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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Roxy Ray, she gonna be missed.

    Sucks for sure, but absolutely LOVE the pics! 🙏
  2. stanley

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Ya, all these pics and memes are pretty good. Tons of them floating around the internet. I'm going to assume most people realize that the 'social distancing' thing is not about someone being scared to go out, though. Its being pushed because it is a proven method of slowing the spread of a virus WAY down. I find irony in this pic/words, because the overall goal of social distancing is the 'greater good' (Similar to some of the sentiment I take from this pic..... ). The point of the social distancing is to arrest the spread of the virus, and hence hopefully save the lives of many of the high-risk people who are going to be in a VERY bad way if they get it. S.
  3. Assuming anyone who has hunted New Mexico is likely on their e-mail list??? I got this today, and found it interesting. Get ready for more junk mail??? (Also, an another more extreme view might be the possible increased risk of being targeted by anti-hunters......) Not sure what AZ does..... S. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Public contact, Information Center: (888) 248-6866 Media contact, Tristanna Bickford: (505) 476-8027 tristanna.bickford@state.nm.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, MARCH 19, 2020: Courts Order Department To Release Customer Names, Email, Addresses Today SANTA FE – A First Judicial District Court judge has ordered the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to turn over the names and addresses of all successful big-game applicants for the years 2015 through April 23, 2019 to Los Alamos County resident James Whitehead. Additionally, the New Mexico Court of Appeals ordered the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to turn over the email addresses of individuals who applied for state hunting licenses for the years 2015 through 2016 to former Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn. Both decisions conclude that information collected from the public in connection with the administration of its public duties falls within the meaning of public records and are subject to disclosure. In 2017, Dunn requested the names and email addresses of more than 300,000 applicants for New Mexico hunting licenses. Whitehead requested the detailed draw results, names and addresses of all successful applicants, units applied for and units drawn. The Department provided names to Dunn, but denied the additional requests by both parties. As a result, both parties filed lawsuits pursuant to the state Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA). “The Department argued against the release, but ultimately lost,” said Director Michael Sloane. “We value the privacy of our customers’ personal information but recognize that is the courts' interpretation of the current IPRA law.” The Department will release the requested information today and wants to make their customers aware. Individuals who believe they are being harassed by solicitors or similar as a result of this release should call toll-free (844) 255-9210 or file a complaint online at www.nmag.gov/file-a-complaint.aspx. "
  4. stanley

    Salt and Verde River Lakes are filling up

    Good link/info. 9 elevation feet difference from last year is a LOT of water!!!!👊
  5. stanley

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Lots of "experts" out there giving opinions and speculating. I was talking to a friend who is a physician (No, BTW, I don't necessarily think that makes him an expert.....). He was basically speculating on the very worse-case scenario in which a large percentage of the US population became infected. Statistically, given the current mortality rate, well over 1MM people could die from it in the US. Obviously, this is why it is so important to not ignore the warnings about close contact and social situations that could help the spread. I agree with a pragmatic viewpoint though, holding out confidence in our country as a whole, and that it will be contained/dealt-with before it gets anywhere near that bad. 🙏
  6. stanley

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Well, I guess I'm feeling pretty good about that case of MREs I impulse-bought off this site a while back. 🤣
  7. stanley


    Holy BIG TENTS!!! 😲 That is a good deal on a VERY big and high quality tent!!! I have had the 12X12 version for many years, and love it. Bump for a great big tent!
  8. stanley

    Amanda Heads up

    Never had a problem with Cox. Lightning fast internet at 1000Mbps.
  9. stanley

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Crazy how quickly all the hysteria is unfolding. Daughter took off to Spain & Ireland with a few friends for spring break trip last Friday and we were joking about her traveling given all that was going on, with absolutely NO thought that it would hype-up so quickly. When Trump announced to the world the European travel ban last night (without making it immediately clear that it did NOT apply to US citizens), it set off panic with a couple of the other parents. Two of them actually bought their daughters one way tickets out of Dublin yesterday in a panic. CRAZY! Greta ended-up flying to London this morning, and will come home from there as planned this Saturday. I'm generally a fairly practical and calm dude, but I'll admit that I will be a little on edge until she texts me from her seat on that BA flight Saturday. Will feel good to know she's wheels-up and out of there. S.
  10. stanley

    Scam Alert...

