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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    What he said! I've known Pete since the 1970s. He's probably done more for conservation in this state than 99.9% of the members here. He's one of the reasons that more than twice as many hunters get to chase desert sheep now than in the 1970s. Idiots? Ummm, only if we let a few people move forward with something that was fought and defeated soundly several years ago. Making demeaning statements about guys on this site who are passionate about this topic is an interesting tact. Good luck with that... As stated by bonecollector777, just because Pete has done LOTS for wildlife does not at all mean that we need to agree with him or the group he represents. Seems like that would be idiotic to me.
  2. That's good input. I appreciate Dave's perspective. That being said, I'm not sure if you listened to the podcast or not, but Pete ABSOLUTELY stated 'auction' tags. The auction tags were veiled in the raffle tags.... He said something like: "The 'great majority' would be raffle tags...". Don't know what the definition of 'great majority' is, as it is all relative to the overall population of tags. He also compared it to the 'Utah model', and if you have followed that stuff, there are many many people who are not at all happy about it. Constant feeling of cronyism and special interests....
  3. Ugh.... Just realized the 'Contact Me' link just kind of takes you to a form to fill-out. Good start, but I'll also try to get their e-mail addresses. S.
  4. Here is the G&F page with the list of commissioners. There is a "Contact Me" link for each one. S. https://www.azgfd.com/agency/commission/members/
  5. Yes, good idea. Also, IMO, the e-mails we want are the G&F Commissioners! According to the podcast, the commissioners are going to discuss this at their May commission meeting and their May commissioners retreat (whatever that is....). I'll try to find the e-mail addresses of the commissioners! S.
  6. Yup. This is directly from the azsfw.org site: "Out of our joint efforts, Conserve and Protect Arizona was formed, which is a 501©(4) organization whose mission is to protect our conservation heritage. Two of the key components they will concentrate on include educating the non-hunting public on the importance of scientific wildlife management at the AZ Game & Fish Department and securing a legislative remedy to ensure the AZ Game & Fish Department can use science to manage wildlife, and not be subjected to emotion based ballot box management. https://conserveandprotectaz.org/" Neither site lists the specific names of any of the board members and/or officers (At least if the names are listed, I cannot find them...). There is a list of 'Members, Affiliates, and Partners', but that is just a big list of basically most of the sportsman/hunting organizations in the state. This left a bad taste in my mouth several years ago. I was a member of the Arizona Deer Association. As a result of the board of ADA supporting AZSFW, the organization is listed as an 'Affiliate/Partner' of AZSFW. I did NOT support that, but just because the board of the ADA shared many common names, the ADA 'supports' AZSFW. It started to smell like cronyism, and really turned me off. If you do not agree with more public tags going to auction, then make your voice heard!!!! Do not remain silent! S.
  7. stanley

    Pack snacks

    Big bag of raw trail mix, often with M&M's mixed in. Maybe a couple of apples and those little oranges. Payday and jerky. LOTS of water. Then a HUGE hot meal back at camp before bed (usually mesquite grilled veggies and meat).
  8. stanley

    G&F new TAG printings

    Ummm.... Maybe a dumb question, but does that mean that tags are mailed? (Watching-out for a couple of cow tags for my daughter/son....) S.
  9. stanley

    G&F new TAG printings

    Too funny, man!!!! I thought I was the only one!!
  10. stanley

    Gila county pushing forest service to close forest

    Right there with you Dennis. Our property back the national forest and when these idiots think they need a camp fire when its 70 degrees its just a recipe for disaster. Im sure when this is brought in front or the administration and they deny it for economic reasons and then one erupts and takes out a community its ground for class action. Most of these citidiots just dont understand how dry it is and just how fast it can go up. I'm no lawyer, but I'm not sure how that would be grounds for a class action suit. Just because there is a group of folks impacted, does not automatically qualify it for class action. Seems like the action in that case should be against the perpetrator (if man caused), as opposed to the government agency that didn't close the national forest and protect homes close the forest. In this 'lawsuit and sue happy' society though, who knows.... For the record, if the fire danger is deemed high enough I think they should definitely close it! (They've done that before, right? I mean, I think there is precedence...) Turkey season, fishing season, whatever. S.
  11. I think I have a solution; Ignore lowball offers!
  12. stanley

    Big Thanks To CWT Members - Youth Euro Business Update

    So many things are cool and AWESOME about this!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  13. stanley

    One Caliber in Arizona

    I own two .7MM Rem Mags, a 30-06, .308, and a trusty old 30-30. I grew-up on the 30-30 and .7MM Mags as a kid (dad's guns). They are mine now that he is gone, and I still love those big ol' .7MM Mags!!! lol Of late though, I am leaning towards the 30-06 (which I bought used from a great guy on this site...). The ammo is SO much more affordable than the .7MM Mag rounds. I don't reload, so cheap, available ammo is the determining factor. I don't shoot long range, and out to 300 yards or so they are both good. So 30-06 for me.
  14. stanley

    solo archery bull

    Piece by piece! Gutless method rocks!!!
  15. https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=AJnpJWzamN4C&source=productsearch&utm_source=HA_Desktop_US&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=PLA&pcampaignid=MKTAD0930BO1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgNalkfn62QIVDKJ-Ch2-pwZcEAQYASABEgLbsfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CIn66Zf5-tkCFVbdYgod0JACAQ Like almost everything else in the world, just Google it. BTW; Nice offer, cbarber13! Good luck! S.
  16. stanley

