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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Superior Bowhunters 3d Shoot

    Don't forget to stop by Los Hermanos for some of the best Mexican food around! I make the drive up there every other month or so just for lunch! Take a couple of dozen fresh tortillas home and you'll never want to buy the standard supermarket ones again..... Just like home... Best of luck. I hope the shoot is a success! S.
  2. I agree..... VERY cool! Thanks much for sharing. S.
  3. stanley

    Payson eating

    Is the Small Cafe still there???? It was in an older strip mall on the west side of 87 a little south of the 260 intersection... Stopped in there for lunch years ago, and it was AWESOME!!!! Haven't been back since, but I always think about it. If it's still there, and 1/2 as good as it was then, then go there for lunch!!! Anyone been there? S.
  4. stanley

    Results are out

    Congrats Amanda, Doug, Lance, Terry, and everyone else!!!!! Nothing for me, but both my sons got Junior elk tags in 6A. Can't wait for fall!!!! Best regards all, S.
  5. Hey Amanda: It's looking like I'm going to be working out of the country during that time period, else I likely would have wanted to join. Maybe next time.... I'm sure everyone will have a good time! S.
  6. stanley


    " Valium + Demerol is your friend. " You nailed that one. Not exactly painless at all, but not too bad. I hope you're doing well today and I hope you are happy with the results! I know I am!!! S.
  7. stanley

    Just gotta say...

    Welcome back to AZ Scott!!!! I spent 5 years in Salt Lake City (not even close to Northern Montana.....), and that cured me of ever wanting to live in the snow again. ;-) If you would have spent a spring/summer there you might have been teased into staying a bit longer, but that's all mute at this point. Again; a sincere welcome back to you. Now let's pray for some monsoon rain for those mearns!!! S. :-)
  8. stanley


    Had it one year ago. I am VERY satisfied with my decision to finally get it done. My eyes were something like 20/250 prior to the surgery, and am now 20/20 (20/15 on the left, 20/20 on the right...). No problems per se'..... I get a little 'fog' at night around bright lights, but it is really nothing that is significant. I went through Dr. Jay Swartz in Scottsdale. Price was somewhere around $3500.00 (could have gone cheaper, but I personally would NEVER bargain shop with my eye sight.... ). Good luck! S. PS: No more foggy glasses on those cool mornings!!!!
  9. stanley

    Reminder to cherish every day.....

    Ugh..... My heart was broken when I got the e-mail last night Amanda..... True tragedy. I met Michael briefly at one of the ADA banquets. I know him and his sister were always there to help-out their dad. Mark is a true gentleman, and the apple never falls far from the tree. Sincere condolences to the Bool family. I'll say a prayer for Vicky as well. I hope she recovers. S.
  10. stanley

    236" Non-Typical Muley

    Same as cramerhunts for me.... I was sent the pic but don't have permission to post. This sucker is HUGE!!!! Reminded me of a Kiabab deer. The pic I have is of the hunter holding just the head (not a field shot...). Definitely the same buck as on bowsite though. Big mass and lots of points! S.
  11. stanley

    What did you apply for?

    6A south archery bull 1st. 5B south archery bull 2nd. Junior rifle hunts for the kids! Good luck everyone!!!! S.
  12. stanley