    He just did via this thread. I've taken care of his account. S.
  11. stanley

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Ummm........ Do you REALLY believe that about Bill Gates??? 😳 A few key strokes on the keyboard to view various articles/info on that (and the context) easily reveals the conspiracy theory behind it. God bless the internet! Too funny.... 😂
  12. stanley

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Same here. I'm in the IT field for a large financial services company. Non-essential domestic travel suspended (ALL international travel suspended...). NO visitors allowed in any company building. Webex/ZOOM only for any external meetings. Then of course there is the S&P index heavy 401K.... S.
  13. Finally did it "old school" and just dialed 602-942-3000..... 🤣 My two sons got general bull tags. SUPER excited!! S.
  14. stanley


    For sure will get LOTS of varying opinions on a topic like this. I have Keens that I got at REI, and I love them. Originally purchased a pair of them 4 years ago, and did Havasupai in them a week later. No break-in period needed. SUPER comfortable and rugged. I like them so much, that I bought two more identical pairs to keep in my closet for use as the originals eventual wore-out. (When I find something I like, I stick with it! 😂) As mentioned by rcdinaz above, the REI folks pretty good at helping you find the right fit. Good luck! S.
  15. stanley

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    Interesting idea, weighting bonus points...... Hadn't really considered that one. Admittedly, I don't understand the ins-outs of how it all works (I'm like the opposite of Flatlander....). That being said, to me it seems that even if you weight bonus points, given the large saturation and so many folks with so many bonus points, that the effect overall would be benign. I think the bonus pass is the department's way to try to weight/reward those who have the most points. Given the saturation of bonus points, I always sort of figured that mine are fairly worthless since I rarely accumulate more than 2 or 3. Regarding the definition of "fair", for sure I agree it is really up to one's personal opinion and view point of what is more vs. less fair. I still fee like we all get the same opportunity to put in for any hunt we want and we know how the game works, so that to me is a level field.
  16. stanley

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    100% this!! I'm here in the 'tag soup' thread, yet my two young adult sons both got bull tags. Hunting with them and friends will be no less epic this fall than if I had my own tag.
  17. stanley

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    Oh brother..... 🙄🤣
  18. stanley

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    Everyone has the right to make their own choices. Everyone has the right to put in for tough to draw units or not. Everyone has the right to stock-pile bonus points over MANY years or not. How is this not fair? 🙄
  19. stanley

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    Sucks that you got stung on this! Earlier this week I had forgotten what card I used and got a little antsy/nervous (for no good reason....). I started down the “update your card” path just to try to confirm. I got to the part where you have to enter your order number, then I found my order number in the email. WHAT??? It’s like an encryption key for an out of the box Wifi set-up! 😳 What a jumble of numbers/letters!! That’s when I backed out and crossed my fingers..... Hopefully over time the online system will continue to tighten-up and improve. S. ✌🏼
  20. $270 hit for me. Means both of my sons have rifle bull tags! Will be my younger son's first fall back since he went off to college out of state 4 years ago. SO excited to have the opportunity for the three of us to be back in the woods together!!! S.
  21. stanley

    WTB European mounts

    Surprises me that anyone would just leave one. I remember when Draysen did my son't pronghorn, I couldn't wait to get it back! (BTW, kudos to Draysen.! AMAZING work and fast service!!!) My opinion is that the 60 day time frame he is targeting should be very reasonable! Possibly some sort of verbiage as to a penalty for not picking-up by the 60 day mark? ($1 per day storage, thereafter... ???) S.
  22. stanley

    MeatEater podcast - Jim Heffelfinger

    As stated by others who know him (even a little), Jim is a legit good dude!! Regarding Rinella, I was at the Tempe Improv even as well. I asked the first question of the night, which was regarding the hot topic at that time; RAFFLE TAGS. He gave very much a 'non-answer', in my opinion. Was sort of riding the middle on it..... If I recall, towards the end of the night he did some sort of an informal poll with the audience regarding the topic of how to deal with the non-hunting public. A definite chill hit the room when that topic was discussed. I still listen and watch his stuff sometimes, whether he shares all of my opinions or not. The only problem I have with his podcasts is that I feel like they often ramble on and I sometimes get bored. S.
  23. Not sure if I would shoot or not. Thinking not, but suppose it would depend on how close the dogs were (a mile vs. a few hundred yards.... spur of the moment judgement call...). That being said, the thing that caught my attention on this topic was that when I saw the title I was immediately taken back to the mid-late 70s when I took hunter ed as an 11 year old. Does anyone remember the film they used to show called "Shoot / Don't Shoot"? It was a pretty cool deal where they showed several different sort of real life scenarios and then had the class make a determination whether it would be OK/safe to shoot or not in that given situation. I still remember a couple of the scenarios all these years later. Sorry for the hijack....