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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    First timer hunting in 36B

    I personally don't, but I'm not a big sidearm guy. I've never felt threatened. (Suppose if I felt threatened, I always have a long gun with me anyway. ) I tend to agree with muledeerarea33. I think you're overthinking and worrying about it all too much. Literally thousands of folks hunt the border units each year without incident.
  2. stanley

    The Hunt Recommendation Process

    That caught my eye earlier today, as well. I thought it seemed fairly informative. Seemed to lay-out in a fairly elementary way the various elements and variables they try to consider when coming-up with hunt recommendations. Absolutely NO system is perfect, but I'm a "glass is 1/2 full" kind of guy and I like to think that they are doing their best (at least at the ground level) to manage things. S.
  3. stanley

    First timer hunting in 36B

    Welcome to the site. I'm sure others may chime-in with responses as well, but here are my thoughts. 1) Yes, border crossings are down but there are still illegal crossers (near Buenos Aires and elsewhere.....) 2) Yes 3) Dangerous to sit water?? 🤣 Have you spent anytime in border country? Not sure where you get your information regarding illegals being 'more prone to hitting water', but I don't think many of them are drinking out of cattle tanks / drinkers. In my experience, the majority illegals try to hunker and hide or immediately head the other way if/when you come into contact with them. 4) Depends on how good of a glasser you are and LUCK. Good luck!
  4. stanley

    37b Muleys

    Sorry..... No pics or success stories to share. Only OLD memories of the days growing-up in Kearny in the 70s-early 80s. We used to hunt 37B & 24A (before it was split into two units) all the time. Many great memories of chasing muleys with my dad and his buddies in the washes and mountains along the Gila. Different times.... Mainly plaid hunting shirts and 30-30s. 🤣 The luxury of great deer & quail hunting 2 miles from home was lost on me then. One of the things that intrigues me about 37B now is that it has a pretty good coues population now, yet is still one of the units with "Any antlered deer" tags. Hopefully someone posts-up some nice pics for you! S.
  5. stanley

    Wounding bulls

    On my last archery bull hunt I got buck fever so bad that I clean missed a bull at 17 yards. (Yup, I'm actually admitting to that!! 🙄) Wasn't for lack of experience or practice. Simply is my nature to get EXTREME buck fever in most shooting situations, rifle or bow. I haven't put in for an archery tag since. Recently I've found that I get much more enjoyment hunting with my children or friends, gladly playing the glasser/Sherpa role. Would rather sit back and spectate as one of them kills something (or not), as opposed to me being on the trigger. Animals are better off that way. They're better shots than I am anyway. S.
  6. stanley

    Weimaraner for sale!

    Ugh...... As a mod on the site, I try my best to bite my tongue and not reply to stuff to add fuel to already stinking fires. Can't help myself here though! (Sorry, Amanda!!) In my opinion, this post is the epitome of the negativity that for some reason tends to consume a fair number of posts around here. Dude simply posts up that he wants to sell a dog. 99.9% of those of us who don't care simply ignore the post and move on to something that interests us. .1% feel some need to comment and question the person, and someone else comments on that. Result is a member vs. member game of verbal ping-pong with absolutely ZERO value. Zero value to the original post, zero value to the first non-interested party who felt the need to comment in the first place, zero value to anyone else who piles on to the debate, and definitely zero value to this site. God bless the internet!🙄 To the OP, sorry for the temporary thread hijack and good luck selling the pup! S.
  7. stanley

    22S Last Night

    "Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie??"
  8. stanley

    22S Last Night

    same as the worms..... (Couldn't resist hijacking. One of my all time favorite movies! )
  9. stanley

    Utah - Nine Mile Unit

    I would compare it more to an above average AZ unit. Not Kiabab level, IMO.... Basically, like most of Utah, the terrain is a lot different than the typical AZ unit. Different than the Kiabab, as well. It's basically lots and lots of sage brush covered canyons, interspersed and pocketed with Fir & Aspen. There are big stands of Fir/Aspen covering the top of the mountain(s), as well as most of the north facing slopes (Again, like most of Utah....). Mule deer heaven! LOL
  10. stanley

