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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Are you kidding me?

    Seems like mathews' response summed this topic-up pretty well; It's all a matter of opinion! LOL To mathews, asking what unit a buck was taken in is 'a dumb question'. To me, it is simply 'a question'..... I've been asked MANY questions through-out my life. IMO, the 'dumb questions' are ones where the answer is obvious, hence there was no need to ask in the first place. Again, it looks to me like this topic is like many. Your position on the topic will depend on your opinion! And each of us has one! LOL I just find it funny that someone would complain about someone asking. Dumb question or not, simply don't answer if you don't want to! S.
  2. stanley

    Are you kidding me?

    I guess that I agree with bowsniper and donnident on this topic. First Mark's point; The hunting units are HUGE! Telling someone you killed a trophy in a particular unit really doesn't give them any info that is useful over & above what they could get out of the G&F regulations anyway... Secondly though, I agree with donnident; What is the harm in someone asking??? Don't answer the question if you don't want to. It's that simple... S.
  3. stanley

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    Outstanding deersandbeers!!!! LOL S.
  4. stanley

    My Late November Coues'

    Great buck!!!! Thanks for sharing! S. PS: Looks a bit like that buck Mikey Bool (rest his soul...) killed a few years ago....
  5. stanley


    Thanks for showing more pics Scott! I love the tractor shots on the original set of pics. Those critters are SO freaking huge!! Do you have any 'skinning' pics? I'd love to see the size/scale as you're getting the skin off that huge boy! S.
  6. stanley

    2x4 down!

    Way to go! VERY cool, and great pics!!! Congrats! S.
  7. stanley

    23 bull elk

    Whoa!!!! HUGE bull!!!!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  8. stanley

    First Deer

    Outstanding! Congrats to the hunters!!! S.
  9. stanley

    Huntin' For "Sticks"!

    Very cool Jim!!!! Awesome story!!!! Sincere congrats on a great deer! S.
  10. stanley

    Will be in 36B this weekend

    I'll be down in "A" with a friend starting Thursday evening. We've camping & hunting N/E of Arivaca. Maybe we'll stop by!! Good luck to you!!! S.
  11. stanley

    3 bucks down opening morning

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing!!! I hunted muleys ONLY for many years until bitten by the coues bug a few years ago..... Makes me miss the old days a bit! S.
  12. stanley

    My first buck

    Awesome story Cody! Congratulations on a great budk, and thanks much for sharing!!! S.
  13. stanley

    JUNIOR 12A-W FUN, even if it's mulies

    Gutpile, sincere congratulations on the success and fulfillment of your boy's hunt! I echo Brian's sentiments. NOTHING like a 'kids' hunt!!! (whether it's a doe, cow, buck, bull... doesn't matter!)! Thanks a bunch for sharing! Myself and my children were up on the Kiabab last weekend as well. As soon as I get a chance, I'll post a couple of pics and a quick story of our weekend. In summary though, my youngest son killed his first deer and his little sister was there with him all the way. Good stuff!!! Again, thanks much for sharing the pics/story! S.
  14. stanley

    The CMA's

    You're kidding, right???? You actually tapped it and watched it??? JK.... No doubt she's good looking.... S. :-)
  15. stanley

    2008 Father/Son Success

    Nicely done Christian (and Randy...... and Tyler, Cory, etc...)! Good luck with the junior hunt next weekend! S.
  16. stanley

    Happy Veteran's Day!!

    Thanks for the reminder Amanda!!! I'll call my dad in a bit. He was a navigator in a B-17 bomber over Europe in WWII. Many close calls while there, including getting shot-down over France only to get back to England and find himself back in the seat of another B-17!!! I never get tired of his stories, and my admiration of what he did NEVER subsides!!! Thank you to ALL vets!!! S. :-)
  17. stanley

    Rosemont Mine

    I work in the copper mining industry and based on your radical statement above I take great exception to the fact that you are happy that copper prices are falling. I don't quite know how to say it nicely but what a ignorant statement. You should really do some research before you open you mouth to the impact that copper has on the economy of this nation and more importantly the State of Arizona. Whether or not you agree with the Rosemont mine i could care less but when you start talking about being happy about falling copper prices you sir directly affect my lively hood. I am not sure what you do for a living but I sure would not go around hoping that your business would fail. There are many many members of this forum who's living is made mining copper so I'm sure you have not made many friends today. So it's OK for consumers to bear the brunt of high copper prices???? You 'take great exception to the fact that someone is happy copper prices are falling'??? Do you take exception to someone being happy about falling oil/gas prices??? I say let the market dictate the prices.... I am absolutely happy when the price of copper falls! Aren't we all happy when the price of gasoline (oil) falls? What's the difference (other than you happen to make your living off of it...?)? I'm in the credit/money business. Am I happy when the price of money falls? No, but the vast majority of people are.... I don't take exception to it. FYI; The price of ANYTHING falling directly affects someone's livelyhood.... We're all in the same boat. S. PS: My dad was a geologist & mining engineer. I grew-up on copper! Copper put me through college, so please know I don't have anything against the industry.
  18. stanley

    Supreme Court

    You guys are hilarious!!!! Wasn't he borne in Hawaii?? ; S.
  19. stanley

    Video Of 2007 Hunt

    VERY, VERY, VERY cool video record of that hunt!!!! I just watched the whole thing (at work, in a meeting, no less.... LOL) and it was awesome!!!! Thanks much for posting, and congrats to your brother! S.
  20. stanley

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    Bingo! People can complain, whine, bitch, moan, and cry all they want. The fact is; TWO MONTHS FROM NOW, OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT! Venting on this hunting forum is fine, stock-piling ammo is fine, but what will matter is ACTION! Those that feel so strongly that their (our) rights are at risk should get up and do something about it. ANYTHING! Join the NRA! Call a congressman! Call a senator! Put a sign up! Anything will help! We must influence people beyond our own coues whitetail fanatics though! PLEASE go out and take action! S.
  21. stanley

    Daughter's first deer!!!

    OUTSTANDING!!!!! Way to go!!!! Great story & pics! Sincere congrats to your daughter! I've got three children that are just coming of hunting age. You are absolutely correct that there is NOTHING like being with your child when they hunt. The rewards are far greater than anything I've experienced on any of my own hunts! Best to you & your daughter in the future! S.
  22. stanley

    More October success

    The 'kid' LOVES to hunt, no doubt about that..... Nice job on the pics & vid Christian!!! Congrats to Ajohunter, Bob, and Justin on a fun time!!! S.
  23. stanley

    TJ's cam pics

    Great pics TJ!!!!! S.
  24. stanley

    Son's first deer!!

    VERY cool!!!! Sincere congrats to your son! NOTHING beats hunting with your children!!! S.
  25. I was very close to leaving one of my kids in the mountains once, but NEVER my rifle..... S. PS: He was causing me a lot of grief that day.... little trouble maker....