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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Campfire cooking

    I've tried it cochranj! Now my kids give me grief if I don't use it! Flag, if cochranj is referring to the same thing I am, it's when you make cobbler in a dutch oven using a cake mix, you sub 7-up or Sprite for the water in the recipe. Makes for a nice sweet cobbler! S.
  2. stanley

    Good luck gentlemen!!

    He patrols our borders & keeps the aliens out! At least when he's not taking a day off I'm with you Tree! With three kids and my job, I can only dream of adventuring they way Scott does! Can't wait for some pictures of sharks and Albicore Scott! S.
  3. stanley

    Pic's of Muley's

    Here is a nice little four pointer that I came across while bow hunting down south last year. Never got to loose an arrow his direction, but it was fun seeing him. Brian, I think you know the area he was in pretty well.... By the way, nice bucks hunt4horns! S.
  4. stanley

    Unit 6A West washed away!!

    Nice to see some rain around the state! I hope the monsoon keeps going for another 4-5 weeks! Hey grizzly, that is the Gila River. It's usually irrigated out by then, but flows when there is plenty of rain. If they get gulley washers in the mountains anywhere from above Winkleman to Kearny, then it runs good. S.
  5. Thanks for sharing the pics Scott. Cool petroglyphs (sp)! I'll be in "C" hunting early coues this year, and can't wait. Hope to be scouting a few times in September, and the pics are wetting my whistle for sure... S. :
  6. stanley


    Hey Casey: Dito on the rhino! My wife bought my son and I a couple of them for Christmas last year and they are awesome! Especially for anyone with a small kid who you are taking-out, they are great to keep tabs on them in the forest. I know where he is and he knows where I am at all times. I've been a little dis-satisfied with the radio reception on them compared to our Motorolas, but other than that they're great. S.
  7. stanley

    NOT E-Scouting

    LOL Brian! You nailed it squarely on the head!!! No joke ichiban, he has given you a pretty accurate description of what to expect! S.
  8. Oh my Lord, that is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read on this forum Lark!!! I suspect Bret will crack a smile when he reads it. S.
  9. stanley


    No too much here in north central Phx (Northern & central area...), just a little wet. We got blasted night before last though. azcentral.com says mainly south & east valley got it. Nice to see it anywhere! S.
  10. stanley

    E-scouting 24B

    Welcome to the site QC! There are certainly much more knowledgeble folks around here than I, but my guess is that the deer will not necessarily be higher in November. I'm thinking they'll just be a little harder to find since they won't be rut/pre-rut in Nov.... If you've found an area with some deer in December, I would say to start your scouting there and glass, glass, glass! S. PS: You'll find there are a couple of other 'quail chasers' on this site as well. Me included!
  11. stanley

    Hello From a Newbe

    Welcome to the site Adam! Good info, good folks, and good times here...... Watch out for Lark and his 'pet javelina'! S.
  12. stanley


    My boy (and one of his buddies) got a 36A Junior tag! He killed his first deer, a doe, on the Kiabab Junior hunt last year, and he is stoked to be going after a buck this year. I can't wait!!! I've hunted in 36C, but never 36A. We'll be taking some scouting trips for sure.... Also, I recon the ADA will likely be running a Junior Hunters Camp during that hunt, so everyone should look for information on this and stop by to say hello if you can. Good luck all! S. PS: Peckl1, I think one of my buddies got the same elk tag as you. His kic is the one who got the 36A junior tag. Maybe we can trade scouting reports....
  13. stanley


    Right on baby! 36C early white tail hunt with three buddies for me, and a 36A Junior tag for my boy & his buddy! Two great deer hunts this fall! No elk or lope tags for either of us, but after not getting drawn for deer last year I'm not complaining! S.
  14. stanley