    Utah - Nine Mile Unit

    I’ve hunted Nine Mile both general and archery. Plenty of deer, but can get a bit crowded close to the roads. That being said, it’s pretty easy to hike and get some solitude. Fair amount or private land up high. Overall, I enjoy it the there. PM me if you want a few more details. S.
  11. stanley

    Unit 10 my beautiful blessing

    YES!!!! Outstanding, Ernesto!! So awesome that Hector was able to be there (He is THE MAN!)! Great pronghorn, and I'm sure Chef told you what great eating they are! Thanks for sharing! S.
  12. stanley

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    OUTSTANDING!!!! SO happy for Hunter!! S.
  13. My opinion is that they should leave it as is. If they make the surrender deadline a week or two early, then it seems there would be guys complaining because they could not leverage point guard even if a valid reason came-up a few days prior to the hunt. Bottom line is that NO system is perfect. Swivelhead was next in line and he made the best decision for him at the time. So they then go to the next person, and they can decide the same thing. No biggie, IMO. At least it's not like the old days when folks lost many points due to something coming-up that is out of their control. S.
  14. stanley

    Unit 10 early rifle bull help

    No need to explain yourself to the trolls...... Good luck and enjoy! Hope you and your cousin have a great time!!
  15. Got a chuckle when I saw this online yesterday. 🤣
  16. stanley

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

    The anti-labor stopic always puzzles me. In a general sense, historically the "anti-labor" sentiment has been held by conservatives (Republicans), with the Democrats generally coming down on the side of labor. Yet I often hear guys I consider to be fairly conservative be supportive of unions. Makes no sense to me. For me, like with most issues, I generally come down somewhere in the middle of the road. If unions want to organize, good luck and more power to them. However, if a company wants to hire workers outside of that union (and said worker does not want to join the union), then they should be allowed to do that. It's their business. Suppose that's what 'right to work' laws are about. S. **Sorry for the thread hijack! Back to the original topic, I don't give a care if Walmart doesn't want to sell pistols or certain kinds of ammo. Like with any other business, I can go there or not. If they don't sell what I want, I'll simply go somewhere else (These days, likely I'll find what I want somewhere on the internet....).
  17. stanley

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

    Yup, and life goes on.... No big deal.
  18. stanley

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

    The article I saw on foxnews.com actually states that is going to be their policy across the board, not just Arkansas. (https://www.foxnews.com/us/walmart-alaska-handgun-rifle-ammo-nationwide-end-sales) I honestly don't care if they stop selling hand guns and hand gun ammo. Don't care if they ask people NOT to open carry either. Their business to run as they choose, I suppose..... If they stop selling dove & quail loads, then I might be a little more impacted as that's where I usually stock-up for shot shells.
  19. I'm guessing most of that is county island type of terrain. I know that is the land status with the dairy I hunt. Surrounded by development in the southwest valley, but NOT incorporated. Of course all development is > quarter mile (much greater in our case, due to the fact that the dairy owns a very large chunk of land....). S.
  20. Limits for us, plus lots Eurasians BIG TIME where I hunt. Loads of fun!!!!
  21. stanley


    Guess I should have prefaced that statement with "In my opinion...". Plus, please don't take it literally. Sort of a figure of speech. That being said, among my dairy hunting buddies and I, we definitely appreciate the numbers of Eurasians! In the old days, we would often be done hunting/shooting doves in under an hour. With the numbers of Eurasians, our hunting enjoyment is greatly extended. We have also gone out 'off season' (outside of mourning/white wing season) to hunt just Eurasians. Lots of fun, IMO.
  22. stanley


    It's alright. The best thing to happen to Arizona dove hunting EVER should still be flying like crazy! Eurasians!!!! 😉 At the dairy I hunt, we've been killing >50% Eurasian doves for the past several years now. Fun stuff!! Greatly looking forward to Sunday morning! S.
  23. stanley

    Thoughts on use of point guard

    Ugh..... Hate hijacking an original post, but my mind is wondering now. I thought that the points were 'averaged' between applicants when 2 or more put in on the same application??? So if one person has 10 points, and one person has none, that the group application would have 5 points (chances) in the lottery draw??? S.
  24. stanley

    AK Grizzly

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  25. stanley

    More of this

    Oh brother...... Totally missed the point. 🙄