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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Success on his first youth deer hunt!

    Oh boy, I’m definitely no expert. I think whether the water every day or not, it’s really gonna depend on how lush the feed currently is, and whether there is any heavy dew or rain to hydrate them.
  2. stanley

    Success on his first youth deer hunt!

    Ah..... Bummer! Cool that your initial scouting efforts paid off! No single right/wrong answer regarding whether to continue to focus your scouting on the area you have already identified or to look for a backup. Maybe both? Check-in on that area for a couple of hours and see if you can turn those deer up again. Also maybe try to ID any water they may be hitting in proximity to where you saw them. Then after you've spent a couple of hours on that area, possibly spend a couple of hours looking at new country? Good luck to your son!
  3. stanley

    Success on his first youth deer hunt!

    Hmmm...... Interesting. Good catch! (Strange that there are NO deer camps listed on their site...) Anyone planning on it should confirm with AZG&F and/or YOU prior, I suppose.
  4. stanley

    Success on his first youth deer hunt!

    Absolutely check-in with the YOU junior hunt camp! Those guys are top notch and can provide some tips for the area. Good luck! S.
  5. stanley

    Beginner workout program

    LOTS of different options and opinions, I'm sure. For me, I've found that lots of hiking, hot yoga 2-3 times a week, and low carb/sugar eating works best. I just can't do gyms/bikes/etc.... Good luck finding some thing that works for you! S. Edit: Never mind. I just realized you are intending to use 24hr (gym). Sorry.... Can't help you. Good luck, Kevin!
  6. stanley

    Large Montana Canvas Wall Tent

    Is that a microwave??? 🤯 Looks like a first-class tent! Good luck on the sale!
  7. stanley

    Died and Went to Hillbilly Heaven

    I'm a fan of almost all music. Love the blue grass cover stuff. Here's one of my favorites from 20+ years ago.....
  8. Anyone using an inflatable kayak for fishing? I've got a buddy that uses one (as opposed to a belly-boat or pontoon) on lakes to fish with, and he swears by it. Was up at Christmas Tree last summer with a bunch of guys, and kayak-friend sure did look comfortable and dry. Plus he was able to paddle around quite easily. I've been looking at some, and am sort of settling on either the Aquaglide Blackfoot Angler or Advance Elements StraitEdge Angler. (Leaning towards the Aquaglide, because I like the idea of two-person capacity if/when wanted...) Anyone using a kayak instead of pontoon or tube? Feedback, if you are? S. Blackfoot Angler 130 - Aquaglide StraitEdge™ Angler Inflatable Kayak | Advanced Elements
  9. stanley

    Wildlife Photography Forum?

    DONE! Photography of Coues Deer and Other Wildlife - CouesWhitetail.com Discussion forum Sort of just did it without checking-in with the head-honcho, but I think she would be OK with it.
  10. stanley


    1000% tax on guns?? Ummm….. 😂
  11. stanley

    Hurricane Kay

    Always nice to see a picture like that. The local weather guys are bearish on whether it will produce significant rain up here, but who knows. (They often do NOT know... ). You guys in Yuma of course are much closer, so there's that....
  12. stanley

    Bug spray recommendations

    +1 on some of the comments. Breath, farts, sweat, funk, bug-spray….. Just try to be down wind at ALL costs, IMO. To answer the question though, no, I haven’t come across anything scentless that is as effective as some good ol’ smelly Deep Woods Off.
  13. stanley

    2022 Alaska Dall Sheep

    Freaking awesome!!!!!!!
  14. stanley

    Anyone want to foster/adopt a Dane puppy?

    Yup, just realized the post count. Stand by....
  15. stanley

    Anyone want to foster/adopt a Dane puppy?

    I think Casey pretty much already said if you are interested in fostering, that you should direct your inquiries to the link he posted above.
  16. stanley

    NM Antelope updated story

    SUPER tall!!! Love those stickers, too. Outstanding!!
  17. stanley

    Anyone want to foster/adopt a Dane puppy?

    Great Danes in general, have a fairly significantly shorter life span than the average dog.
  18. stanley


    E-tags or not, poachers are gonna poach. Pretty sure that E-tags will have ZERO impact on dudes who double dip (or more) in any given year.
  19. stanley


    Literally what I’ve done for New Mexico pronghorn the last two hunts, since E-tags were rolled out there. 😂
  20. stanley

    Vortex Optics Truth

    Ah.... OK. I did a quick Google search, but it looks like there are various 'sub models', etc. I must have looked at a slightly different model.
  21. stanley

    Vortex Optics Truth

    Yikes. Buyer beware on that ad. Brand new member posting a scope several hundred dollars cheaper than cheapest available online price.
  22. stanley


    This discussion on who qualifies for 'crossbow status' or not reminds me of 10 years ago when medical weed became legal. A couple of guys I know suddenly were diagnosed with ailments that qualified them for a 'medical card'. LOL
  23. stanley

    Prickly Pear Jelly and Syrup

    I do some canning/jarring (meats, veggies, etc.), but have never done any jelly or jams. I'm super curious on the taste, though. My mom used to make pomegranate jelly when I was a kid. It was tasty, but to me it sort of tasted like any other jelly; sweet. (Maybe she used too much sugar...) Does this stuff really have a distinctive/unique taste? Elaborate on 'earthy'??
  24. stanley

    Lakes filling up from the rain??

    Yep, monsoon rain is great for summer foliage growth and filling stock tanks, but for the most part the lakes depend on winter moisture. Consistent average/above-average snowpack in the White Mountains for the Salt River and the western slope of the Rockies for the Colorado River is what's needed.
  25. stanley

    Fishing big island HI need recommendations

    I don't know much, but I know how to Google the crap out of stuff!!! LOL Check this out regarding possibly species to target that time of year?? Kona Hawaii Fishing Season Calendar - Humdinger Sport Fishing