanley

    Wanting to learn to tan hides

    I'll be really curious to hear how it works out for you guys who are 'doing it yourself'! My son killed a bull this past weekend, and I am having the hide tanned for him to keep as a momento/trophy. I looked into the do it yourself kits, but in the end I took it up to Jim at Southwest Wildlife Taxidermy in Scottsdale. (They are sponsors here, and they get great reviews. Visited there a bit today and Jim is a VERY nice guy!) Anyway, after talking to him about the 'art' of tanning, I'm glad I didn't try to do it myself. They of course don't do the actual tanning there. They ship it out to a tannery to have it done, but he has worked with the tannery for a long time and vouches for their great results. I might try a hide on my own sometime. Just didn't want to have my first one be my son's trophy! lol Good luck and let us know how it turns out! S.
  10. stanley

    Spandex Mafia

    Per AZ law, bikers have the same rights on the roads (including right of way.....) as motor vehicles. (Not sure if many of you really give a crap. Probably not... Just thought I would throw it out there. ) https://www.azgohs.gov/transportation-safety/default.asp?ID=16 S.
  11. stanley

    Jeremiah Johnson

    "Fine figure of a man! Yes?"
  12. stanley

    Late Archery and First Bull

    Outstanding!!!! Congrats!! Thanks for sharing, and welcome to the site!! S.
  13. stanley

    my 5x5 opening day buck

    Awesome! Warrior buck for sure!! Congrats on a great hunt, and welcome to the site! Thanks for sharing your pic and story! S.
  14. stanley

    Youth Rifle Hunt

    Very cool!!! Awesome for Noah! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  15. stanley

    You know you are a redneck when....

    If you can't figure out how to post a pic on an internet forum..... You might be a redneck! (Sorry Shedhunter..... Couldn't resist.... )
  16. Have been out several times (Mainly during October while scouting for my deer hunt....). Seeing plenty of Gambels in the usual spots! S.
  17. stanley

    12A youth hunt sucess

    So awesome!!!!! Nothing at all compares to hunting with your kids! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  18. stanley

    Election time is upon us

    You're not surprised, are you?
  19. stanley

    Election time is upon us

    Predicting a Trump win? Unfortunately, not recently they aren't. Vast majority are predicting Clinton at this point. Might be the odd one or two predicting Trump, but they can't be serious odds-makers if they are taking that position at this point (they aren't in the business of losing money).
  20. stanley

    Election time is upon us

    Yup, happens each and every time. One of the ONLY disadvantages of living out West, I suppose. I always try to vote early in the day (Was 2nd in line at 5AM this morning... ). I remember last election I didn't vote until after work and it was definitely a bummer to hear the pundits already making the forgone conclusion statements. I travel to India for work fairly often, and that entire country, East coast to West coast, is on a single time zone! Interesting idea....
  21. stanley

    "Good to a thousand" mentality??

    Solid rest, elevation of target, nerves, light, brush/grass, breathing, trigger squeeze, ... +1 on nerves! I am the absolute KING of buck fever (Bow or rifle.... Just ask the bull elk I missed an archery 'chip shot' on last month! ). NO long rifle shots for me!!! I've handed the .7MM over to my kids and I now pack the 30-30 for deer. I'll shoot one with iron sites if I can get to 100 yards!. S.
  22. stanley

    134 1/4" Couse

    I find irony this post.... ____________________________________________________ Amazing deer!!!!! Thanks for sharing the pic. S.
  23. stanley

    My wife's first Deer

    Awesome!!! Congrats to you guys!! Thanks for sharing the story! S.
  24. stanley

    Hanging in an area with no trees?

    Yup! Gutless! Once you go there, you likely won't go back. S.
  25. stanley

    Junior elk hunts **update**

    Headed-up to 23 with my little sweetie tomorrow after school! Good luck to all!!!!! S.