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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Success in Sonora

    Good show Grande Bear!!! Glad you had an awesome hunt! S.
  2. stanley

    Rude hunters

    I agree with what Brian and many have said here. I don't have a problem with quads used properly. I really don't see them any differently than any other form of motorized transportation (again, as long as they're used properly...). It's sickening to be hiking off of a road and come across quad or motorcycle tracks, or any vehicle tracks for that matter! Last spring while on m first turkey hunt in 23, we actually witnessed a guy road hunting turkeys on one. He would drive a few hundred yards, then stop and start to hen call. He would then move on if he didn't hear a gobbler. Now being a novice I don't know much about turkey hunting, but it didn't take too much sense to tell me that he wasn't going to get a bird that way! To each there own, I guess... At least the road hunters help to keep the back-country a little less crowded.... S.
  3. stanley

    36A/C Archery Pigs

    Hey Doug: Long time no talk. I hope all is well with you this new year! Doing any bird hunting? Yep, I remember your advice and I also have seen some with my own eyes back behind there. I'm not sure we'll go in there this weekend, I just found a nice camp spot in the general area so that's where we're going to set-up the pop-up. I think we're going to be focusing our actual hunting a little south of the Elkhorn though, based on some piggy sightings from last fall's deer hunt. As for the Youth Hunt in February, we (the ADA) are not going to be hosting an open camp for this year's 36 youth hunt. Just couldn't get it coordinated with the G&F, and help from the ADA is spread a little thin right now... I'll be down there with my boy hunting, but not to host a camp. There is a youth javelina hunt in 20C as well, and the ADA will be hosting a camp there this year (similar to years past...). If anyone's youngster has the 20C youth pig tag, be sure to look-out for a letter with details of the camp! I'll post this weekend's scouting results next week. S.
  4. I'm headed down south of Marana this weekend with a couple of friends and my two boys to do a little pig & deer hunting (pigs & deer for me, deer only for my buddies...). I'm hoping to get into some pigs mainly so I can mark some prime locations for when I go back with my oldest for his Junior rifle hunt next month. We had our first night of Hunter Education last night, and it REALLY got me excited to get him out there for his first hunt next month! If anyone is going to be out, feel free to stop by our camp for some coffee & to say hello. We'll be camping in the Elkhorn area, likely in the foothill area a mile or so southeast of the ranch entrance. White GMC Yukon XL with a Coleman pop-up trailer. S.
  5. stanley

    Looking for a good taxidermist

    Here's the post with some of Pat's work. As Kevin said, he also did a couple of mounts that are shown on azdeer.org. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=921 Thanks for sharing the pics coozfever.... S.
  6. stanley

    Jan Bowhunting bucks and boars

    Holy heck Lark, you're going to get me fired!!! "Does proper field care include chunkin' em off a cliff"..... LOL!!! And then the barf-o-rama!!! Too much! You're killing me man! S.
  7. stanley

    Christmas at Roosevelt

    Outstanding story and great pics! Thanks for the day by day report. Good job! S.
  8. stanley

    Looking for a good taxidermist

    There was a post on one of the discussion threads here within the last month that had several pictures of Patrick's work. They were VERY nice.... I'll try to find the post and attach a link. S.
  9. stanley

    First Big Coues Deer !!

    Outstanding Deer!!! Welcome to the site, and thanks for sharing! Awesome that you were able to hunt the San Carlos! Sounds like the hunt of a life-time. Memories you'll have forever.... S.
  10. stanley

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    Awesome story & pics Scott! Congrats to Craig!!! S. :-)
  11. stanley

