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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    dog kennel/kennels needed

    Not sure, but I think I remember seeing one at Tractor Supply Co. once. Maybe check there?? (Also check with some local fencing companies?? Possibly they would do it....)
  2. stanley

    AZGFD - Card Hits?

    Super cool, Nuker!! Love the story behind it all!! Also, I have that rifle!!! (Though mine is slightly newer, in that the serial number tracks it to 1911...) Story behind mine is that my father was an engineer/geologist at the Ray copper mine (Kearny) for many, many years. In the early 60s (before I was born), they found more copper ore than originally thought at the Ray mine, so they decided to go wide-open with the pit. In order to do so they had to displace the town of Sonora, and hence the town of Kearny was born. While they were moving/demolishing some old warehouses, they came across a case of new/never-used 30-30's. In tracking back the records, they were able to trace the purchase back 1916, when the mine bought the rifles to guard against any possible attack from Pancho Villa. Well, of course the attack never came and the rifles remained in their case in the warehouse. When my dad and some of the other supervisors found the rifles, the controller/accountant didn't really know what to do with them, so they had a raffle and sold them to the employees for $25 just to get them off the books. Dad is long gone now, and the rifle remains as one of my prized possessions. Was cool to see another just like it posted here! 3030 2.jfif
  3. stanley

    AZGFD - Card Hits?

    That old rack with the metal tag is super cool. My dad had a big, heavy 4X4 muley rack hanging up in the carport in the house I grew-up in, in Kearny. Killed it up close to the Ray copper pit, I believe. It had one of those metal tags, circa around 1960 or 1961, I think. When they moved after he retired in the early 90s, the rack somehow became lost. Sure wish I had that now.... S.
  4. stanley


    Indeed, she is looking good. How old?? My little one was born on Dec 16th, so 11 weeks at this point.
  5. A buddy of mine has a house up in the foothills in Tucson, right up against the mountains (close to the north end of Swan, if you're familiar with Tucson). I was hanging out with him a while back, and he was showing me his newest 'toy', which was a VERY cool drone. Not sure how high-end it was, but it basically had an HD camera set-up and a range of something like 3 miles. It was mainly to goof-off with on his back deck, and we had fun flying it around and taking videos and pics of the mountains and a couple of the resorts close by. Given the HD level quality of the video it produced, it of course occurred to me that it would be super easy and convenient to fly it up into hard to reach canyons and territory to 'scout' for animals, if one was so inclined. Nothing beats a good pair of binos on a tripod, but still.... Anyone tried that yet?? (I'm sure that like the trail camera topic, this one could get hot! LOL)
  6. stanley


    Outstanding!!!! I picked my little girl up last week! 😍 (Curious to know what breeder? Possibly they're litter mates. I'll PM you on that....) This is my 2nd Vizsla, and I'm super excited! My ex-wife currently has two..... We are a BIG TIME Vizsla family (We're still close, obviously... lol)! Benci is already pointing fly's that have been pestering her while she is eating!! fly point 2.jfif
  7. stanley

    Couple New SCAMMERS

    Thanks for the heads-up. Both now GONE!
  8. stanley


    "may appear in the future...."??? Ummm, the future is now. There have been private companies involved for years now. You're not serious, are you? We are literally in the midst of a global pandemic, and drug companies are in competition to develop and sell the most vaccines without sharing their info for the "good of mankind...". Lame possibly, but true. The intellectual property business (patents) is HUGE. Freely sharing of info in big business rarely happens, if ever.
  9. stanley

    Tick Tock

    For sure!!! Of course my personal productivity has been in the toilet ever since I was forced to work at home last year. 🙄
  10. stanley

    Tick Tock

    Looking back at the beginning of this thread, I think boncollector jinxed it!! "Minutes away!" Ya, right... 🙄🤣
  11. stanley

    Drone usage for exploring/scouting??

    Like I said, this could end-up like the trail-cam debate. lol
  12. stanley

    Drone usage for exploring/scouting??