    ISO: Mini bike

    Here is the post. 6.5hp might be a little big for your needs...... http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/78053-briggs-stratton-65-hp-motor/?hl=briggs
  17. stanley

    ISO: Mini bike

    That is an AWESOME project! I tooled all over the place in my little hometown on a mini bike that my dad and I cobbled together! Wish I had something to contribute to your project. Not sure if it is still available or not, but someone had an awesome Briggs and Stratton engine in sale here a few months ago. Not sure if it had the correct drive set-up for a mini bike though. Anyway, good on you for taking the project on! Good luck!! S.
  18. stanley

    Antleope unit 8 hunt.

    I don't know about Flatline maps. Sounds like guys like them though, so that's good. Do Flatline maps show you private property? I took my son on our first Pronghorn hunt in New Mexico last year. Was on a ranch and I wasn't familiar with the boundaries that much, so I downloaded the onX ap on my iPhone. Had to pay a bit of a fee for the advanced mapping service, but I found it to be VERY awesome! Basically plots who's property you are on at any given time, real-time. Also gives you land owner names in the event you want to try to contact owners for any reason (Though many large tracts are held by trusts, and it can be hard to find 'real people'...). Will be up there again this Fall, as well on a Utah archery hunt (assuming draw gods are good to me). Will definitely be using it again then. Anyway, thought I would throw that out there. Good luck!!!!! S.
  19. stanley

    2017 early archery video

    THAT has to be the most amazing example and result of 'taking kids hunting' that I have ever seen!!!!!! So very very awesome and special! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  20. stanley

    Trump fails to up hold the constitution

    I'm more of a fan of state's rights and less Fed intervention. Based on that, I don't have a problem with this thing not going through. My view is that it might seem like a good thing to be able to 'carry' in any state as long as I have my permit here in AZ. On the other hand though, I don't want some law that I might not agree with from some other state to suddenly be applied as a blanket here just because someone in Washington D.C. sees it as a good thing. S.
  21. stanley


    I got curious from your post and dug around a little. It does NOT look like the Ocotillo is protected. Wikipedia describes the scientific name as Fouqieria Splendens. I did a quick search on the reference material posted by brademan76, and that name does NOT appear in the list of 'Protected" plants. It does however show-up in the "Salvage Restricted" section. Says you need a permit or something...... Yea, good luck with that! (Page 49 - https://agriculture.az.gov/sites/default/files/Native%20Plant%20Rules%20-%20AZ%20Dept%20of%20Ag.pdf) S. PS: Ever seen an old Ocotillo fence out in the desert at an old ranch or mine or something? Pretty cool, I think...
  22. stanley

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Looks like nothing is going to happen at the Federal level anytime soon. Trump is backing-off his initial call for minimum age increase, and is instead going to do some research. No surprise there.... It does state however, that still pushing to allow LE to confiscate guns "...from individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others, and temporarily prevent them from buying firearms." No due process mentioned. Scary.... S. www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/11/white-house-backs-off-call-to-raise-minimum-age-to-buy-long-guns.html
  23. stanley

    Left Over Elk Tag List B.S.!!!

    If my kid wanted to hunt cows, he's not my kid. Haha. I took my daughter on one cow hunt at 10yo and she told me "from now dad I only want to hunt bulls not cows from now on" Funny.... I've never been a horn hunter AT ALL! Always put my kids in for junior hunts and they tried to kill whatever came along, including doe & cow hunts. My college son and daughter got this tag though (If we're talking about the late Dec cow tag.... I think we are.). I was super excited because it is one of the only hunts that works with their college break schedules. Well I excitedly told my daughter at dinner last night that she was drawn for the late cow hunt, and she said something like "hmmmmffff.... Sounds fun but I wish it was a horn hunt....". What? Who's daughter are you??? Well, looks like coal in her Christmas stalking next December! S.
  24. stanley

    Left Over Elk Tag List B.S.!!!

    That's funny!!
  25. stanley

    Taxes and Trump

    How about trimming fat to balance the budget before any new things are purchased/promised/paid-for? All I ask is for a balanced budget. I have seen very little of Trump or anyone else working on trimming anything at all. The Republican party used to claim to be fiscally conservative. No more though. This kind of thing just frustrates me like you won't believe. I am absolutely sickened by politics. S. You know..... I seem to recall someone not wanting any political discussion on this forum. Then we had a new politics section opened with password requirements to prevent triggering. Hmmmm..... Interesting. No? By the by I agree with you Sctanley with a c Sometimes I just can't help myself!