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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Treestandman: For me personally, I like hunting further from the road because I see way fewer people. I much prefer being alone, over an easy pack trip. Someday I'll be too old to hike that far in, so for now I want to take advantage of it. I also tend to see more game when further from the road, but for me the main reward is the SOLITUDE! Now, don't get me wrong. I have a spot or two that know about that are fairly close to roads as well. I sometimes hunt there.... depending on who I have with me, etc.. If you have some good honey-holes that are close to the road, good for you man! Happy hunting! S. :-)
  2. If I'm hunting within 1/4-1/2 mile from the road, then I'll usually head back to the truck around noonish for a big lunch & cold drink. I'll then head back out in the hills for the afternoon/evening. Lately however, I've hunting more often further away from the roads (less people). I spend my time out all day, glassing/napping while I eat lunch. I'll move 2-3 times during the day (depending on the action). I'll still hunt between stops, and don't mind walking-out with a flashlight. S. :-)
  3. stanley

    Typical or Nontypical

    Awesome story CB! I can't wait for next hunting season!!! Thanks for sharing.... S.
  4. stanley

    Typical or Nontypical

    I would go for the non-typical for the simple reason that it is NON-typical. My chances of seeing another non-typical are less likely than seeing another typical in the future, so I would take the one when I had the chance. Also, I just think it looks kind of cool when the racks have trash, palms, etc... My $.02.... S.
  5. stanley

    Flushing -vs- Glassing

    Well Bill, with > 50 years of experience hunting 'desert whitetails' (I love that!) it sounds like you've got some wisdom & stories to share! Welcome to the site! After hearing all of the comments, it appears to me that there is not any ONE method that would be effective all of the time. I'm for glassing though, for my first choice of hunting methods. S.
  6. stanley

    Cleanup in unit 36

    I agree that it was a great event. The kids had fun, and helping out the ranchers was awesome. That's my two boys holding the banner. (I don't know who the toe-head is though... ) There were so many people there, that I didn't get a chance to personally meet everyone, but it was still a good time. Sorry we didn't get a chance to formally meet each other Amanda, but I'm glad you enjoyed the quail. Anyway, I'll second what Amanda said; Hopefully more folks will turn-up next year. Even though there was a nice big crowd, it would be nice to see an army of volunteers next year! Good luck all! S.
  7. stanley

    New Member

    Welcome Alan! I don't post much, but I watch this board daily. Very cool bunch of folks here! Good company.... I grew-up in Kearny (son of a copper miner) hunting muleys in 37B & 24A, but have been bitten by the coues bug of late. I've found lots of good help here, and great stories as well! Good luck! S.
  8. stanley

    Amanda's Mexico hunt

    Great story Amanda! Thanks for taking time to share the details with us. S. :-) PS: I know what you mean with the bad clutch. I had one go bad on a VW bug in high school, and drove for two weeks without one! You really CAN shift gears without one... :-)
  9. stanley

    Two Brothers, Two Bucks

    That is awesome Brian! You & your brother obviously put in the dedication necessary to succeed. Kudos to you both! S. :-)
  10. stanley

    Rutting Coues

    You don't know how badly I was wanting my bow right about then! I actually think that I might have been able to stalk into position for a shot. They were truly ignoring their surroundings... We ended-up only getting into one covey of quail (those mearns sure are harder to come by then the gambles I'm used to hunting....). It was a blast to watch the dog work the birds in the tall grass. Unfortunately my shooting wasn't up to par that day, and I couldn't reward him with a downed bird. Sure was fun though.. S. :-)