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Everything posted by stanley

  1. VERY cool!!!! Ditto on the excited commentary behind the camera! I wonder when we'll get 'the rest of the story....'... No matter what, it looks like it was an awesome hunt!!! S.
  2. stanley

    Photo Link to Video of 128 4/8

    Cool video!!!!! Amazing! Even more so, that you were able to get that great video when you were 'solo'!!!! What a deer! S.
  3. stanley

    Quick Trip to Powell

    NICE Doug!!!! Amazing country there..... Great pics and words as always! Thanks for sharing! S.
  4. stanley

    AZ Giant 128 4/8

    WOW!!! Amazing deer!! S.
  5. stanley

    range day for new hunters

    Awesome!!!!! Soooo cool to see the little ones out there!!! Kudos to you! Thanks for sharing the expierience! S.
  6. SO, SO, COOL!!!!! Thanks sooooo much for sharing! What a great ending to a great story, including the family participation!!!! Sincere congratulations to you!! S.
  7. Should have saved that one for April Fools Day!!!! Nice!!!! S.
  8. More please!!!!! I love these kind of posts!! S.
  9. stanley


    Nice pics! Thanks for sharing them here!!! Beautiful black coat on that guy!!! S.
  10. stanley

    My Youngest is Now Certified!!! *pic heavy*

    Thanks for the kind words folks! Those that know me a little, know that I take NO greater joy than spending time with my kids. Whether it be reading a story at bedtime, coaching a little leage game, watching a Pop-Warner (or now... highschool) football game, or GETTING OUT CAMPING, FISHING, AND HUNTING!!!! I'm heartened to see all of the dads with kids younger than mine that have been hooked by this post. I remember just a few short years ago when all of my kids were too young to hunt, and now here I am with 3 kids of hunting age. Let me tell you; It is ALL that!!! Good luck to all as your children grow! I know you'll find as much joy as I have! Gamehauler: I'll try to post notices going forward on these kind of things. Additional help is ALWAYS welcome! DUG/Chriscrosland/Scottyboy/matthewp45: Your time will come, and it will be VERY special! Coues 'n' Sheep: You obviousl know Woody! Yes ,he can cook!! Should have seen the dinner we had on Saturday night! Chef: Bowsniper: I'm in awe of your son's bow record! I can't wait to see/hear of your next child's adventures! Good luck this fall everyone!! S.
  11. stanley

    2009 arizona dream buck (133 P&Y inches)

    Holy heck!!!!! What an amazing buck!! Sincere congratulations on that! S.
  12. stanley

    Mullin's Got it done in a big way!

    Thanks Clay!!!!!! How about someone starts another post to debate cameras, guiding, outfitting, Mossback, Mullins, etc.... Let's talk about THIS BULL!!! He's a BIG one and sincere CONGRATS to the hunter!!!!!!! S.
  13. stanley

    Back From South Africa

    VERY, VERY, cool!!!!! Thanks much for sharing!!! S.
  14. stanley

    what would you do?

    Simple answer here; First come, first served. As I said, it's simple..... It's also the law on public ground. The rhetorical question is; What will YOU do if you get there extra early and they are already there? Hopefully you'll back-out and find a different spot if that happens (just as you would hope they do if/when the tables are turned....). S.
  15. stanley

    36A Early Hunt Nov

    I hear you QUEST! Didn't mean to be a smart-butt! Sincere good luck to you. I'm thinking that if you can get out for a couple of days prior to the season, you'll likely find some good looking spots. Any spot that looks good in that unit, likely IS good! PM me and I can give you another detail or two if you would like. Joeybari had some words of wisdom you should consider if you don't mind hiking off the road a bit further than the average hunter! Regards, S.
  16. stanley

    36A Early Hunt Nov

    Likely???? Depends on your glassing skills!! That's a loaded question! We all know that there are 80 inch bucks in EVERY unit! What kind of bucks would you likely see in 36A? My answer would be ALL sizes! Just like ALL units in the state, you'll probably see more spikes/forks. It's just the way it is. Scout and glass, and then you may find a bigger buck! Snakes??? Sure..... Yes, I've seen snakes. No more than any other unit I would think though.... Good luck! S.
  17. Ditto what Chef said! Good people, and good pork!!! Also, on a personal note it was a pretty special night for me. That afternoon, a dear friend of mine died of cancer. Given the spirit of this event (several young cancer survivors where in attendance...), it was quite an emotional night! Really hit home for me.... Kudos to Eddy, Chris, and anyone/everyone else who has anything to do with this! S.
  18. stanley

    The Claw

    To answer the first question; Talk to Cade! (The Claw is his handle on this site....) He makes it & sells it! PM him on this site and he'll tell you all you need to know! Or, as 30-378shtr has stated, contact them through their website! S.
  19. stanley

    Easy Meals while camping?

    I would agree with the first two posts! 10 days???? Then canned or dehydrated would likely do best! Maybe pack some pre-cooked frozen stuff in dry ice for the first few days, but it would be really tough to go the whole 10 days on 'frozen' stuff..... That being said, it's easy to pre-cook and freeze all kinds of stuff. Stews, green chili, red chili, meat/potatoes, etc... Just pre-cook and then seal (vacuum is preferred....). Pack in single portions and bring a fairly large pot. Boil each individual frozen bag and then dump it on a plate! Easy! Bon' apetite!!! S.
  20. stanley

    Kaibab trip

    Nice pics A!!! LOVE the bachelor bucks!!! S.
  21. stanley

    36A Early Hunt Nov

    QUEST, 36A is a decent unit. Based on his report, Vegasjeep knows some things that I know... Just like a lot of units, there are deer all over 36A. Kind of just depends on what type of terrain you like to hunt, and how far you are willing to trek off the road! Good luck there! If you glass like crazy, you'll see deer in that unit (again, like most units.... ). S.
  22. stanley

    Pulled a card yesterday, lots of wildlife

    Wow Amanda! What a little honey hole!!!! The fawns are cool! Good luck to them in life!!! S.
  23. stanley

    Brett Favre is officially a Viking!

    'Jerk'??? 'Bust him up so he can't even walk' Now that's REALLY funny!!! You don't even know the guy! Amazing to me how caught-up in this drama people get!!! S.
  24. stanley

    Brett Favre is officially a Viking!

    THAT is very funny DesertBull!!! As for his decision to keep playing, I don't really care, nor do I hold it against him. $10MM+ for a season? Doing what he loves? Uhhh, can you say NO BRAINER??? S.
  25. Yea, I guess I can't definitively explain it either Gamehauler. I was just speculating.... Just trying to brainstorm possible explanations.. That's why I said that if he really wants to know, he should call the G&F. elkhutnaz; Call the G&F!!! Let us know what you find-out! S.