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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Xmas tree permits

    That's a great looking pinon!!!
  2. stanley

    Both of my Daughters firsts.

    LOVE it!!! Awesome!!!
  3. stanley

    Please define "desert units" in AZ

    Good morning, and welcome to the site! Not certain if there is a iron clad definition of "desert units" here in AZ. I think you pretty much summed it up, in that basically ALL of the units/areas you referenced could be considered desert units. Some of them will have pockets (or more) with terrain that is not typical "desert", meaning there will be higher elevations with more evergreen type of foliage (juniper, pinon, ponderosa, etc.), but most of all of those areas are generally considered desert. And yes, the sunrise in the desert is an amazing thing!! Good luck, S.
  4. stanley

    Xmas tree permits

    LOVE going on a Christmas tree cutting picnic! Brings back great memories of growing-up in Kearny. WAY back in the day, mom & dad would load us up as several families would head-up for a day of tree cutting. We would stop in Globe for permits, then go on up to the 7 Mile Wash area north of Globe for pinon pines. This was back in the early 70s and I was just a tyke, but I still remember it. Good family fun! Enjoy all, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! S.
  5. stanley

    AZGFD wants your ideas

    Got an e-mail from AZGFD yesterday (Assuming some of you got it too....). Anyone see it? Comments are both interesting AND not surprising, IMO. https://www.azgfd.com/agency/dedicated-funding source/ Looks like another public meeting this Friday: "AZGFD will present feedback on the potential options for the funding source to the Commission during its public meeting Friday, Dec. 7, at department headquarters (5000 W. Carefree Highway) in Phoenix. The public may attend the meeting in person or view it at https://livestream.com/azgameandfish. " I'm going to try to attend on Friday. Anyone else?? S.
  6. stanley


    Yup, those little suckers are definitely a 'boom or bust' proposition. Good rain in any given year from Dec to late April will result in great numbers pretty quickly. Even with an average/above-average year of rain, if the majority falls during the monsoon period it will have little-no effect on the Gambel's. (I know I'm preaching to the choir here... lol) Last year my old child-hood stomping grounds were LOADED with birds. Lots of big coveys. We had several big days hunting during Nov, Dec, and Jan with lots and lots of birds. I have not been out yet this year, but word from some of my hunting buddies is that the populations are dismal this year. Fingers crossed for good rain this year! S.
  7. stanley

    Hunters n Ranchers

    Yup, good video. Thanks for sharing. For sure the topic of private land access, and particularly 'land locked' public land is often a HOT topic. Lots of strong opinions on both sides. I happen to come down on the "rancher's rights" side of that topic. I believe firmly that if someone owns land, that they should have the absolute right to say who can & cannot trespass, access, drive-through, etc. If the only way to a piece of public land is through a portion of private, and that private land is closed to access, well then I suppose that's the way it is. I also know that the vast majority of ranchers that I have ever encountered share the sentiment in the above video. Respect of laws, respect of private land ownership, and respect of people will often result in a positive outcome, IMO. S.
  8. stanley

    Elk hide tanning advice

    Took one to Jim at Southwest Wildlife Taxidermy (site sponsor) a couple of years ago. He sent it out to whoever does all their hides. It came out great! s.
  9. stanley

    2018 youth deer success

    VERY awesome!!!! Love hunting withe kids!
  10. stanley

    tenacity of life

    The force was strong in that one! Seen elk act about that tough before, but even then it was mainly due to a slightly less than lethal shot. Glad you got him! Funny regarding the zombie quail! Was running n gunning Gambels one year, hopping from one covey to the next all day long up & down washes (back when the quail were thick every year..... πŸ™„). About mid-way through the day, I happen to glance into my rear view mirror and there is a quail perched on the backrest of the rear seat in my Blazer. He had apparently crawled out of the game vest and just hopped-up on the back of the seat and was enjoying the ride! S.
  11. stanley

    Done deal

    Had a mini bike growing-up and spent MANY amazing hours tinkering with it and riding! Good luck on your quest. Maybe check craigslist? https://phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/mcy/d/like-new-monster-moto-80-mini/6753767083.html
  12. Welcome to the site!! I would start here: https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/units/mesa/24b/ A lot of guys are going to be shy about releasing info (Like, ANY info......) in public and/or to a 'newbie' to the site. I don't know the unit, but my suggestion would be to start with the G&F link, then go do a little scouting. Come back and post some info about what you found or didn't find, and I imagine you might make a contact or two on here who would be willing to share. Good luck!! S.
  13. stanley

    12AW and the boy

  14. stanley

    Thomas' First Buck!!!

    Oh, HECK YEA!!!!! VERY awesome! Hunting with your kids is simply the best!! Thanks for sharing with the site. S.
  15. stanley

    Veterans Day

    Sincere thanks to ALL veterans! I am grateful for your service! πŸ™
  16. stanley

    Early Nov 2 for 2

    Outstanding!!!!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  17. stanley


    I wouldn't give up on the Stihl. Definitely great chainsaws! Possibly you just got a couple of duds, because I've owned two (plus a Poulan). Each of the Stihl's was great! The Poulan always started OK, but tended not to have as much 'cranking/high-end' power. Quick Google search yields positive reviews for Husqvarna. Good advice on the pre-mixed fuel. Good luck!!!!
  18. stanley


    Looks delicious! I also butcher, wrap, and process all of my own game. I'm curious as to your aging technique? I have never really aged any of my game meat (other than happenstance when/if hanging for a couple of days or so prior to cutting it..... more of a 'timing' thing as opposed to aging....). Share your ideas on your aging? Thanks! S.
  19. Outstanding!!!!!!! Love it when the kids get out there! Thanks for sharing with the site. S.
  20. stanley

    Hunting Rig

    Umm..... So don't buy it. Haters gonna hate, I suppose.... πŸ™„
  21. stanley


    Good luck on your first hunt! Also good to recognize the unspoken rule! lol Some folks get a little worked-up when a newbie asks for advice on spots for their very first post! Check this out, if you haven't already: https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/units/mesa/24a/ Enjoy yourself and learn the area! You might not get one this year, but as you spend more time in the unit you'll surely find yourself a honey hole or two! S.
  22. stanley

    The Lobos Buck

    Awesome! NOTHING beats hunting with your children, IMO! You are blessed!! πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸΌ
  23. stanley

    Consolation Buck

    Ummmm....... "Consolation Buck"? Heck yea!!!!! πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»
  24. stanley

    Eberlestock Pack

    Looks kind of like a Just One. Very good deal for someone on that thing! Good luck selling!