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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    That number doesn't surprise me in the least. This has been all over the internet and was super easy to apply for online.....
  2. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    I keep seeing the hole in that pronghorn you shot last fall, Lance! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    No idea. From a 'practical' perspective, I would say; Why not? But from a technical perspective, since they are trying hard to NOT classify this as a 'hunt', I'm thinking they may not want to distribute anything that could be seen as a trophy, so I wouldn't be surprise if they are not going to let folks keep the hides/heads.
  4. stanley

    New to the game

    Welcome to AZ and this site! Stick around and browse (and contribute) to the forums here. You'll see opportunities to socialize and connect. S.
  5. stanley

    Black River Small Mouth

    We were sort of 'running & gunning' up and down the river all day, and didn't really take much time for trophy pics. We went to one of our regular producing holes yesterday just before leaving so my oldest son could catch a few to take home for dinner, though. This is the only fish pic we took.
  6. stanley

    Black River Small Mouth

    Pretty good weekend up on the Black River with my sons. Fishing was decent, and turkeys were gobbling. (Trphyhntr is correct regarding what he heard about permits. Need to get them at the casino Chevron.) Game ranger checked us on Saturday, and said there were 120 Black River permits issued for that day. Seems like it's going to get hammered pretty good this summer, given it is still spring. Also saw this fatty!! IMG_3821.MOV
  7. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    Ya, it's interesting . Given the target reduction numbers, I also assumed that the shooters would kill multiple bison each. I have now heard (not through an 'official', but through someone who knows an official very well) that each shooter will only kill a single bison. Of course then my mind immediately goes to the thought of 'How in the heck are they going to make a dent in the population by shooting only 12 bison???'.... I was told that this is sort of an initial pilot-run to see how it works. For me, I'm still interested. If nothing else, it would be an experience. Of course, the odds are going to be VERY long regarding getting selected, so I imagine I'll be sitting here reading the results/news about it on the internet.
  8. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    Not worried at all! I'll be camouflaged. Taking my hippie beetle-bus!
  9. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    Yup!!! Count me in!
  10. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    I'm definitely on the opposite side of the fence on this (pun, intended...). I'm in! Will it be a circus? Yes, possibly, likely..... But I figure, what the heck!
  11. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    Ya, I get it. The 'turning loose...' was more of a figure of speech. My point was that I seriously doubt they would simply leave it up to the shooter to do all of the butchering. For sure, I totally agree with the point about observation/supervision!
  12. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that there will be plenty of 'official' help along for the field care. They likely just want to make sure that all participants know they will be expected to help in every way, but there is NO way they are going to turn 12 shooters loose inside the park and expect those shooters to be 100% responsible for the mean care on all of the buff.
  13. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    They are planning on letting each shooter keep one bison. The verbiage in the FAQs looks more like legalese to me.....
  14. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    They've thought about that and virtually ALL sorts of other options. It is not a G&F problem, only. It is in the park, and hence there is BIG TIME red-tape in dealing with them. Putting-up a fence sounds easy until you're dealing with the regulations inside of a national park. I'm honestly amazed they were able to get the park service to agree to letting shooters in to do this.
  15. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    Just a theory, indeed. I like it, but thinking in practice it really wouldn't be feasible (In fact, getting rid of all the water would likely be impossible...). I was talking to a park employee while I was up scouting for my bison hunt last summer. He was sort of mentioning this same thing, in that if they could 'bison proof' all of the water in the park, the animals would go elsewhere. The practicality, along with the red-tape of putting fences up sort of stopped the idea in it's tracks, though.
  16. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    25 applicants selected, then cut down to 12. With all the press this thing is getting, this might be the toughest draw of the year!
  17. stanley

    Bison reduction project

    I think it means the volunteer gets to keep one of the bison.
  18. stanley


    Great argument to bolster your position in the debate.... ๐Ÿ™„
  19. stanley


    You throw a speculative guess out there, then say โ€œprove me wrongโ€. Too funny! ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  20. stanley

    Anyone know where I can get some fresh crow???

    Indeed, there is SO much out there that it's honestly often hard to figure-out what is real and not. I usually just eat my crow without seasoning. Just choke it down quick and chase it with water (Sort of like when I was a kid and my mom made me eat my helping of liver...๐Ÿคฎ ๐Ÿ˜‚).
  21. stanley

    Here's one for all the mask fans

    Yup. Ironic that folks who sometimes refer to the "sheeple" of the nation will post info and links without any thought to validity, etc. If it's on a website or source they follow, it is eaten-up without question. The true definition of sheeple, IMO. ๐Ÿ™„
  22. stanley

    My feet hurt

    Three years ago i dealt with a lingering case of Plantar Faciitis. I started wearing Sof Sol inserts, and they are amazing. I found them on Amazon, but they are of course available all over. https://sofsole.implus.com/products/insoles/plantar-fascia-insoles Obviously lots of opinions out there on various options, but you might check them out, Kevin. Good luck!! S.
  23. stanley

    Benelli Supernova 12ga AND ammo $900 OBO

    Alex knows exactly why it was deleted because I sent him a note, and it wasn't because of all the "crap talking" (Seriously??? If that was the case, there would be about 50% less threads here... ๐Ÿ™„). Simple: F-bombs get nuked. Anyone who's been here very long knows that's how Amanda wants it, and new-comers should know because they would have seen the rules when they open the account.
  24. stanley

    Another casualty

    Not sure if that's a rhetorical question or not, but trauma can/does cause strokes. Specifically head trauma can do it. So the bear attack killed him (If you assume he wouldn't of had a stroke otherwise,....).
  25. stanley

    Trade for corvette! UPDATED!!!!

    Fair point! I actually hadn't even checked the price of lumber. CRAZY!!!