    Unit 33 Monster

    Wow Becker, Awesome story & pic! Congrats & welcome to the site! S.
  12. Greetings Everyone: I wanted to send out a PR notice for the Youth Hunter camp that the Arizona Deer Association is sponsoring next month during the first weekend of the youth hunt for units 36A & 36C. We will once again be teaming-up with the AZ G&F to provide hospitality & assistance to any & all youth hunters out trying to bag a deer (Maybe their first deer ever!!! )! Details of the camp are as follows: ? Camp will open at approximately 5:00PM on November 18th, and close early afternoon on November 21st. ? Free hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, sodas, water, coffee, and hot chocolate will be provided to all that stop by. ? All junior hunters stopping in to visit will receive a complimentary fluorescent orange hunting vest emblazoned with the logo of the Arizona Deer Association. ? We will be conducting a ?big buck? and ?small buck? contest to those successful hunters that stop by. The winners will receive a free one year youth membership to ADA! ? Depending on schedules, we will try to have representatives from the Arizona Game and Fish Department, US Border Patrol, as well as local individuals in camp to provide information on where deer have been spotted or traditional areas where they may be found. ? We will be conducting ?fire-side? discussions each evening provide information on a variety of topics including game locations, hunting & spotting tactics, game laws, etc. ? We will have spotting & tracking help available to offer those who need a hand in the field! ? This camp is also an excellent location to come to report any observed game law violations. ? The camp will be near milepost 31 on state highway 286 south of Three Points, which is near the intersection of Ryan Ranch Road, and highway 286. Please refer to the attached map for the location of the camp. As a heads-up to you November hunters, the first weekend of the junior?s hunt overlaps with the second weekend of your hunt. If you?re out in 36A/C during the second weekend of your hunt, be sure to stop by the camp for a visit! I?ll be there (I?m the Youth Chairman for the ADA), and I think maybe a couple of other familiar folks as well. Now I?m off for my early hunt! Good luck! S.
  13. stanley


    Outstanding bucks coozfever! Beautiful mounts! I went to highschool with Patrick in Kearny back in the early 80s (ugh... that was a LONG time ago...). I had heard he was in San Manuel doing some hunting and maybe guiding, as a mutual buddy saw an article he had written in a magazine once a couple of years ago. Not only does it look like he is a GREAT taxidermist, but he was one heck of a wrestler back in the day... Glad to hear he's doing well... Thanks for sharing! S.
  14. stanley

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    Thanks much for posting the pics Amanda! These kids were all so proud of these deer and as mentioned, everyone who stopped in seemed to have a good time. Brian, I'm glad your group of youngsters had some good success! I might be camping with Gabe in that same spot for my boys Junior pig hunt in Feb, but once I confirm I'll let you know. I also have the Jan archery tag (planning on scouting some herds for my boy's hunt...), so maybe I'll run into you then as well. TAKE YOUR KIDS HUNTING EVERYONE!!!!! S.
  15. stanley

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    Hi Folks: I?m finally getting a chance to post some info on the youth camp we had weekend before last. Thanks to all who stopped by to say hi during the Junior Hunt Camp in 36A/C. As far as I could tell, the camp was a big success! We had close to 20 junior hunters (and a few ?regular season? hunters as well?) come through camp throughout the weekend, with several deer checked through. A couple of kids that came through camp had just killed their first deer, and let me tell you that it was AWESOME to see the excitement on these kids faces. As soon as I get my CD back from the photo lab, I?ll e-mail some pics to Amanda to post. Over the course of the weekend, I served-up over 100 burgers & dogs! (note to self: bring something else next time so I don?t have to eat burgers & dogs for lunch & dinner for 3 strait days again? ) I also had the honor to meet several folks from this site including azpackhorse (Brian, did your buddy's son ever get his deer?), younghunter, and Mon. Scottyboy also stopped in a couple of times to chat. Thanks for making a showing guys! Mon and his boy Samual drove all the way from Benson for dinner and a nice chat around the camp fire on Friday night! They didn?t even have tags for the area, but just came-out anyway! We also had Richard Leon & his daughter Reanna camp-out with us for a couple of nights. How awesome it was to see this man out there with his daughter, both of them loving every minute of it! Reanna is lucky to have a dad like him to take her out! Sorry if I missed mentioning anyone else who stopped in. I met a lot of people?. Gabriel Paz is THE MAN when it comes to being a great and dedicated Wildlife Manager for the G&F. His dedication & commitment is apparent in the time and energy he spends in the unit (trash pick-ups, hunter camps, etc?)! If anyone sees him in the field, be sure to thank him for his time. We might try to do the same thing for the youth javelina hunt in early February, but I?ll have to see how the arrangements work out. My boy has his first javelina tag for that hunt, so I would need to be in the field as opposed to hosting the camp. We?ll see how it works out, and if we?re going to be there I?ll be sure to put the word out. Best wishes everyone! Pics to follow soon? Stan
  16. stanley

