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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    I'm scheduled to meet old high school friends in the Canyon Creek area for a long-planned weekend of camping/fishing/story-telling..... Uh, maybe not. Waiting on a couple of them to blink so I don't have to be the first to surrender. LOL
  2. stanley

    AZBGSR 2021 Winners

    Which means not enough AZ folks buying tickets??
  3. stanley


    And spending time with his special son, too! Yikes!!! If real, RIP, indeed.
  4. stanley

    How about them suns

    Yup, indeed. I saw one big gun last night, and his name was Giannis! 50 points??? Yikes! 😳
  5. stanley

    Alaska 2021

    Heck yeah, Nick!!! Looking forward to seeing more!!!! S.
  6. stanley

    12a turkey is it worth the drive?

    My guess is that he was not kidding. My opinion (and we all know what those are worth... lol) is that if you want to have a great weekend in some amazing country with the chance to see some turkeys, too, then it's worth it! If you've not spent time up there, just the camping alone is worth it. A drive to Timp or Fire Point can't be beat! Long way to drive, but it's cool and unique country.
  7. stanley

    Forum Idea for Spammers

    Darren72 is gone/banned. I can't find any user ID for Alex Turnage. Did he/she contact you through the messaging here?
  8. stanley

    AMC who's got it

    "Dam dirty apes...." Love that! LOL In all seriousness though, what do you know is about ready to happen and what stars are lining up?? Genuinely curious about your strategy.
  9. stanley

    AMC who's got it

    Just like death, I’m of course we’ll aware I won’t avoid the taxes. 😉 Your second sentence sums it up for me, though. I’ll hope to push any realized gains out a few years until I’m in a more reasonable position, tax wise. 👍🏻 Still curious who’s still holding AMC and who’s dumped it. Also wondering when the next meme stock will pop.
  10. Don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment regarding storms and doves, but I'll take the monsoon rain any day! Besides, the dairy is going to be the dairy..... There will be plenty, I'm sure.
  11. stanley

    AMC who's got it

    So who's still holding AMC?? I still am because I'm allergic to taking capitol gains hits on my taxes. (As mentioned, it's just going to sit there in my account for a LONG time.) Curious if anyone else is doing anything with it??? Feeling like the run is over for the speculators on this one, but who knows..... How about the crypto guys?
  12. stanley

    Screw the draw

    heck yeah!! Just came off a week in a house on Mission Beach with my kids snd extended family. Sweet times!! 🙏🏼 (Already booked for next year… 😉) Back to the real world tomorrow morning. 😩
  13. stanley

    Short Cow Bison Hunt!!

    I don't post stories/pics much. (In fact, I don't think I have ever posted anything hunting trip related, other than adventures with my kids.) Anyway, since not many folks get to hunt bison, I thought I would share. I put in on a whim when applying for deer 4 months ago. Just an afterthought, assuming that I would not get drawn, but I lucked-out and got one of 10 tags for the 9/25-10/7 12A cow hunt. Once I was drawn, I decided I would do everything I could to try to give myself the best chance at killing one. I reached-out to, and spent time on the phone with quite a few people who had previously had the permit, including Heat and Catfishkev. I also spoke with Flatlander a couple of times, since he and his son did the hunt in July. In addition, I exchanged messages with several others (couesdeerhntr, and others who are not on cw.com....). I also exchanged info with Jim Mullins, who was very generous with his information/assessment of the hunt. I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to ALL who spent the time to give me information and perspective! In particular, Kevin spent lots of time with me on the phone/text/e-mail, and in fact sent me the key to a couple of his cameras and gave me the full go-ahead to utilize them for my hunt prep! Super, super generous!!!! Unfortunately, due to personal family commitments over the summer combined with the fact that I started a new job in mid-July, my time was very limited, and I could not spend the necessary 'boots on the ground' time I would have hoped. Finally, I also reached out to Russ Jacoby. Stating the obvious, there are many opinions of Russ and his crew (Just like there are many differing opinions of all of us! ). That being said, I found him to be helpful, professional, sincere, and SUPER passionate about the bison on the Kiabab! When I said I was going on a scouting trip in early July, he invited me to join his crew for a "ride-along" day or two to get to know the vibe and how they operate. That was very valuable time. I ultimately ended-up connecting with him for the hunt. So from here, I'll try make this quick! One of my best friends & hunting/fishing/camping partners drove down from Salt Lake to help me on the hunt. We met-up on Thursday evening and set-up camp. I connected with Russ, and made a plan to meet him early on Friday morning. My buddy decided to pass on the first day in the blind, giving me an opportunity to get the feel of the thing, and he would then join me in latter days. I met-up with Russ in the morning, and he made a suggestion regarding a tank I should sit. Well, 2 1/2 hours into opening day, after seeing several deer and lots of birds, I heard a noise and immediately saw black bodies moving through the trees making their way down the trail to the tank I was on. Within 10 seconds of initially seeing them, there were 12-14 bison of all shapes, sizes, and genders lined-up about 40 yards directly across the tank from me drinking away. I quickly focused-in on one of the cows, and as soon as she turned broad-side, I blasted her right in the boiler-room. As the other's scattered, she took a huge lunge into the tank, then took approximately 3-4 big jumps while turning to get out of the tank. I could see blood on her side as she got to dry ground and started to run/limp up the bank. I shot her again as she was running, and she fell. She started to get-up, so I shot her one last time and she slumped-down for good. From the time I saw them coming through the trees, to the time she was dead was likely no more than 30-40 seconds. DONE!! I walked around sort of dumbfounded and in disbelief for several days regarding the entire thing, specifically how quickly it happened! I went from not even really ever thinking about or considering putting-in for buffalo, to killing a 'once in a lifetime' animal just four months later. Unbelievable! Anyway, thanks again to everyone who spent time with me on text/email/phone to help with information. I'm full of gratitude!!!! S. She was big and old!! (Russ aged her at 10-12 years old.....)
  14. stanley

