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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Southern Arizona Tom

    Spectacular story! Thanks for sharing!!! S.
  2. stanley

    Buck to Doe Ratio

    This is an interesting topic. Maybe Jim H. will jump-in here when he sees it.... When I was hunting last November, I camped-out with the WM for the unit we were hunting in. One evening we were talking a bit about buck to doe ratios. I don't remember what his specific targets were for his unit, but one thing that interested me was that he said he manages the coues different than the muleys from a buck to doe perspective. He said that this is primarily because they rut & breed differently. Something like the muleys were more 'harrem' driven, trying to round-up does and then keep other bucks away, where the coues tended to be a bit more nomatic in their approach to breeding. Reminds me of some guys I know..... Like I said, interesting topic... S.
  3. stanley

    Youth rifle

    I picked-up a gently used Ruger M77 .243 a year or so ago. It's not really considered a 'youth model', but is compact enough for my 9 year old to shoot it with a rest, and my 12 year old handles it fine. Might check-out the Rugers... Good luck! S.
  4. Good Lord! It's posts like that which make me truly sorry that I'm going to be out of town during this year's banquet! Sounds like it's going to be a fun crowd, and I'm always up for some fun! Best regards on your bidding folks! Remember, bid early & often!!! It's for a good cause.... S. PS: I'm with you Christian!
  5. stanley

    Lets See Them Kids

    Not hunting, but still lots of fun! Utah camping last summer - 2006
  6. stanley

    Lets See Them Kids

    All of these pictures are VERY cool!!! Thanks for sharing everyone! S.
  7. stanley

    Lets See Them Kids

    I agree Amanda, that pic definitely has a 'remember the simple days' type of a feel to it. Great pic for sure Keith! Jeff, I figured you would have Riley's pics posted here. Two great bucks & a lifetime of memories! S.
  8. I put my son in for one of the junior elk hunts and it came back with sabra primp. Funny stuff....
  9. stanley

    Lets See Them Kids

    And finally this year's javelina. 2007 Got skunked on the elk draws this year, but hopefully we'll be hunting some deer or maybe elk in a neighboring state. Good luck to all your kids all! S.
  10. stanley

    Lets See Them Kids

    Then came last year's javelina. His first pig. We're expecting it back from the taxidermist in the next month or so! Erik's first javelina - 2006
  11. stanley

    Lets See Them Kids

    Oh man..... anyone who knows me knows that I'd respond here. Outstanding pictures all. Those are memories for a lifetime for sure!!!!!!! Many have already seen these pics as well, but what the heck... 2005 Junior Deer (doe hunt on the Kiabab) Erik's first deer. Seven tags & six deer killed. Lots of happy kids that weekend! (Of course the real Kiabab fans, me included, are glad that they cut the number of doe tags after that year....)
  12. So when leaving my house this morning I looked up at the sky and became VERY concerned! Instead of bright blue sky, I see these strange gray things floating all about. There was actually some water falling out of some of them. Does anyone know what is happening? I'm not sure, but I think I kind of like it. Do you think the coues & quail will be able to stand this H2o coming from above??? S. PS: Good luck on your credit card hits everyone!!!!!!!
  13. stanley


    Well it's official, no elk tags for myself of my boys this year. Don't really care much for myself, but I'm pretty dissapointed that my boys won't get to hunt junior cows. Anyone know of any decent junior cow elk (or bulls.....) hunting opportunities in the neighboring states? Thanks, S.
  14. stanley

    Very Scary!

    Oh yea, now I remember..... CLOUDS!!! I almost forgot what those things were! Getting pounded here in North Central Phx this evening. Hopefully this rain will wash away some of that 'brown cloud' for a bit! Enjoy the weather folks! S.
  15. stanley

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Are you crazy or Krazy??? (Sorry, I couldn't resist....) Conspiracy theories may abound, but I have it from a pretty good source that there was definitely NOT 40% fewer apps this year. Seriously, do you really think that 40% of the elk krazy folks out there would let a few $$ get in their way of a potential elk tag? Try it this way; Anyone who DIDN'T put in for elk due to the increase, please stand-up and make yourself known! I'll bet I get quite a lot of silence in response to that statement. No.... there were just as many applicants as in previous years. Good luck all! S.
  16. stanley

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Well, you're all bumming me out a little. Thanks alot!!!! Don't care much about myself, but I would sure like to see my two boys get Junior elk tags. No credit card action yet though, so the elk hunting outlook may be bleak in the Johnsen house again this year. Sincere congrats to all of you that seem to have drawn tags though! S.
  17. stanley

    My 2006 Summer

    Very cool Christian! Keep em' coming.... S.
  18. stanley

    Some more first timers for pigs

    Outstanding! Congrats on the hunts success. Nothing like being out there with the family.... S. PS: Good pics. Helpful hint in the future is to use your flash for the pics if possible, even in the day-light. Really helps to brighten things-up and get rid of the 'ball cap shadows' on the faces. Thanks for sharing!!
  19. stanley

    AZ Hunters Who Care Spring Cleanup

    I'll be there with my kids as usual; flipping burgers & dogs on the grill! Hope to see a couple of familiar faces, and maybe meet some new folks. S.
  20. Cool pics! Congrats to everyone this season! BIG THANKS to Doug for running this thing & to those who dontated!!! S.
  21. stanley

    Last Day Peccary

    Nice pig! LOL More D!!! I was thinking the exact same thing! S.
  22. Thanks for all of the nice comments folks. I sure treasure the times out with the kids.... Good luck in the elk & goat draws all! S.
  23. Well, I had another great weekend with the kids! Some of you may have already seen this on Terry's board.... Started-out by heading-up to 20C for the Jr. Javelina hunt onThursday evening. We camped at the ADA Camp, and once again were treated to great hospitality & generosity through-out our hunt! We owe HUGE props to the helpers at the ADA camp for the help in the area (one helper in particular who helped us 'scout/glass' this pig will remain nameless/faceless since I don't have his permission to post). Anyway, we had a good time glassing on Friday morning and one of our friends spotted a heard at 600 yds or so. We got down to them but lost them in the big boulders & brush. It is AMAZING how those things can become invisible in those granite boulders & thick brush! Anyway, we finally bumped them after moving slowly with the wind in our favor. They weren't holding still too well as they were nervously moving away, but our 'helper' woofed a bit and that slowed the last few down. One well placed shot & it was done! Erik and his pig! It was awesome that Erik got his pig on Friday late in the morning, as it allowed is to spend the rest of the day relaxing and glassing for our buddy who had yet to tag-out. It was also a good thing, because I was double-booked with DAD duties this weekend! I had to be in Prescott on Saturday afternoon for a father/daughter pine-car derby event. It was an over-niter that went until Sunday morning. Anyway, we had a good time. No first place race finish, but she did get a trophy for the 'best decals'! Greta and her car & tropy (She said that she want's to shoot a javelina when she's old enough!) Next-up is turkeys in May! S.
  24. stanley

    az raffle tag buck

    Holy heck, look at those horns! Sincere congratulations Bobby!!! Glad you reached your goal man! I want to hear the story in March! See ya, Stan
  25. stanley

    az raffle tag buck

    I talked to the tag holder in late November while I was at the ADA Youth Camp in 36. He told me then that he was holding-out for a 120 incher. We had a laugh together at the realism of this goal, but it looks like he did it! (close enough anyway.... ) Congrats to the hunter!!! S.