    Actually, in the regs it looks like drones are referred under the 'aircraft' category. The only restriction I can find is that you can't do it within 48 hours of a hunt. Edit: Correction! It also is referred to in the 'harassment' section, but is not explicitly stated as illegal. Only that you cannot use them to 'harass, heard, etc...'.
  13. stanley

    Tick Tock

    Thinking the same thing. Sounds more like a 'process/policy' sort of thing, as opposed to a contractual obligation. Almost seems like an over & above courtesy they offer.
  14. stanley

    Tick Tock

    I suspect huntlines is just going based on how it works historically. Don't think he's purporting that it has to happen that way. That being said, I suppose this could be another point to debate and argue about to pass the time.... 🙄🤣
  15. stanley

    Tick Tock

    I love this sort of stuff, so this is kind of driving me crazy. 🙄 Still grappling with 20 points equating to 30% chance of grabbing one of 200 tags, especially when each individual point is only a .00753 chance of being drawn. Hmmmm.....
  16. stanley

    Tick Tock

    2) Draw percentages, the way I read the G&F draw rules... I ran some numbers & came up with the following: Assuming there are 200 tags in a hunt & there are a total of 13,272 total "points" in that hunt's draw (adding up all applicants points randomly assigned) each point gets you 1.5069% chance of drawing one of the 200 tags. If you have 20 points you have a 30.1386% chance of drawing one of the 200 tags. Multiple hunters on one application that average 5 points/each have a 7.5347% chance of getting 4 of the 200 tags, assuming that when their app was selected at least 4 tags were left over. For that reason, their chances are slightly less than that... Ugh..... Testing my memory of basic Statistics 200 many, many years ago, but I'm thinking you're wrong on the 30.1386% chance of drawing. In order to have a 30% chance, you would need to hold 30% of the total points, I think. Seems what you have is is a 1.5069% chance of drawing a tag, 20 different times. Can't find the formula off the top of my head, but it is definitely NOT a 30% chance.
  17. stanley

    18,000 new elk apps

    +1. That is not a tag transfer or gaming scenario. That is a poaching scenario, IMO.
  18. stanley

    Who's still waiting for portal updates?

    I'm not waiting on portal updates, I'm just waiting on the draw. Once they complete the draw (whenever that happens), I'll wait until I hear they have updated the portal and then check to see what I got drawn for. Or I'll just call the phone number and try to find out what unit I was drawn for like I did prior to the portal being introduced. Of course that's only IF I end-up being lucky enough to get a card hit. If I don't get a card hit, then I'll likely not log into the portal for a long time.
  19. stanley

    18,000 new elk apps

    The Hunter Ed idea is not a bad one. Double win of likely weeding-out any non-hunters, but also frankly just helping with the average yayhoo being a little more safe. Regarding folks not putting their money where their mouth is, I say a BIG +1 to that!!! IMO it applies as much to those who vote for Republicans, too. If you have ever gone to a G&F meeting or gotten involved in any of the local hunting/fishing organizations, the level of apathy and/or non-action by hunters in general is pretty clear. Even when there is a so called hot topic (like trail cams, for instance), the % of hunters who actually show-up to a meeting to comment is extraordinarily low. Complaining online (or nowhere at all) is what the large majority of hunters do. 🙄
  20. stanley

    18,000 new elk apps

    For me, it just seems like the way of things in AZ. 18,000 more applicants for elk/pronghorn, 1000's more campers in the woods/desert, side-by-sides all over the place, road paved all the way to Big Lake, etc... For sure, 18,000 is a large increase, but given the total number of applicants each year and the total bonus points in the pool, I don't feel like statistically it will make a hugely significant impact to the odds of the vast majority of the hunts (Of course the proof will be in the pudding when the 2021 draw odds are published later in the year.). I know I have seen the total number of applicants year over year posted here recently, (Likely Flatlander posted....), but what would really interest me would be the total bonus points, which I feel would give a truer picture of how much an additional 18,000 applicants (theoretically, each with NO bonus points) would impact the odds. S.
  21. stanley

    Insane low prices on Leupold scopes

    WARNING!!!! I started poking-around on the site. Just for giggles I hit the Paypal button (one of the ways to test legitimacy), and got the following: "The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. || PAYEE_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTED:The merchant account is restricted." (So basically, Paypal is restricting their account...) Potential buyers beware!
  22. stanley

    BBQ Grill for sale

    I think I can use that! I'll take it. PM coming.... S.
  23. stanley

    Campbell20 is a scammer, Just FYI

    100% There is no doubt that there has been in increase in the past weeks/months of this sort of thing. The average spammer/scammer used to just post on the public forum (similar to the Apple phone dude that just got deleted). Seems that lately the thing is the private messaging. Casey had posted a good PSA as a heads-up to folks on this yesterday. Everyone should keep their BS alert meter tuned-in!!
  24. stanley

    Campbell20 is a scammer, Just FYI

    Done. Gone. He had sent 60 messages in his brief time here.
  25. stanley

    Colt python 357