    The results are back up! S. :-)
  15. stanley

    Vizslas Available

    Some of you may have seen my dog post in the Misc. section. I have a buddy in Tucson who has two great hunting dogs. Vizslas, for anyone familiar with the breed. Anyway, the just had a litter of pups and he still has 4 available for anyone who may want to purchase one. Good dogs typically are not cheap, but he will negotiate the price for the right home. He LOVES dogs, and just wants to see them go to someone who will treat them well. (whether they be hunters or not, doesn't matter to him....) Please reply to this posting or PM me if interested. Regards, S. Here's mom and the pups a few days after they were born. They will be available in late August.
  16. stanley

    Happy 1st timer from last year

    That's awesome Chris! Cool that he nailed a nice one his first time out. I was always a carp hunter, and just got turned on to coues 3 years ago or so. I've been out on two coues hunts, but haven't killed one yet. I would be proud to get one like that for my first one! Hopefully I can to it this fall (assuming I get drawn....), and I might even settle for something smaller. S.
  17. stanley


    Yikes Keith! That would drive me nuts to see it, and then have it disapear. As much as I tried to resist this week, I couldn't help but get pulled into this drama! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! S.
  18. Hey Amanda, maybe you'll be able to up your ad rates soon! Kind of like 'sweeps week' for the TV guys.... Continued best wishes on a successful site! S.
  19. stanley


    My Amex card was hit last night for deer tags. Myself & 3 buddies on the same app, plus my son and another friend's kid together on the same app. Who knows what unit/hunt, but it's nice to know it's looking like we will be hunting some deer this fall. I'm not counting my chickens until I see it on the G&F website, but I'm feeling pretty good. Good luck all! S.
  20. Who else longs for the good ol' days???? Remember when we would all wait patiently for our pink post cards in the mail?? Pretty amazing watching the frenzy that has built-up over the past couple of days.... So does the 'draw results' thread have the all time record Amanda???? Good luck everyone! S.
  21. stanley

    Dog Question?

    Hey Doug, not certain whether this is our girl or not yet. Bert (my buddy...) calls this girl 'Whitie', because of the white patch on her chest. There is one other girl without the patch. We're going to head down to Tucson in 2 or 3 weeks to get a look at them. He says we can have our pick.... He says he's going to be watching them to see if either seems more 'birdy' than the other also, but I suspect it will come down to which one captures the kids hearts when we visit. A quail hunt together would be good indeed. I'm patiently waiting for the draw results to see how busy the big game season may be for Erik and I, and then I'll know which weekends may be free for quail! Still waiting for something to show-up on the ol' Amex card..... S.
  22. stanley

    Dog Question?

    Hmm..... interesting food for thought DB. Some folks will think about anything to get their minds off of the draw!!!! I'll have to try it on our new edition when we get her home. S.
  23. Well, one of my best friend's (and bird hunting partners) vizsla finally has had a litter of pups! We lost our family dog (a troublsome little beagle ) a couple of years ago, and my buddy promised my kids that if Debbie ever had pups that he would give them one. She delivered them last Friday, and now the kids are going nuts! It doesn't help that he keeps sending me pics like these. Anyway, we're looking forward to being dog owners again. I've fallen in love with his two vizsla's, and I'm sure that one of these pups will make a great addition to our family. I'm a little concerned about the 'family dog vs. hunting dog' contradiction, and hope that we can spend enough time with him/her out in the field so we can get the best of both worlds. Guess I might be switching over to more mearns hunting, as opposed to my beloved gambels run-n-gun hunting that I've grown so acustom to. I'm looking forward to hunting over a dog with my kids though! Hope you all enjoy the pics as much as my wife & kids do! S. Fresh out of the womb! These little guys are anywhere from 1-4 hours old at this point. A VERY loving mom!! A sleeping pile of pups! Finally, with a bill layed-out on mom to give them some scale. They each were about 15oz at birth, and have almost doubled their weight in the first four days! Big eaters!!!
  24. stanley

    SUNSETS pics...

    Outstanding pics everyone! Doug, I think I recognize that unit 45 peak; Amazing shot!!! Great shots of the elk/sunset coosefan! S.