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Last year Leonard Ordway (sp) came to an ADA meeting and mentioned this topic. He was non-commital, but it seemed like the main reason was the success that was being experienced by bow hunters in the 'rim' units. I didn't hear much about southern AZ in his comments. Seemed like 21, 22, 23, etc. were the units that they had made mention of..... I think I recall him saying something to the effect that as bow hunters evolve their tactics, and as the shear number of bow hunters continues to increase, that the dept. was concerned with the numbers of deer being killed using this type of method. Amanda, do you remember that meeting? Maybe you can add some light to Leonard's comments. S. :-)
  13. Audsley, we lost two deer in two consecutive weekends last fall shooting a .243. (a doe on the Kiabab for my little one, and a 36A 3X4 muley for my older son the weekend following.....) I wanted to break the rifle over my knee!!!!! Obviously not perfect shots, else both deer would have been dead on the spot. I'm FAR from an expert, and just assumed that the .243 would be a good rifle for my boys. It has turned-out to be pretty nice from a recoil perspective, but not at all forgiving when it comes to perfect shot placement. I SOOOO wished that my boys would have shot those two deer with my .7MM Mag as opposed to the .243 when we lost them. My assumption was with the larger caliber and 'punch' of the .7MM, that both deer would have been pounded hard enough to recover (even without perfect shots....) . After doing some research and complaining to friends/aquaintences, I was advised not to discount the .243 prior to trying a change in bullet. I'm going to go with a different round next season for the little ones and see what happens. The .243 is a great little gun in my opinion. It's just not as forgiving as far as shot placement goes..... S.
  14. Is this a quiz???? My guess would be a .30 caliber..... As for the .243; Maybe a nice rifle, but use the right bullet. Look for impact/mushrooming/whallup, as opposed to 'pass-through'.... This is based on recent experience with the .243 with my two sons. S.
  15. stanley

    Scotty Boy

    You're actually planning on moving back to AZ??? Seems like you didn't have too many nice things to say about this place when you left. I got the impression that you had enough and weren't looking back? Well either way, as Amanda said; you'll hopefully be here in time for a great wildflower season. We've been getting some good steady rain this winter. Good for the flowers, and GOOD FOR THE GAMBELS, which I know you love..... Good luck on your move back Scott. Looking forward to some of your future pics & stories! S.
  16. stanley

    Cell Phones and Providers

    Verizon for sure!!!! I had Verizon for 5+ years but switched to Cingular/ATT because of the international roaming (I have to travel the globe for work.....). My new service might be good for Asia, but I DEFINITELY noticed degradation in local service from when I had Verizon. Hopefully someday Verizon will get their Asia coverage figured-out so I can switch back! S.
  17. stanley

    My sons first big game!

    Thanks for sharing Joe! Nice pics.... Congrats on Garrett on his first big game kill! Looks to be just the start of many good times to come.... S.
  18. stanley

    When do........

    Talk to azhunterswhocare..... He knows! How about it Lance, got an opinion on big desert muley shed finding???? S.
  19. stanley

    Beagle pup wanted

    azhuntnut nailed it!!!! I've owned two beagles in my life. One as a child/highschooler, and the other one my wife and I got shortly after getting married. They are HIGH maintenance little fella's, but pretty darn cute and lovable! About the 'finding food and eating thing' that azhuntnut mentioned, I have to share a story; When I was in highschool, my brother and I were helping-out with the dishes after dinner one evening. Well I turned from the sink to look back at the dining table, only to find my beagle standing right in the middle of it. We had baked potatoes that night, and she was standing there with a WHOLE leftover potato in her mouth. I proceeded to yell 'NO!', and started to run towards her to get her off the table. She jumped from the table and ran through the living room, all along with the potato (and I'm talking, like one of the BIG baking potatoes!). Well she had run about 20 feet from the table in about 3 seconds and suddenly stopped, turned around and just stood there looking at me. NO POTATO TO BE FOUND! SHE HAD SWALLOWED THE ENTIRE THING IN ABOUT 3 SECONDS WHILE ON THE RUN!!! My brother and I just laughed...... Anyway, good luck with the beagles. I've moved-on to Viszlas.... S.
  20. stanley

    Found : Tripod

    36C? Old thing? If so, then maybe it's the one my friend lost on a hike-in deer hunt season before last..... (although I have a hard time believing anyone would hike that far in for a javelina.... ). Good luck finding the owner! S.
  21. stanley

    Arch Javelina 9 tags!!!

    VERY COOL!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing this! S.
  22. stanley


    Way to go Troy!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! S.
  23. stanley

    Someone has a story

    Holy $^%#% Josh!!!!! As Christian said, you boys REALLY know how to get it done! Sincere congrats on your success! S.
  24. stanley

    the talkin' javelina

    LOVE it Lark!!!! As soon as I saw the title and author of this post, I knew exactly who you were talking about and I HAD to read it!!! Thanks for the laugh! S.
  25. Sounds like an outstanding adventure Doug. Thank for sharing! S.