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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Paying Children Allowance

    I guess for me it would depend on how old they are & how much money you are talking about. For younger kids with a small allowance, seems like cash is good. As they get older and have bank accounts with debit cards, an electronic app seems to make sense to me. My ex-wife and I have used Venmo to move money around between each other and our college aged kids for quite a while. Seems to work just fine. The one challenge can be a delay in funds availability, but that depends on how you have it set-up. Good luck!
  2. stanley

    Cabelas 12x20 Alaknak

    "Aint got time for dat".... Too funny!🤣 If they are wet, then YES! My son borrowed mine once and put it away wet, resulting in some mold that was a bitch to clean. You will also hear comparisons to canvas with these tents. Since these are a synthetic, they don't 'breath' like canvas, and tent to gather condensation a bit easier. Either way, canvas of synthetic, you don't want to put them away wet.
  3. stanley

    Cabelas 12x20 Alaknak

    $1000 obo for that tent with vestibules and stove is a STEAL, @CatfishKev !!
  4. stanley

    Cabelas 12x20 Alaknak

    Be good to maybe start a different thread on your buddy's tent as opposed to the not so subtle hi-jacking of this dude's attempt to sell his Alaknak. (I'm assuming no malice on your part, it just seems like bad form, IMO..... )
  5. stanley

    Cabelas 12x20 Alaknak

    Every time I see one of these for sale, I feel the need to bump it. 10+ years ago I sold my pop-up and went back to 'tent camping'. With camo-bunk cots, a Camp Chef, and a couple of other little extras, my three kids and I were well outfitted in our 12X12 Alaknak for many years and MANY camping/hunting/fishing trips. Heavy rain, snow, wind have all been no problem. Love the Alaknak! The vestibule(s) elevates it to a whole additional level as far as space goes. This would be a great tent for a big family, Kev!
  6. Excellent! Time to go chase some gambels!
  7. stanley

    Buffalo Hide

    Google is your friend. https://www.etsy.com/listing/907866591/buffalo-hide?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=buffalo+hide&ref=sr_gallery-1-7&frs=1&cns=1 Of course, just because they are asking that much does NOT necessarily mean they will get it, but at least it looks like there is some kind of market out there for them.....
  8. stanley

    Covid relif bill

    Interesting list. Not knowing the source, let's assume it's legit. I'm sure ALL House representatives were happy to see that line. Is this a comprehensive list? I would be curious to see the entire laundry list of pork in the bill. I'm sure both Dems and Republicans have plenty of their pet projects in there. VERY tough situation for those who have actually lost jobs during all of this mess. I would be in favor of trying to help those folks, but I'm adamantly opposed to sending blanket checks out to all tax payers regardless of employment status.
  9. stanley

    Time well spent

    Excellent!!! Time well spent, indeed!!!
  10. stanley

    HUGE W / T Buck Spotted!

    All good, and welcome back to the site! 👍🏻 No offense intended.
  11. stanley

    HUGE W / T Buck Spotted!

    Yup. Honestly, when this happens it always sort of sends-up a potential spam/scam alert on my radar. Just makes no sense that some newbie with only ONE post would resurrect an obscure thread from a decade ago.
  12. stanley


    Guess I'm lucky. I send and receive a fair amount of parcel shipments, and I have had zero issues. Knock on wood.... S.
  13. stanley

    Covid relif bill

    Typical Washington politics at work. Bickering and pork for both sides of the isle..... I like Rand Paul's commentary and ideas. COVID relief? Yes, but NOT a unilateral money hand-out. Why does anyone who is still employed need anything??? My 26 year old son is in the restaurant business. Luckily he has remained employed (other than a short furlough in April...). He received a check in the spring, and based on his income he will get another one if/when this is final. Why, though??? Rand Paul was one of only six Republicans to vote no. Sad.... I suppose an economist would point to the word "stimulus", in that it is hoped that those who get it will go out and spend it hence 'stimulating' the economy. Still seems like a big waste to me, though. Of course, the pork should be trimmed either way. Freaking politics drives me crazy.
  14. stanley

    Unit 3C Population management

    EXCELLENT!!!! Super glad it's working-out for the boys! (Brian was nice enough to text me the pic, also. ) Hopefully they find another one.
  15. $150 👍🏻 (Edit: plus a couple of pounds of bison burger for PRDATR upon pick-up! 😉)
  16. stanley


    Awesome cots. Used them to make my 12X12 Alaknak more doable for my kids and I. Had MANY great camping/fishing/hunting trips all stacked-in to that tent using those cots! Still have them and use them on occasion after over 10 years of use. Quality cots!
  17. stanley

    First Archery Coues Deer Jan 2020

    Heck ya, Zac!! Welcome to the site! S.
  18. stanley

    Midway has ammo

    Just got an e-mail alert. Midway has 5.56 in stock again (62 Grain FMJ). 1200 rounds for $719.99. FYI for anyone that's looking..... (And yes, I bought some. ) S.
  19. stanley

    36a success

    Nice buck, and a good looking 'well worn' rifle!
  20. stanley


    What ever you do, be sure to try to keep the head chilled well (on ice) until you get it to whoever is going to do the euro mount. The taxidermist will appreciate that!
  21. stanley


    Contact rossislider here. (Send him a private message.) His son, Draysen does them. He's done two for me, and they both came-out amazing! S.
  22. stanley

    Late Kaibab - Almost Time

    SO awesome, Andrew!!! What an adventure! The best of times!!!!! S.
  23. stanley

    36A Youth Deer

    VERY AWESOME!!! Spent many years chasing deer and pigs on that junior hunt when my three were coming of age. They are all young adults now, but I treasure those times! Thanks for reminding me!! S.
  24. stanley

    Unit 36A help

    Or maybe someone PM'ed him, and they just communicated back and forth that way. I usually take it right to direct-messaging when giving info, as opposed to posting back and forth on the original thread. Either way, hopefully the dude got some help (or not...).
  25. stanley

    Mom fighting for her life with Covid 19

    Sending thoughts, Nick! 🙏🏼