    Roosevelt report

    Would the flatheads caught deep by the dam be any bigger then those caught in the spring/early-summer up in the Salt river inlet?? I'm thinking those big boys & girls would be up close to the river spawning when the urge hits them that time of year?
  15. stanley

    Electronic tags

    There will be no profit, as they're not a 'for profit' entity. If there is savings from this, it will simply be absorbed by other line items. Now whether they use it wisely (Or according to how sportsmen think they should....) is a completely different matter. I really don't see how or why the electronic tagging would be a bad idea. If folks want to do it, great. If not, then that's fine too (At least for now. lol).
  16. stanley

    Mexico hesitation

    At what point after all of those encounters did you FINALLY decide 'never again'???? 😳
  17. stanley

    Fires fires fires

    Hey wildwoody! They get any of this light (or hopefully heavy) rain on that fire today????? (Is it Backbone that's threatening Pine?)
  18. stanley

    How about them suns

    Ah.... So you saw 1/2 of the play, then! LOL
  19. stanley

    How about them suns

    I love this clip of Monty laying-out the play just prior. "D.A., if he throws it, you've got to like, try to dunk it, OK??" 😂
  20. stanley

    How about them suns

    I’m on the band wagon. Fun to watch them make a run!
  21. stanley

    Coconino NF to fully CLOSE Wednesday 6/23/2021

    Ya, it's true with a lot of things, isn't it. A few idiots screw it up for all. I'll still not be convinced though, that closing the forest does "nothing", as was pointed out.
  22. stanley

    Coconino NF to fully CLOSE Wednesday 6/23/2021

    Agreed, you can't fix 'stupid' and you'll never prevent lightning fires, but do you really think it does "nothing"??? I hope that closing the forest will keep at least one or two idiots from maybe starting a fire.....
  23. stanley

    Unit 8 early archery bull

    Burning, burning, burning!! (I've got a late rifle bull tag up in that area.....) Regarding the elk hunting, I feel like at the end of the day the fires may not necessarily impact it too much at a macro level. There will be areas that will be 100% scorched, but hopefully some unburned pockets here and there as well. If we get decent rain this year, there just might be lots of yummy green stuff for the elk in those burned areas. S.
  24. stanley

    Coconino NF to fully CLOSE Wednesday 6/23/2021

    Are you talking about forests closing? You think they shouldn't close them? For me, I think they should use their 'expertise' (I know.... So called, expertise....) to close the forests when they think they need to for the greater good. If the indicators they watch/manage say they should close it, then I'm not going to argue with that. This time it of course seems to me like a no-brainer regarding closures. Regarding fees, I think I disagree with you there. But that is for a different thread, I suppose.
  25. stanley

    Booo Stanley No Scammer fun Friday

    Talk about fun? I had 70+ emails reporting 20+ spammer/scammer accounts in my inbox this morning. (BTW, remember, I’m not the only admin around here. Just the one everybody loves to hate. I’m sure the other admins are also busy deleting emails and such as we speak…. 😉) Blitzkrieg!! 😂 Keep the reports coming, folks!