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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley


    Hmm..... If I understand the above wording correctly, they're saying that illegal (undocumented) immigrants would be able to 'buy their own private plans....'. It doesn't say that they would be eligible for the government subsidized plan, I think.... Looks like the government plan(s) would be reserved for 'legal permanent residents...' only? Again, not sure if I understand it? S.
  2. stanley

    First Bull for 15 year old

    Cool!!!! Congrats to the hunter!! S.
  3. stanley

    How not to gut an elk

    Oh my!!! I definitely laughed out loud!!! S.
  4. stanley

    Driving at Prime Time

    Not to play "cop" or anything, but you all DO know that road hunting (except for disabled hunters) is ILLEGAL in Arizona, right??? If you've spent time with many Wildlife Managers in the state, you will learn that enforcement is usually a judgement call though. Although some aspects of hunting from a vehicle are pretty black/white (like if your weapon is cased or not, etc...). S.
  5. stanley

    86 Toyota Pickup

    I have a boy who will be 15 in a couple of months. If I hadn't just shot my wad on a pair of binos, I'd jump on this truck and make him mow grass for everyone in the neighborhood to work it off! It would be a great 'first car' for a kid who loves to hunt/fish!! I had an 84 Toyota 4x4 truck through college and after..... 210K miles on it when I traded it, and it NEVER let me down!! EVER!!! I will definitely own another toyota truck someday (Once my kids are all gone and I can go back to a small hunting rig again! )!!! My $.02.... S.
  6. stanley

    2009 unit 1 archery elk

    Wow! Cool!! Thanks for the story and pics!!!! Congrats on a great hunt! S.
  7. stanley

    Hello From Bear Mountain

    Welcome aboard!!!! I think you'll find a VERY loyal customer base here! Good luck! S.
  8. stanley

    7X7 pictures and story

    Outstanding!! Great story, great pics, and a GREAT bull!!!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  9. stanley

    Kids Dove Hunt!

    Yea, it's interesting. Some of the pictures I took are quite decieving..... The buildings in that particular picture were definitely beyond 1/4 mile. Also still on the private property, and un-occupied I believe. All safe for sure! Funny thing; when I posted the picture I thought the same thing. Also, the power lines are a bit decieving. In some of our pics, it actually looks like we're shooting birds off of the wires!! :lol: S.
  10. stanley

    Kids Dove Hunt!

    I was invited to hunt doves on some local dairy land over the weekend so we took the kids out yesterday afternoon for some fun. The weather was hot, but we had a blast! A couple of buddies and I set-up under some shade and kept watch over the three boys lined-up just to the south of us. The set-up was basically a HUGE feed lot area (water & seed), with a VERY large tract of safe shooting land to the south. Large fields, ditches, and mesquite/scrub. PERFECT dove country! We got there in the early-mid afternoon, and the action was steady for the next two hours. The boys got plenty of shooting in! Finished-out the day with a little BBQ & swimming! S. Set-up with some shade to watch the action! Lined-up ready to go! Erik Shooting! Here's Nick pulling-up for a shot! Rosie fetching a bird! Little girls helping fetch downed birds! Resting & cooling down with ice water over the head! Swimming later that afternoon! Lots of energy! A well used grill! Some bacon wrapped, some not.... YUM!!
  11. stanley

    Youth Pheasant Hunt

    That is so awesome! What a great and unique hunting opportunity Troy! Unique for the desert southwest anyway.... Very cool that you were able to go, and great that you got to know some new friends! Continued great memories!! S.
  12. stanley

    Kaibab Grouse

    I sure do love that country! Thanks for sharing Doug! I'm itching to get up there again soon, but I think my first real shot will be spring turkeys. Maybe youth OTC.... Thanks again! S.
  13. stanley

    My son 1 coati 0

    Very cool!!! Congrats to your son on the coati!! Also very nice pics of the deer! S.
  14. stanley