    Did anyone tag in 36c???

    Congrats on the 36C buck Brian! Good job... Of course you're still welcome to come on out to the Jr. Hunter's camp @ milepost 31 this weekend! I'll be heading-out in a couple of hours to set-up for the weekend... S.
  17. stanley

    10 year old First Coues

    That's AWESOME Brian! My boy turns 10 in a couple of weeks, and he got drawn for Javi & Turkey this spring. I can't wait to get him out there!!! Kudos to your cousin, and to you for helping him out! S.
  18. stanley

    Unit 35A and My first Coues...

    Great story Al! Sounds like a great hunt. Congrats on your first coues also. I caught the coues bug two years ago, and have yet to tag my first! Kudos! S.
  19. stanley

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    Thanks for the words Couesi1! I'm hoping we get some good participation at this camp, as it is great to see all of the kind folks stopping in to share food & stories!I'll be there starting on Thursday late afternoon. Gabe Paz and Amanda (the star of this site!) are planning on showing-up Friday. As a final note on the location, AZPACKHORSE got it right; we will be camped about 50-100 yards off of 286, on the east side of the highway at mile post 31 (Ryan Ranch Road). Be sure to stop by if your down there this weekend folks!!!!! S.
  20. stanley

    Did anyone tag in 36c???

    Words of wisdom packhorse..... I 'saw the light' three years ago, and have been glassing off of a tripod ever since. My only regret with regards to using a tripod is that I didn't start doing it 20 years ago! We saw 20-30 deer per day in 36C on our early hunt. Spotting almost all of them at long range off of tripods. S.
  21. stanley

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    I wanted to bump this to the top, as it is only 1 week away.... I'm still hoping to see some cw.com folks stopping in! Dan H., as far as spotting help goes; we could likely use all we can get. As for the cat tag, I would check the regs but I'm assuming it isn't illegal for you to carry a rifle with a cat tag in your pocket during deer season (even if you don't have a deer tag..). Again, I would check the regs though... S.
  22. stanley

    Hunting saftey course

    I'll be doing some snooping around and let you know newbee! My son got drawn for the spring hunts this year (first time), but he has to COMPLETE hunter safety prior to the actual hunt. The only class in the valley that I currently see listed on the G&F website runs through the first week of Feb, which overlaps with my son's junior pig hunt so it won't work. I'm going to call the G&F to see if they know anything about any other classes potentially being scheduled. Anyone else know anything on this topic? S.
  23. Outstanding bucks Daniel! Thanks for sharing!!! S.
  24. stanley

    Spring Results

    Looks like there will be plenty of us out after pigs with our bows in the 36 units! That's what I got also... I also got an early (and late... split season...) 23 turkey tag! It's cool that I got the above tags, but the spring 2005 season is going to be EXTRA special for me because my oldest son is turning ten next month and he was drawn for his first two 'big game' tags! He got the unit 23 turkey tag with me, and he got the 36 youth hunt in early Feb (Same hunt as your boy, couesdiehard...)! I'm MUCH more excited about his tags then my own.... I'm hoping that I can scout-up a herd or two during archery season to get him into during the youth hunt. I can't wait to get out there with him! Good luck all!!! S.
  25. Nice buck Doug! Guess you won't be hunting for a meat buck down south next weekend then, huh??? S.