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Everything posted by stanley

  1. I went out this morning. Didn't get into huge numbers where I was hunting, but was able to eek out a limit of birds before getting to work for a 10:00AM meeting I had to attend (hunted until 8:30ish....). I'd rather be hunting quail or deer, but it's always a good feeling when the dove opener comes. Kind of kicks-off the hunting season.... Taking the kids out tomorrow morning for some more fun! Good luck all. S.
  2. Hey Amanda, I've never tried the pear fruits. I'm taking the kids out for doves in the morning, so maybe we'll take a detour and try to find some pears on the way home. Is the juice sweet, or do you sweeten it with sugar prior to drinking? S.
  3. I attended the Wildlife for Tomorrow banquet on Friday night, and was fortunate to get to shake Bill Quimby's hand and congratulate him after he received the honor of being inducted into the AZ G&F Hall of Fame. His acceptance speech was as anyone would expect; eloquent with props given to his time in AZ and kudos to his family. I'm glad I got a chance to congratulate you in person Bill. A true honor..... S.
  4. stanley

    Bill Quimby

    No sir Bill, the honor was mine. You're too humble. The years of experience we younger ones (I'm not THAT young...) have ahead of us are worth nothing if we can't hear and understand & learn from the experiences of those who have gone before. Though you may envy the younger crowd, I know the majority of us envy you. Sincerely, S.
  5. What will I do? Depends on whether they kill a pig or not. If they end-up killing one, then I'll likely congratulate them and be back after the deer the next day. Do I think it will happen? Rarely.... my $.02.... Will the hunt be a failure? The only hunt that is a failure is one that is not enjoyed. I hope I won't let that 5 minutes of the hunt dictate if I enjoyed my precious time in the field or not. My friends and family will make the hunt, not the one guy who is out there after a pig. As you say though, maybe only time will tell.... S.
  6. stanley


    It may seem like a lot, but 24A is a fairly big unit. 36B has 1000 coues permits + muleys for the early hunt! 36A has close to a 1000 total as well. With only 175 muley hunters in your unit, you'll likely not encounter any problems with them crowding you. Like Amanda said, the muleys & coues generally hang-out in different areas. I suspect the muley hunters will stick to the muley areas, and vice-versa..... Get away from the roads, and you'll likely have a good quiet hunt either way. S.
  7. stanley

    Scouting Trip #1

    Great pics Christian! Thanks for sharing. I was down in 36A yesterday scouting with my son for his November junior hunt. We didn't see as many deer as you, but we got a good look at some nice country. We've not spent much time in 'A', so it was more of a 'get the lay of the land' trip. Nice & green down there! S.
  8. stanley

    What do you think?

    I don't know DesertBull. I see where you're going, but I don't think he's the same guy. Although both have stellar senses of humor, it seems to me that they are coming from different angles.... I'm thinking BHD is a little more light-hearted than who you have in mind. Although the 'three initial' handle (BHD vs. XXX) is quite coincedental... S.
  9. Yep, a good time was had by all. In addition to the class & swimming, there were bluegill & bass to be caught in the pond and stream, as well as lots of running around 'kick the can' style after dark. The kids had as much fun after the sun went down as they did shooting, swimming, and fishing! I'm sure you would have been a strong contender in the flop contest Lark, though you would have had some steep competition based on some of the antics I witnessed while there. Notice my boy about to bite his tong upon landing in the 3rd picture from the bottom.... Nothing like doing a face plant on a pontoon.... S.
  10. Some of you might have seen this on AZOD, but I thought I'd post it here as well. This past weekend, the Arizona Deer Association sponsored a 'Hunter Education' weekend. This was basically a 2 1/2 day event where the participants got the entire Hunter Education class curriculum, instead of stringing it out over several weeks. There were about 18 participants in the class. It was held at a private ranch north of Verde Valley that was GENEROUSLY donated for the event. Thanks much to Larry Kindred, Bill Hill, De Wane Tabbot, Matt Pierce, and the other volunteers for doing this. These guys & their efforts are the ones really making a difference for our youth! It was also nice to meet the new ADA Youth Chairman, Terry Herndon! Thanks again for driving-up for the evening Terry! Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend: Getting some good instruction on the shooting bench! Taking a few shots. Instruction during the 'range day' to finish-out the course. Keeping a watchful eye on the shooters! In addition to the official class instruction, there was also some time for other forms of fun & recreation. There was a great swimming/fishing pond that the kids (and some of the adults) thoroughly enjoyed! I always like to see the older kids act as mentors/leaders to the younger ones. Here is my son Nick (on the right) getting some pointers on the proper way to do a cannon-ball off the end of a dock! And here is his attempt.... Hope you all enjoy the pics. S.
  11. stanley