    Junior Hunter's first speed goat

    Great looking pronghorn!! Great for the kid!! S.
  15. stanley

    Unit 10 archery bull

    OUTSTANDING!!!!! Great bull!! S.
  16. This past weekend while some of you were out archery deer hunting, I took my little girl on a Hunter Education Weekend up by Happy Jack! We brought several of her friends and their dads, and we all had a great time! The weekend was coordinated & managed by Bill Hill, Woody Farnsworth, De Wane Tabbot, and a host of helpers. The event was held on a private ranch that was generously loaned by the owner, and was the perfect facility for this. The object is to provide a two day Hunter Education course including range time, testing, etc. so when the kids (and adults) finish the weekend they are completely certified. Some of you may have seen my posts in past years. These guys do this every year (although previously have used a different ranch...). The dedication, professionalism, and all out attitude of this group is amazing. They do such a good job with the kids! My little daughter Greta turned 10 years old just this past May. She's been hunting plenty of times, and was by her next older brother's side when he shot his first deer last November. She LOVED being there on that deer hunt, and she can't wait to give it a go this fall. She has a junior tag in 36A, so hopefully we can find a buck for her. In the meantime it will be lots of trips to the range with the .243, plus a little quail & dove hunting in the interim! Here are a couple of pics from the weekend: First morning of instruction Woody cooking burgers & dogs for lunch! Bed time in the girls tent! Do they look sleepy to you???? This is my girl on the range. Nice form Greta!!! Now checking the targets! Group picture after graduation! Finally some sleep (and peace & quiet) on the ride home Sunday!
  17. Cool! A buddy of mine & I saw a bunch in a group one time where we hunt down south. It was raining, and they were moving along in a group, over turning rocks, goofing-off, etc.... Pretty cool! S.
  18. stanley

    Back from Utah

    Very cool!!!! I LOVE Utah! My kids and I take an extended camping trip to Southern Utah each summer, and always have a great time! My buddy is trying to get me to put in for archery there.... Sounds like a great trip! Thanks for sharing! S.
  19. stanley

    No buck, but a lion instead

    VERY COOL Mark!!!! A lion with your bow.... Thanks for sharing the great story and pics! S.
  20. stanley

    Angie gets it done!!!

    Awesome story and pics!!! Congrats to Angie!!! S.
  21. stanley

    What's Up With The Signs

    OK, now I'm thinking..... I have another question that maybe sunsetfarms can answer: In the state of Arizona, do you HAVE to obtain permission from a land owner prior to accessing the property (for hunting, or anything else....)? The only reason I ask is that when I was going to college in Utah, I learned that in that state, private property can be accessed unless 'properly marked'. The burden was put on the property owner to mark the property, and there were strict guidelines. Something like 'a sign every 100 feet...' or something like that. I was chased off of some property while dove hunting a few years ago by a Maricopa county sherif. When I questioned it; telling him that the property was not 'posted', he said that the property didn't need to be posted. He said that the burdon was on the hunter to get permission, as opposed to the burdon being on the land owner to post the property. I didn't have a problem with that, and ever since then I have been extra sensitive to where I hunt to make sure I'm not on private ground. Do you know the rules on this sunsetfarms? Again, more just curious than anything cuz I'm pretty careful these days.... Also, it's obviously simple courtesy to get the land owner's permission. Just curious as to what the law states... S.
  22. stanley

    What's Up With The Signs

    I've seen some of these signs, and also was curious. Thanks for the good explanation sunsetfarms!! Sounds about like I figured it would.... S.
  23. stanley

    Archery Buck

    OUTSTANDING!!!!! The legend continues to grow!!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing the story & pic! S.
  24. stanley

    Bucks for sale

    What a TEASE!!!!! Sincere good luck on getting one of those dudes on the ground this seasn!!! S.
  25. stanley

    Finally met a member!!!

    VERY cool!!!!! Always great to meet new & kind folks in the hills! S.