    Bad Publicity

    My gawd Lark, you always make me smile!!! S.
  12. We understand that the site has been unstable on & off for a while now. Please PM me if/when you experience issues and I will repair things as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for me, I have a day job that keeps me from getting on things as quickly as I would like sometimes. Thanks for the patience all. S.
  13. stanley

    Jr. Buck mount

    Outstanding Jeff! Glad to see that he got that big boy mounted! My son was looking through some old copies of the ADA Deer Times last week, and we were both admiring Riley's buck! Nice mount. Hopefully we'll run into you guys down in 36A this November (you to Allen...). I talked to Gabe, the WM for the unit, this week and it looks like we'll be planning a Junior Hunters Camp during that hunt. I was down that way last weekend, and it is green, green, green! S. :-)
  14. stanley

    Well Boys

    Welcome back Chistian! Can't wait for the pics & stories!!! S.
  15. stanley

    Strip Super Raffle Buck

    Desertbull: The groups do not keep the money. The money goes back to G&F in a special fund that is to be used for projects specific to the species that the money was raised for. No direct benefit to the ADA (or the other groups). I think in some states, the organization that controls the auction/raffle gets to keep a certain % of the loot, but not here in AZ. S.
  16. So I took the wife and kids down to Tucson last Saturday to meet our new puppy. As expected, everyone fell in love with her immediately. They can't wait to get her home, and I can't wait to get her training on some birds! Here are some of the latest pics. Not really related to coues deer hunting, but we're pretty excited to be getting a new pup, and I wanted to share. Regards all, S. Kids and puppies. What a combination..... This experience had them wanting to take the entire litter home! Are you my mother? Her real mom has been a little sick (infection in her teets...) so she's been bottle feeding. The kids LOVED it though! Finally, my two little girls. Wonder if the new one will be as fiesty as my current little girl?
  17. Thanks Keith! We'll have lots of fun with her. Downthebarrel, the breed is Vizsla. They are pointer/retrievers. Hungarian, I believe.... From what I hear they are GREAT family dogs, and my buddy who we are getting her from seems to think they're pretty good bird dogs as well. Here is a picture of mom so you have an idea of what she will look like when she's grown. Not a great picture, but it will give you an idea. She has LOTS of growing to do still! Gotta fill-out all that baggy skin. S.
  18. stanley

    Campfire cooking

    I've tried it cochranj! Now my kids give me grief if I don't use it! Flag, if cochranj is referring to the same thing I am, it's when you make cobbler in a dutch oven using a cake mix, you sub 7-up or Sprite for the water in the recipe. Makes for a nice sweet cobbler! S.
  19. stanley

    Good luck gentlemen!!

    He patrols our borders & keeps the aliens out! At least when he's not taking a day off I'm with you Tree! With three kids and my job, I can only dream of adventuring they way Scott does! Can't wait for some pictures of sharks and Albicore Scott! S.
  20. stanley

    Pic's of Muley's

    Here is a nice little four pointer that I came across while bow hunting down south last year. Never got to loose an arrow his direction, but it was fun seeing him. Brian, I think you know the area he was in pretty well.... By the way, nice bucks hunt4horns! S.
  21. stanley

    Unit 6A West washed away!!

    Nice to see some rain around the state! I hope the monsoon keeps going for another 4-5 weeks! Hey grizzly, that is the Gila River. It's usually irrigated out by then, but flows when there is plenty of rain. If they get gulley washers in the mountains anywhere from above Winkleman to Kearny, then it runs good. S.
  22. Thanks for sharing the pics Scott. Cool petroglyphs (sp)! I'll be in "C" hunting early coues this year, and can't wait. Hope to be scouting a few times in September, and the pics are wetting my whistle for sure... S. :
  23. stanley


    Hey Casey: Dito on the rhino! My wife bought my son and I a couple of them for Christmas last year and they are awesome! Especially for anyone with a small kid who you are taking-out, they are great to keep tabs on them in the forest. I know where he is and he knows where I am at all times. I've been a little dis-satisfied with the radio reception on them compared to our Motorolas, but other than that they're great. S.
  24. stanley

    NOT E-Scouting

    LOL Brian! You nailed it squarely on the head!!! No joke ichiban, he has given you a pretty accurate description of what to expect! S.